Unification of the Hawaiian Islands Name: ______Pd: ___

Poster Organizer Date: ______

Benchmark: 7HHK.3.1 – Unification – Explain the events, people, and ideas that led to the unification of the Hawaiian Islands.

Objective: The student will create a poster-sized graphic organizer explaining the unification of the Hawaiian Islands.

Criteria: On a sheet of poster or construction paper, connect the following people, events, and ideas to the unification of the Hawaiian Islands:

Kamehameha Kakuhaupio Kalaniopuu Kiwalao Keoua Keawemauhili

Kahekili Kalanikupule Isaac Davis John Young Battle of Nuuanu

Your poster should include the following:

Ø  Identify and describe the person or event

o  Address the who, what, when, and where

Ø  Explain the importance to the unification of the islands

o  What role did this person/event play?

o  How is the person/event connected to the unification?

Ø  At least 3 images/pictures/illustrations related to the unification

Ø  Use color and creativity


Meets with Excellence (4 pts.) / Meets Proficient
(3 pts.) / Partially Proficient
(2 pt.) / Developing
(1 pt.)
ü  High quality product; attention to detail
ü  All criteria are met
ü  People and events are accurately and thoroughly identified and described
ü  Explanations are detailed and accurate / ü  Good quality; neatly done
ü  All criteria are met
ü  People and events are accurately identified and described
ü  Explanations are accurate / ü  Acceptable quality
ü  Most criteria are met
ü  People and events are identified and described using minimal details
ü  Explanations use minimal detail / ü  Poor quality
ü  Criteria not met
ü  Attempts to identify and describe people and events
ü  Attempts to explain importance
ü  Information is insufficient

Student Self Assessment:

General Learner Outcomes: Assess whether you have met the following GLOs:

Quality Producer YES / NO Independent Learner YES / NO Critical Thinker YES / NO

Rubric Score: What score would you assess yourself on this assignment?

Something interesting I learned was . . .