ScottCountyHigh School Cooperative Education

Work-Based Learning Plan / Guidelines

Division of Career and Technical Education

Office of Career and Technical Education

In order to be more successful in my career and continual educational training, I understand that my attendance, attitude, and work are essential to learning.

I, ______, agree to the following statements, and understand that violation of such may result in the possible recommendation that my work-based learning be terminated. I also understand that termination of my work-based learning may result in no credit being awarded for this career and continual education class and / or failing of this career-work based class.

Failure to abide by the below mentioned rules may result in termination of work-based learning position and school discipline following ScottCountyHighsSchool code of conduct.


  • Get approval from either the Career Work Experience teacher or counselor before taking part in the work-based learning program.
  • The fact that the cooperative work-based learning program is a privilege, not a right.
  • Be enrolled in the Career Work Experience class.
  • Maintain a job throughout the school year and abide by the Training Plan / Addendum for Hazardous Occupations (when applicable).
  • Maintain a record of performance and hours worked on a weekly basis.
  • Turn in on a bi-monthly or weekly basis a copy of your paycheck stubs.
  • Work a minimum of 15 hours per week. (135 total hours for a nine week period)
  • Attend school regularly. Understand that an absence from a scheduled workday is an absence from school.
  • No more than three unexcused absences from school. This may result in disciplinary action.
  • Conform to ScottCountyHigh School policies and regulations as well as the employer’s. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action by the principal.
  • Never resign without the consent of the cooperative education teacher or coordinator, and then only after the necessary arrangements have been made with the employer, including a two week written notice. A copy must be given to the employer as well as to the instructor.
  • Keep the employer’s interest in mind and be punctual, dependable and loyal.
  • Discuss with the career work experience or coordinator immediately any problems with shift change, work-based learning changes or problems that arise on the job.
  • Maintain a satisfactory performance of grades and conduct in school and on the job. Failure to do so may result in the removal of the student from the program.
  • Sign out of school with the Career Work Experience teacher or coordinator and leave the building in a timely manner.


  • Prepare, with assistance of the training sponsor, a WBL Agreement/Plan.
  • Revise the Agreement/Plan as needed to improve the student’s work experience.
  • Visit the student on the job on a regular basis to determine instructional needs and to insure that the student is receiving job training and supervision.
  • Recognize that much of the information gathered at the company is confidential.
  • Make provisions for the student to receive prior or concurrent related instruction on a regular basis.


  • Accept responsibility for the student’s safety and conduct while traveling to and from school, place of employment and/or home.
  • Provide reliable transportation for the student to their work.

Riding with another student will not be permitted.

  • The Scott County Schools District Drug Testing Policy Program of random drug testing due to the fact that your son/daughter is a driver. A copy of the drug testing policy will be provided upon request.
  • Provide the school with a copy of the student’s medical and car insurance.
  • Support the concepts outlined in the cooperative education program.


  • Take an active part in training and supervising this student while providing on-the-job instruction.
  • Provide safety training as regulated by OSHA.
  • Provide close supervision by an experienced and qualified person to avoid subjecting the student to unnecessary or unusual hazards.
  • Notify the parent and the school immediately in case of accident, sickness or any other serious problems.
  • Provide a minimum of 15 hours of employment per week to the student-trainee.
  • Pay student-trainee when an employer/employee agreement is negotiated.
  • Give the same consideration to the student as given to other employees in regard to safety, health, general employment conditions and other regulations to the business.
  • Comply with all regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disabilities, religion, marital status or age.
  • Notify Scott County High School Career Work Experience coordinator of any discipline problems or dismissal of employment.

If this agreement is for a paid work-based learning agreement, the employer certified that this student is covered by Worker’s Compensation Insurance and that the policy is now in force and registered with the Department of Workers Claims in Frankfort, KY as prescribed by law (KRS 342.630) (or with the appropriate agency if outside of Kentucky.

Copies sent to: ______Employer ______Student ______Parent ______Teacher/Coordinator


Student’s SignatureDatePlace of Employment (Print)Date


Parent/Guardian SignatureDateEmployer’s SignatureDate

  • I grant permission to photograph my son/daughter while participating in the Co-op program promotion and educational purposes. ______Yes ______No

Scott County High School Use Only


Coordinator/Teacher SignatureDatePrincipal’s SignatureDate

Scott County High School complies with all federal regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin,sex, disabilities, religion,martial status, age or handicap in matters pertaining to admissions, employment and access to programs.

