English 12  Ms. Robbins

Millersburg Area High School  Room A-152

 School Telephone # 692-2108

School Email:


Class Description:

Students will study World Literature and its contributions to Western Culture. A variety of themes will be discussed to further expose the student to a diverse literature curriculum. In an attempt to enhance comprehension and to expose the students to a variety of authors, each student will be required to read novelsindependently. Titles will be provided to the students at the beginning of the school year. This course also emphasizes the study of grammar, usage, agreement and mechanics. Students will also study vocabulary. The second semester will be devoted to speech and oral communication, career readiness, and research methods. The final project will be a culmination portfolio, mock interview, and business proposal.

Organization of the Year:

  • 1st semester: Voice of Democracy essay, World Literature
  • 2nd semester: Research Methods, Speech, Career Prep
  • Vocabulary throughout the entire year
  • Independent Reading throughout the year

Classroom Expectations & Guidelines:

  1. Please be here on time every day. When the bell rings, be ready for class to begin. If you are not in the room when the bell rings, you will need to get a pass. You need to be in your seat when the bell rings and ready for the class—pencil sharpened, paper out and ready.
  2. Come to class every day with all materials that you will need – books (text and independent reading), notebooks, assignments, and pencil or pen. I will not give passes to go to lockers for something you forgot. I will also not pass out pens/pencils. If you need more tablet paper, get it before class starts. If the tray is empty, let me know. You must keep a notebook because you are required to take notes during class. I recommend a 3-ring binder because then you can insert handouts into your notes but a spiral bound notebook is also acceptable. Make every effort to be as organized as possible. Also, you will not receive multiple copies of handouts. It is up to you to be responsible with your work.
  3. You must ask permission before taking the pass and leaving the room. No matter what the reason is (drink, bathroom, nurse) you must take either the permanent pass or a green pass with you. For the permanent pass, you must sign it out before you leave the room AND sign back in upon your return. If you do not follow the policy, you will not be allowed to leave. Unless you have a medical condition, this should not be a daily occurrence.
  4. Cell phones must be turned off per school policy. Phones should not be visible (i.e., in your pockets, open purses, etc.). If I see your phone, I will keep it until the end of the school day if it is off. If it is on, it will be turned in to the office. On quiz/test days, cell phones must be placed at the designated area in the classroom. If you feel like you have a reason to have it out ASK FIRST—for example, you would like to take a picture of a posted calendar or want to put a reminder in the notes on your phone.
  5. Per school policy, you are allowed to have water with you but no other beverages. You are not allowed to have food. Keep it in your locker. I don’t want to make you throw it away any more than you want to throw it away.
  6. You need to find out what you missed if you are absent. Always check with a classmate for notes and assignments when you come back. I will not track you down and remind you. It is your responsibility to find out what you need to do to make up missed work. If you are absent the day before a test/quiz and it was announced beforehand (which is the case 99.9% of the time), you will be required to take it the day you return. If this is an issue, you must see me before school on that day. This includes block days. If you miss a block period, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed when you return to school—not when you next have a class.
  7. Assignments turned in late will not receive full credit. Ten (10)percentage points will be taken off for each day a major assignment is late (SSR, writing assignments, etc). For smaller assignments, work is either complete or incomplete. I do not give partial credit. This includes vocabulary checks/homework checks. We go over most assignments immediately in class. You must have it completed when entering the room.
  8. Your grade will be decided by yourpercentage of the total possible points you could have earned throughout the quarter (your % grade = earned points divided by possible points times 100). If a student fails to achieve at least a 70%, a deficiency will be sent home during the midpoint of the marking period.
  9. Be courteous and respectful of others. Please wait until the person who is speaking finishes before responding. Raise your hand if you have a question or something to say, and you will be recognized. Listen and learn from each other. You are all teachers. You help make this class more or less interesting. When a class is involved, it is SO much more interesting than listening to me speak for the entire period .
