of Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey & Delaware


Types of Memberships:

There are two types of membership available to all persons eighteen years or older who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club and who subscribe to the purposes of this club.

Associate Membership: For individuals who desire to become a voting member or for individuals who are not able to regularly attend meetings or participate in club activities, but want to be associated with the Club an receive Crate Talk, our newsletter.

Regular Membership (Voting): For those individuals who regularly attend scheduled meetings and participate in Club activities. To become a regular member, you must have been an Associate Member for a minimum of at least a one-year period.

Associate Membership:

The applicant must request, complete and submit an application. This application may be downloaded from our website or requested at the first meeting they attend. This application can be submitted to the Membership Chairperson at any time.

The applicant must have the sponsorship of two regular members of ISSC. The application should be submitted together with the sponsor’s letters of recommendation and the application fee and first year membership fee.

Sponsors must be active voting members of the club for a minimum of two years. An active member is defined as one that has attended at least two meetings in the past year and worked at one club sponsored event in the past year. One sponsor or the Membership Chairperson must visit the home to ensure that the applicant’s dogs are well cared for.

Sponsors must have known the applicant(s) for a minimum of one year.

Upon receipt of the completed application, it will be read and voted on at the next meeting. The applicant must be present at this meeting.

Regular Membership:

An associate member who desires to become a regular member must submit a written request (letter or email) to a member of the Board anytime after being an associate member for one year.

All requests for regular membership must be voted on by the Board.

The Board will use its discretion on a case by case basis and is under no obligation to vote an associate member into regular membership within any set time period.

Individuals who are currently active members of another Shetland Sheepdog Club may apply to the Board for regular membership without first being an associate member. A letter of recommendation to ISSC from the president or membership chair from the other club is required to become an active ISSC member.