Equal Education and Employment Opportunities M/F/D



Division of Career and Technical Education

Office of Career and Technical Education

Date: ______

Work-Based Learning Plan/Agreement

Student’s Last Name: ______First Name: ______MI: _____

SID Number: ______Date of Birth: ______

Address: ______City: ______

Phone Number: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Cell Number: ______E-Mail: ______

School: ______

Address: ______City: ______

Phone Number: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Program Area: ______ILP Career Goal: ______

Teacher’s Name: ______

Coordinator’s Name: ______

Company/Business Name: ______Phone: ______

Address: ______E-Mail: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Work-Site Mentor: ______Hours/Week: ______

Title: ______Start and End Dates: ______

Work Schedule (days & hours): ______

Hourly Wage (if applicable): ______

Scott County High School complies with all federal regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disabilities, religion, mental status, age, or handicap in matters pertaining to admissions, employment and access to programs.

Equal Education and Employment Opportunities M/F/D



Division of Career and Technical Education

Office of Career and Technical Education

Should it be necessary for my child to have medical treatment while participating in the Cooperative Education program, I hereby give the school district and/or worksite personnel permission to use their best judgment in obtaining medical services for my child, and I give permission to the physician selected to render whatever medical treatments he/she deems necessary and appropriate. ______YES ______NO

Permission is also granted to release emergency contact/medical history to the attending physician or to worksite personnel if needed. ______YES ______NO

Student’s Name (Please Print) ______

Date of Birth: ______

Address: ______

Parent/Guardian’s Name (Please Print) ______

Cell Phone Number: ______

Daytime Phone for parent/guardian: ______

Contact other than parent or guardian: ______

Relationship to student: ______Phone: ______

Family Doctor: ______

Preferred Hospital: ______

Phone Number to Hospital: ______

Does your child require any special accommodations due to medical limitations, allergies, disabilities, dietary constraints, or restrictions? Please explain any that are required.





Parent/Guardian SignatureDate




(Minors under 18 years of age)

Division of Career and Technical Education

Office of Career and Technical Education


  1. Occupations in or about Plants or Establishments Manufacturing or Storing Explosives or Articles Containing Explosive Components.
  2. Motor Vehicle Driver and Outside Helper on a motor vehicle.
  3. Coal Mine Occupations.
  4. Logging or Sawmill Operations.
  5. Operation of Power-Driven Woodworking machines.*
  6. Exposure to Radioactive Substances.
  7. Operation of Power-driven hoisting apparatus, including forklifts.*
  8. Operation of Power-Driven Metal Forming, punching, and shearing machines.
  9. Mining, other than coal mining.
  10. Operating power-driven meat processing equipment, including meat slicers and other food slicers, in retail establishments (such as grocery stores, restaurants, kitchens, and Delis), wholesale establishments, and most occupations in meat slaughtering, packing, processing, or rendering.*
  11. Operation of Power-driven bakery machines including vertical dough or batter mixers.
  12. Power-driven paper products machines including scrap paper baler and cardboard box compactors.*
  13. Manufacturing bricks, tile, and kindred products.
  14. Operation of power-driven circular saws, band saws and guillotine shears.*
  15. Wrecking, demolition, and shipbreaking operations.
  16. Roofing operations and all work on or about a roof.*
  17. Excavating Operations.*
  18. In, about or in connection with any establishment where alcoholic liquors are distilled, rectified, compounded, brewed, manufactured, bottled, sold for consumption or dispensed unless permitted by the rules and regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board (except they may be employed in places where the sale of alcoholic beverages by the package is merely incidental to the main business actually conducted).
  19. Pool or Billiard Rooms


Exemptions may be made for Hazardous Occupations identified by an asterisk (*) in the above list for student learners who are enrolled in Cooperative education program through a written agreement with the recognized local educational authority.


A student learner is an individual who is enrolled in a course of study and training in a cooperative vocational program under a recognized state or local education authority.


The addendum to the Work-Based Learning Plan/Agreement must:

  • Be attached to the official Work-Based Learning Agreement
  • Identify the hazardous occupations in which the student is participating
  • Specify tasks to be performed in the Co-op placement and identify those tasks which are identified as hazardous
  • Identify types of supervision required at the work site (i.e. general and direct). Direct on-site supervision

is required when using hazardous equipment

  • Ensure that student has completed appropriate skill and safety training to be able to perform specified task at entry-level employment status





Job Title Hazardous Occupation and Exemption *


Identify tasks to be performed at work-site Identify hazardous tasks to be performed at work-site


Identify areas of general supervision to be provided for the student learner at the work site.




Identify areas where direct supervision is to be provided for the student learner performing hazardous tasks at the work site:




This agreement is an exemption from Child Labor Order #______* from the identified hazardous occupation list. This exemption is effective when all parties abide by the terms of this agreement.


Principal Signature Date


Teacher/Coordinator Signature Date


Supervisor (Work) Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

*Refer to the number identified with an asterisk on previous page.