  10. Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated! No credit will be given for copied assignments or tests. Do your own work! I want to know what you know, not what someone else knows. If you are caught plagiarizing, you will receive a “0” for the assignment and must redo the assignment for no credit. Receiving a “0” on a major assignment can fail you for the marking period even if you are otherwise earning an “A”. Cheatingof any kind will result in a “0” grade for all people knowingly involved (as per district policy). Your parents and the administration will be notified if you are caught cheating or plagiarizing.
  11. Please keep the room and equipment clean. Put any trash in the wastebasket—do not throw your trash across the room at the trash basket or at someone else!!! I love to recycle and encourage you to do so—however, if you place things in the bins that are not recyclable, it ruins the whole process and everything must be tossed. Pay attention to where you are placing things. Please do not write in the books or on the desks. Leave the room as clean, or cleaner, than you found it. Take everything with you after class. I am not responsible for books, notes, etc. that you leave in the room. Another student may pick up your book and you will still be responsible for it. Detention will be issued if you repeatedly leave your belongings in the room.
  12. Please use the bathroom before or after class. Bathroom passes are disruptive. You will not be permitted to leave unless it is an emergency. If you get permission to go to the bathroom, you must use the one on this side of the hall. The same goes for the water fountain. If you are thirsty, get a drink before class. You will not be permitted to go during class unless there are extenuating circumstances.
  13. Class is over when I dismiss you—some days I may have to tell you something important at the end of the period and you’ll miss it if you are not paying attention. Please continue working until then. You must remain in your assigned seats until the bell rings in order to be dismissed. Don't crowd toward the door like cattle waiting to bolt when the gate opens.
  14. Sometimes you will be asked to work in a small group or with one other person. It is important that you try to work together and learn from each other. Sometimes you will pick your groups, sometimes I will, and sometimes it will be random. Don’t complain.
  15. If you're not sure about something, ask!If you don't understand something, the chances are good that there is someone else in the class who doesn't understand either. The only foolish question is the one you don't ask. (Or the one I just answered when you weren't listening--a pet peeve of mine is when I have to repeat myself numerous times because you weren’t paying attention. It is one thing if you do not understand…it is another if you aren’t listening.)
  16. Please don't ever lie to me. If you have a real problem, tell me the truth and we'll work something out. If you do something wrong or have a real excuse for not finishing an assignment, let me know, and we will solve the problem. You can always talk to me about anything. I’m here before and after school…or pull me aside in the hall or drop a note in my mailbox or even ask if I can meet with you during lunch. I can only work with you if I know what is going on.
  17. Use class time appropriately. Do not do homework for other classes in this class. If you have other books out, these become mine. Doing other work in this class can greatly affect your grade.
  18. Be sure you have put away all materials at the end of the class period, including any supplies from this room. If you get it out, put it away.
  19. If you borrow something from me, you must give me something in return as collateral. For example, if you need to borrow a pen, you can leave your car keys with me—when you return the pen, I return the car keys.
  20. During discussions, respect other students’ comments, opinions and ideas. When possible, make statements like, “I agree with Mike, and I also feel that…” or “I disagree with Lisa. She made a good point, but I feel that…” or “I think Matt made an excellent observation, and it made me realize that…” Do not make personal attacks.
  21. Occasionally we may grade each other’s papers as a group. When grading other students’ papers, if you give someone an incorrect grade, whether higher or lower than they deserve, the amount the grade differs from the actual grade will be deducted from your paper. The only marks you are allowed to make on others’ papers are an “X” and the number they got incorrect. I will never make you give your paper to someone else if you do not feel comfortable.
  22. When we read together in class, you must follow along. If I (or a fellow student) call on you to read, you must know exactly where we are and begin reading immediately.
  23. No talking after exams! If I catch you talking, even if you have turned in your paper, I may assume that you are giving someone else an answer. It does not matter if both you and the person you are speaking to have finished, it will still be considered cheating. I will tell you what you are to do once you finished the exam.
  24. When a paper is due, you must have it printed off when you come to class. You cannot print it off here and I will not send you to a lab. Please come to class with your paper in hand and not on a flash drive or emailed to me. It will be considered late if you do not have it printed off.
  25. While you are with a substitute teacher, you will obey the same rules that you follow when I am with you. There will be consequences to any bad reports I receive from the substitute.

