Minutes Index

Regular Meeting Salado Public Library

4:04 p.m. 1151 N. Main St.

October 25, 2010 Salado, Texas 76571

1.  Declaration of quorum and call to order

Present: Patty Campbell, Bill Kinnison, Bob Denton, & Susan Krals, and Marsha McGuire (Library Director)

2.  Public Forum (limited to five minutes per speaker)

None Present

3.  Secretary’s report and reading of amended agenda.

Minutes accepted as filed. Patty made a motion to approve the minutes & seconded by Bill Kinnison. One abstention (Bob Denton). Minutes for special called meeting RE:Tex Dot Purchase of Land, approved minutes of September 30, 2010 for sale of land. Bill Kinnison made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Patty Campbell. Minutes accepted unanimously.

4.  Treasurer’s report

Bill Kinnison reported on Treasurer’s report.

5.  Discuss change in investments distribution

Bill Kinnison advised that we take money received from TXDOT and put it in with our 1st State Bank, open-ended CD. Susan Krals made motion; Patty seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.

6.  Library Director’s Report

See attached.

7.  Friends of the Library Report

Bill Kinnison reporting. Book Ends supplies are down. Same officers as last year.

8.  Report from Leadership Salado

No report.

9.  Update on proposal from the Institute for the Humanities

Marsha met with Sara Mackey. Humanities Board has decided to do nothing at this time regarding a merger with the SPLD.

10. Discuss and approve possible actions relative to architect and space committee

Meeting November 10, 6:30 PM. Larry will have 2-3 conceptual drawings for space committee and Friends Board; a public meeting will occur in the future.

11. Agenda items for November Board Meeting

November 22nd next meeting; Library Director's goals for 2011, routine items; Architect’s Space Committee meeting; Leadership Salado visit to the library, etc.

12. Adjourn

Bill Kinnison motioned to adjourn; Patty Campbell seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 4:43 PM

NEXT MEETING: November 22, 2010

Submitted by Susan Krals.

Library Director’s Report October 25, 2010

1.  Statistics

September 2010 September 2009

Circulation 3860 4063

New Patrons 45 24

Computer Users 564 728

2.  Activities

§  The entire fourth grade class visited the library September 28. 112 children came in a school bus and were divided into 3 groups. Kim told a story to each group and talked about the library while the other groups read their books in the front yard. The children then had lunch on the library grounds.

§  The Texas Naturalist Series kicked off on October 2 with the Texas Wildscapes presentation featuring 6 presenters including Margaret Williamson, Claude Paine and Becky Denton discussing how to make your home environment a wildscape. 11 people attended.

§  The Noon Book review in October featured Becky Denton and Debby Blair reviewing Roy Bedichek's Adventures with a Texas Naturalist. 15 people attended the program.

§  The computer class in October was a Facebook demonstration. Two people attended the class.

§  Jeanie taught a computer class Saturday, October 16th for her ESL class (she teaches ESL at the Baptist Church). She had 5 attendees for the class.

3.  We received the contracts from the state library for the BTOP grant program. Jeanie and I will attend training on the program on October 28. I hope to begin selecting and trialing programs and computers in November. Jeanie will begin full time work some time next month or December 1st.

4.  Kim attended a Ready to Read workshop hosted here at the library in October. CTLS has received an early literacy grant this year. The goal is to help children be ready to learn by teaching parents fun early literacy activities, creating stronger community partnerships, and promoting the library as a free educational resource.The primary partner isHead Start. Kim is in contact with the Holland Head Start program as their library is not participating in this initiative.

5.  Spanish classes continue with Elaine as the teacher. The 8 week classes are being held at the Civic Center due to the response. The initial class was 18 individuals. We charged $10 per person for this class. Elaine hoped to encourage continued attendance by asking people to pay for the class. Funds collected are being used for supplies, handouts and a Spanish/English dictionary for each participant.

6.  The library has applied for a Digital Literacy Corps grant from CTLS. This will allow us to help prepare our local workforce for computer literacy and job searching in the digital age. We intend to work with the Belton Texas Workforce office (through which we were provided Taylor Bonner as a summer hire). Through the DLC, trainers hired by CTLS will come to your library to conduct small classes (7- 10 participants) for your patrons on basic computer skills, internet proficiency, and job searching online. Job and computer skills classes are often an important asset to a community.

Ö  Elaine Eddings has applied to be trained as a trainer. CTLS will pay her to train 15 classes in Central Texas. This will allow her to get some additional income and valuable experience.

Ö  Jeanie has also applied to be trained. She will continue to present all computer training here in the library.

Ö  Classes will take place from January to August 2011. Each participating library will sign up for a 5-week block of classes. The classes will cover: Computer Basics, Internet Basics, Email Basics, Searching for a Job Online, and Applying for a Job Online.

Ö  CTLS will purchase laptops for this program and will the trainers will bring them to the library for the 5 week block of classes.

Ö  The library will be responsible for publicizing the class and recruiting students. The classes will be marketed throughout your community, not just in the library.

We will learn next month if we will receive the grant or not.

The library will be closed November 24th, 25th and 26th for Thanksgiving this year.