Challenger Syllabus
Math7/Accelerated Course 2 (Orange Book w/jet)
Tod Shelburne
The course will foster the state’s Common Core standards for mathematics of Ratios and Proportional Relationships, The Number System, Expressions and Equations, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.
The student is expected to:
1) Come to class prepared to engage in accountable talk, meaningful questioning and purposeful listening.
2) Bring supplies with him/her every day (spiral notebook, pencil, paper, highlighter, etc.)
3) Keep a spiral notebook just for math. (All class work and homework is kept in the notebook.)
4) Be ready to work from the beginning to the end of the period.
5) Work cooperatively in groups.
6) Complete assignments on time.
7) Seek after school help when needed from teacher , math lab, and/or publisher’s website.
Grades in this course will be based on assignments, cooperative group work, individual and group projects, notebook checks, and mid and end of chapter assessments (quizzes, tests, and benchmarks). Points will be assigned for each. Assignments that take one day are usually 4 points. Multiple day assignments will range from 8 to 20 points. Projects and investigations can be worth up to 100 points. Chapter assessments (quizzes and tests) will be worth from 10 to 100 points. The number of points received will depend on the quality and quantity of work. Six-week and semester grades will be computed by totaling all points and using the following scale:
100%-90% A 89%- 80% B 79%-70% C 69%-60% D 59%-0% F
Citizenship grades are based on the following:
E Excellent Volunteers, helps others, works well with others, follows all rules
G Good Works well with others & attempts to follow all rules
S Satisfactory Behavior that neither adds nor detracts from the class
N Needs Improvement Needs to work on self-discipline
U Unsatisfactory Disruptive behavior, uncooperative, disrespectful, or tardy/truancy problem
Computerized progress reports for this math class will be sent home with students every 6 weeks.
Students will have math homework almost every day except after a test. Progress on assignments will be checked daily. A listing of assignments linked through the school website,, is kept up-to-date and should be referred to, especially when the student is absent. The student must make up work for absences, including field trips. I encourage all students to participate in field trips. A textbook will be issued to each student for home use and should be kept at home.
We show responsibility by being: Inappropriate behavior results in the following:
1) respectful to ourselves and others. 1) counseled by teacher.
2) ready to learn. 2) parent contact.
3) on time. 3) lunch clean up.
4) prepared. 4) detention and lowering citizenship grade.
5) active listeners and participants. 5) referral to counselor.
When the student performs and behaves appropriately, the student receives:
1) class recognition of well done work.
2) better grades.
3) a better education.
4) gratification of a SUCCESSFUL YEAR!!!!
Please sign and return the bottom portion. Keep remaining portion of this plan in the front of the student’s spiral math notebook.
I have read and understand the syllabus for Mr. Shelburne’s math class.
Student Signature Parent Signature Date
Print Student Name Parent’s E-mail Address Period