Classroom Protocols:

  1. Do not get out of your seat without permission. (Exception: If you are sick, leave immediately.) Do not speak unless you raise your hand and I call on you, I ask you a question and you are responding or I instruct you otherwise (for example, during group work). Also, please keep your feet on the floor…not on the basket in front of your desk—these break off easily and it is disruptive to the person in front of you.
  2. If you have a band lab, you must come and ask permission to go. We may be doing something that you can’t miss. You are responsible for any missing work. The same is true if you are on a field trip.I will not sign permission slips for a field trip if you are not passing the course. If you are not passing, do not bother asking for a signature.
  3. If you are going to be away on a trip let me know as soon as possible. Your work should be completed when you return. Yes you have teachers sign your permission slips but it is still up to you to get your work and complete it upon your return. This includes students going to Camp Hebron—all work is expected to be completed upon your return. (No exceptions--yes this is a lot of work.)
  4. Be respectful! Show respect for your fellow students, show respect for the teacher (this includes substitutes!), and show respect for any guests in the classroom.
  5. If you leave early/come to school late (for an appointment, sporting event, etc.) your work is still due even if you are missing class.
  6. Everything counts—whether or not I collect your class work, it counts towards your grade.
  7. The agenda for the day will be listed on the memo board. Every day there will be something for you to do as soon as you enter the room. Start working as soon as you come into the classroom. Keep your writing responses. You need to be in your seat and ready to work by the time the bell rings.
  8. Independent reading books should be brought to class with you every day. I will try to give you time towards the end of some class periods to read. Points will be given on random days for having your book in class to read. If you do not have your book, this time will not be free time for you—you will have to do an alternate assignment that will most likely result in additional homework.
  9. Always try to do your best.
  10. Be encouraging to each other.
  11. Make an attempt at everything.
  12. Have fun! The fewer complaints, the more extra activities we can do which can add some fun into your school day.


Grading will occur on a variety of assignments, including, writing, discussion responses, public speaking, group work, outside reading, tests, quizzes and presentations.

Everything is due on the due date. You will lose points for everything that is handed in late!

Extra credit will be used in the same manner as class participation—to help if you are close to the higher grade. However, all extra credit will be due before final grades are calculated so you cannot wait to see what your grade will be before doing the extra work. You will also not be able to use extra credit to replace not doing work during the semester. You must have all work turned in to me in order for extra credit to count. If you have zeroes because you didn’t make up work, you cannot do extra credit work.

 Films do NOT equal naptime. There will be questions on tests, quizzes and/or papers. Pay attention and take notes! There will be a reason why we are watching the film.


1st Marking Period ______(20% of total year end grade)

2nd Marking Period ______(20% of total year end grade)

Midterm Exam* ______(can opt out if have a 95% or higher) (10% of total year end grade)

3rd Marking Period ______(20% of total year end grade)

4th Marking Period ______(20% of total year end grade)

Final Exam ______(10% of total year end grade)

Overall Average ______


 All assignments are due at the beginning of the period (unless informed otherwise).

Write legibly. Avoid all CAPS! Typing is preferred and sometimes required. If I cannot read it, I will not grade it.

Double check that you have written your name on all assignments (and tests/quizzes).

If you are ill or cannot attend school for any reason on the day a long-term assignment is due, please have someone drop it off at school. It can be placed in my mailbox in the office. You can also share through google docs or upload to turnitin.com if it is that type of assignment. You must follow up if you are sharing it via google docs/turnitin.com because it doesn’t send a notification to me.

Why is this class important? Why I am learning this?

• Gain historical perspective--and an understanding of what limits our perspective--on the origins and major developments in English literature, language, and culture

• Consider how literature reflects upon historical events, cultural issues, beliefs and values of the past and present

Study Assistance and Make-Up Work

Assistance is available before, after, and during school if schedules permit. Students can also arrange a time to meet for extra help. Monday-Thursday there is Academic Support after school. Obtaining missed work and scheduling make-up tests and quizzes is the student’s responsibility. If a student is present the day BEFORE a test or quiz, but is absent the day of the test, EVERY student will be expected to take the test or quiz ON THE DAY THEY RETURN TO SCHOOL.

I can be here as early as 6:30 am if arrangements are made in advance (and depending on weather). Most days I can stay late as well but always check in advance.