GranteeProject Status Summary

FFY’ 16FourthQuarter Reports

For the period of July1st, 2016–September 30th, 2016

Table of Contents

Grantee Project Status Summary

Working Progress: A Look into the World of Work Training (Mini-Grant)

Integrated Employment Implementation

Student Work Experience Program (Mini-Grant)

Broken Pipeline, Improving Post-Secondary Outcomes (Mini-Grant)

Identifying and Assessing Transportation Barriers

Self-Advocacy Project/Self Advocacy Network of Nevada (SANN)

Leadership Training/Partners in Policy Making (PIP)

Neighbor Network of Northern Nevada (N4) – Mini Grant

Autism Safety Awareness Training – Mini Grant

First Responder Training – Mini Grant

Glossary Of Terms

Attachment A

Nevada Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities


By: Kari Horn

Working Progress: A Look into the World of Work Training (Mini-Grant)

Organization: United Cerebral Palsy of Nevada

Project Director: Jill Gabel

Project Period: 3/1/16 - 9/30/16

Total Grant Funds: $3,425

Goal 1: Provide training to promote/encourage informed decision making by individuals with developmental disabilities, leading to increased independence, productivity and full inclusion in their communities.

Incorporates Objectives 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.2, 2.3, 3.3

NGCDD Expected Outcome:

Transitioning students will be educated in competitive employment and integrated educational opportunities.

Grantee Proposal:

Help individuals feel confident and have the tools and resources to apply for a job and receive competitive employment.


-Two weeklong courses during school breaks. = met

-Include instructors trained in the field of special education/human services to help implement the programming. = met

-Curriculum will have an individualized plan and will incorporate a planning session, resume writing, practice interviewing, volunteering, experimental learning, applying for jobs and a career and exploration. = met

-The final day of each session would incorporate public speakers and community involved in the world of work talking about the process and what our individuals need to become competitive. = met

-Participants will use public transportation as a means to get integrated into the community. = met

-Train 15 participants at each training session, for a total of 30 participants. = exceeded

-Family members will play a vital role in assessing needs and wants, as well as being invited to attend the final day graduation ceremony and career exploration day. This would account for 30 family members having an active role in the project. = exceeded

-Present to/involve 20 companies and organizations that assist participants with job exploration experiences. = met

Project Summary:

Grantee completed project as reported in third quarter Project Status Summary, surpassing initial projections.75 individuals with I/DD impacted/educated/served, 45 family members impacted/educated/served and 201 professionals impacted/educated/served. The 35 participants were out in the community exercising their abilities to make choices about future healthy lifestyle choices, like work and able to get firsthand experience on the RTC bus and use it effectively to get where they needed to go.Positive community relationships were also established with community employers.The employers had the opportunity to learn more about people with disabilities as well as the benefits of hiring people with disabilities.

Integrated Employment Implementation


Organization: ADSD

Project Director: Kate McCloskey

Project Period: 10/1/15 - 9/30/16

Grant Funds: $45,000

Goal 1: Provide training to promote/encourage informed decision making by individuals with developmental disabilities, leading to increased independence, productivity and full inclusion in their communities.

Objective 1.3Educate a minimum of 45 community based employers, employer groups and 20 job developers per fiscal year in all regions of the state of Nevada on best employment practices for individuals with I/DD.

NGCDD Expected Outcome:

Employers will be recruited and educated about the benefits of employing people with disabilities and adults with I/DD will demonstrate the capability of working in competitive employment or in self-employment with comparable income.

Grantee Proposal:

Begin the implementation of the Strategic Plan on Integrated Employment through the development of workgroups developed within a sub-committee of CSPD (Commission on Services for Persons with Disabilities). Sub-committee will create action plans to implement the goals and objectives of the plan.

Project Summary:

Activity 1A) Conduct a meeting to establish the task force on integrated employment.

Completed in second quarter – taskforce is ongoing with monthly meetings.

Activity 1B)Establish a facilitator for the taskforce to ensure goals of the Strategic Plan on Integrated Employment are met.

Facilitator was established in 3rd Quarter. Meetings of the taskforce occurred through the 4th quarter. Meetings were held on 7/26/2016; 8/22/2016/ 9/12/2016; 10/10/2016. Meetings will continue through June 2017. The task force has developed action items for goals outlined within the strategic plan. Facilitation will occur through June 2017 and will support the taskforce with developing and implementing action items within the plan.

Activity 1C)ADSD will provide guidance, training and support on developing and implementing career planning services within their jobs and day training program, which reflect best and promising practices that supports Nevada’s efforts to increase employment opportunities and meaningful community integration for people with I/DD.

The Memorandum of Understanding between Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) and Developmental Services (DS) is in its final draft and is being reviewed by administrators. Meetings were held between VR and DS on 8/22/16 and 9/25/2016.

Objective1.5A minimum of 10 agencies that provide direct service to individuals with developmental disabilities across the state will receive information on nationwide best practices in the employment first philosophy of individuals with I/DD.

NGCDD Expected Outcome:

Agencies that provide direct services across the state to individuals with I/DD will receive information on best practices in employment first philosophy and have opportunities for competitive/community employment.

Grantee Proposal:

Provide information and materials regarding options for competitive employment for individuals with I/DD to community providers of jobs and day training services.

Project Summary:

Activity 1A) Staff will conduct a readiness assessment of non-residential jobs and day training settings for compliance with the Home and Community Based Settings rule.

Completed in second quarter.

Activity 1B) Provide education to nonresidential providers of jobs and day training services and Nevada Developmental Services Service Coordinators which will help to set expectations and opportunities to align incentives toward individual individualized employment and community integration.

8/24/2016 site visit to three large providers of jobs and day training services in Nevada to discuss community integration, employment and the community based settings rule, WIOA. Dates set to present to all providers on WIOA, Olmstead and the Settings rule as they relate to jobs and day training and integrated employment options for people. Re-Assessments will occur beginning November, with presentations across the state on 10/19/2016, 10/26/2016 and 10/27/2016. While these presentations and assessments are not with in the grant year, work completed during the grant year contributed to the assessment and presentations.Results of site visits contributed to the development of the reassessment tool and the presentation for all jobs and day training providers. DS work and collaboration will be sustained will continue after grant year has ended.

Activity 1C) Training will be provided to providers of jobs and day training services in non-residential settings via webinars, in person, and other methods for HCBS day program services. Training will be focused how to provide services focused on developing integrated, community employment options for individuals with intellectual disability.

In September 2016 Developmental Services established an internal working committee on employment issues. This committee is reaching out to stakeholders to accomplish establishment of provider expectations and standards for career planning and is developing a roll out plan for this service. This committee has established a workgroup consisting of individuals served, DS employees, VR and community providers of employment services.While workgroup meetings are beyond the grant year, the work completed during the work year has contributed to and resulted in this activity having been established.

Performance MeasuresThis Quarter: (see of note below):

-(1.3) Community based employers, employer groups educated on best employment practices for individuals with I/DD.= 0reported this quarter, 5 to date.

-(1.3) Job developers educated on best employment practices for individuals with I/DD. = 0 reported this quarter, 5 to date.

-(1.5 Activity 1A) Community based providers of jobs and day training assessed for readiness with the CMS Home and Community Based Settings rule = 42

-(1.5 Activity 1B) Presentations to community service providers or service coordinators = 5

-(1.5 Activity 1C) Workgroups Established =1

-(1.5 Activity 1A) Community based providers of jobs and day training assessed for readiness with the CMS Home and Community Based Settings rule. = 42reported this quarter

Of Note:

-Report was turned in late.

-Initial report’s performance measure numbers did not match previous reports or end of year report. Requested clarification and grantee provided edited report, with those numbers reflected here. Final numbers may change upon further comprehensive review. Grantee activities were changed in the 2nd quarter to better reflect the progress ADSD is making toward this goal. Council goals, objectives and expected outcomes remained the same.

Student Work Experience Program (Mini-Grant)

Organization: Goodwill of Southern Nevada

Project Director: Elizabeth McDaniels

Project Period: 12/1/15 - 9/30/16

Total Grant Funds: $3,995

Goal 1: Provide training to promote/encourage informed decision making by individuals with developmental disabilities, leading to increased independence, productivity and full inclusion in their communities.

Objective 1.4Participate in three community based educational forums to provide input on integrated educational choices for individuals with I/DD.

*Also has components of Objective 3.3 Collaborate with existing statewide efforts to provide information and support to a minimum of 500 individuals with developmental disabilities, care givers and/or service providers throughout the state about self advocacy regarding their health care; and, the importance of oral, dental care, nutrition, exercise, vision, behavioral health and/or all other areas that support health and a healthy lifestyle throughout their lifespan.

NGCDD Expected Outcome:

Transitioning students will be educated in competitive employment and integrated educational opportunities.

Grantee Proposal:

Purchase a bundled curriculum package that will include training modules. Working in collaboration with Clark County School District, teach youth self-advocacy, social competence and transition readiness skills in combination with hands on work experience.


-Impact 200 students with curriculum trainings during initial launch. = not met


Project Summary:

4 classes through CCSD went through the self-advocacy portion prior to the close of the school year. Additionally, individuals have gone through workshops that were separate from the classes provided for the school district. The Summer Youth Work Experience Camp concluded on 7/19/16. The last two weeks had the camp members separated and working at 1 of 4 work experience opportunities. Participants worked in either retail, computer refurbishing/IT, hospitality/housekeeping, or in leisure services/child care at the YMCA. Participants worked for a total of 4 hours a day for 10 days and were paid $8.25 an hour. They used the information and lessons learned during the first two weeks of camp and applied it to their work habits and performance during the work experience. A graduation ceremony was held where parents and community members were invited to attend. The camp participants spoke about their experiences, celebrated their successes, and received certificates of completion, certificates recognizing their unique attributes they brought to the camp, materials to help them prepare for their first interview, a book to help them further identify potential career choices, and materials to help track their goals.

They have received referrals for 8 classes of students for self-advocacy. This will reach roughly 80 students in October with the potential to reach larger classes of 20-30 students with two facilitators pending approval from VR.

The Summer Youth Work Experience Camp went well and VR has offered to extend the agreement to the following summer without having to go through the RFQ process again. The success of the camp also led to the building of a new program for VR to continue the self-advocacy courses and work readiness courses in addition to a paid assessment piece for youth with disabilities in at least two different work industries. They completed a provider agreement with VR for this new program and are hiring staff to run the program.

Performance MeasuresThis Quarter:

-Number of individuals with I/DD impacted/educated/served =0 this quarter, 69 to date

Of Note:

Grantee notes that without the necessary curriculum purchased with the help of NGCDD, none of this would have been possible and the 12 students that participated would have missed out on vital information to help them move toward independence and success and are extremely excited for this program’s potential.

Broken Pipeline, Improving Post-Secondary Outcomes (Mini-Grant)

Organization: Kenny Guinn Center for Policy Priorities

Project Director: Nancy Brune

Project Period: 3/1/16 - 9/30/16

Total Grant Funds: $5,000

Goal 1: Provide training to promote/encourage informed decision making by individuals with developmental disabilities, leading to increased independence, productivity and full inclusion in their communities.

Objective 1.4Participate in three community based educational forums to provide input on integrated educational choices for individuals with I/DD.

NGCDD Expected Outcome:

Transitioning students will be educated in competitive employment and integrated educational opportunities.

Grantee Proposal:

Gain an in-depth understanding of the state of education in Nevada for students with disabilities and the barriers/challenges they face; evaluate and address the transition process to post-secondary education and employment for youth the disabilities enrolled in special education in Nevada; identify challenges and barriers to improving and expanding access to and quality of K-12 education and post-secondary opportunities for students with I/DD; identify administrative policies and legislation required to address challenges/current barriers in our educational and post-secondary opportunities for students with I/DD.

Deliverables: (see Of Note)

-Research to map Nevada’s current K-12 educational and post-secondary pathways.

-Interviews with education officials, educators, and parents/students around the State.

-Interviews with individuals with DD and service providers about their experiences.

-Focus groups in each region of the State about their experiences and challenges with K-12 and post-secondary pathways and opportunities, as well as concerns about access to and quality of the educational/post-secondary opportunities.

-Identify programs and strategies across the nation that have successfully expanded opportunities for students with disabilities.

-Develop Policy report with recommendations to be released prior to the 2017 Legislation Session.

-Outreach to advocacy community and State Legislators and County Commissioner to socialize the recommendations.

-Publish an annual report that tracks progress made against each of the goals.

Project Summary

Objective 1: Map and Assess K-12 system and post-secondary opportunities (career/college) for students with developmental disabilities.

Interviewed administrators and teachers in the K-12 system (and in rural areas), continued researching existing programs/opportunities/policies, conducted interviews with special education experts, advocates and program managers, contacted Clark County School District, Lyon County School District, Washoe County School District, Elko County School District, United Cerebral Palsy in Elko, NDALC in Elko.

Objective 1B) Identify challenges/barriers to improving K-12 educational opportunities and post-secondary pathways for individuals with developmental disabilities.

Interviewed individuals who completed their secondary education in Clark County School District and parents, interviewed program managers, etc. about opportunities and barriers re: educational opportunities and post- secondary pathways for individuals with DD, continued researching existing programs/opportunities/policies, contacted Clark County School District, Lyon County School District, Washoe County School District, Elko County School District, White Pine School District, United Cerebral Palsy in Elko, NDALC in Elko, Goodwill Industries in Southern Nevada.

Objective 1C) Identify challenges faced by individuals with DD who are actively seeking employment or higher education opportunities, and Latinos/African-Americans with developmental disabilities.

Interviewed individuals in K-12 and higher education system about opportunities and programs for individuals with I/DD, interviewed individuals who completed their secondary education in Clark County School District and parents, interviewed program managers, etc. about opportunities and barriers re: educational opportunities and post- secondary pathways for individuals with DD.

Objective 1D) Develop recommendations to improve K-12 educational and post-secondary outcomes for individuals with DD.

Began drafting recommendations

Performance MeasuresThis Quarter:

-Number of individuals with I/DD interviewed =70

-Number of family members of individuals with I/DD interviewed =12

-Number of others (professionals, etc.) interviewed=7

Identifying and Assessing Transportation Barriers

Organization: Kenny Guinn Center for Policy Priorities

Project Director: Nancy Brune

Project Period: 10/1/15 - 9/30/16

Total Grant Funds: $40,000

Goal 3:In conjunction with individuals with IDD and community entities, develop and strengthen systems that improve quality of services and access to quality services andsupports in their local communities throughout the state.

Objective 3.1 Educate at least one community transportation system in each region of the State (focusing on Elko first) annually about the need of individuals with developmental disabilities.

NGCDD Expected Outcome:

People with Developmental Disabilities will have better access to transportation through training provided to individuals, groups or transportation systems. (i.e. creation of a Statewide Transportation Coalition).