Young Teachers Conference

“Celebrating Success”

Local, National, International

National College for Teaching & Leadership and Conference Centre, Nottingham

Friday 29 April – Sunday 1 May 2016

Association or Division Use Only
Nominated by:
(NUT Local Association/Division)
Signature of Authorisation
(Secretary/Treasurer of Association/Division*)
Cheque for fee attached / Deduct fee from local subscriptions* / (* If you are happy for us to deduct payment from your local subscriptions, please email nfirming this information.)

Applicant’s details (CAPITAL letters please)

First Name(s): / Surname:
Mobile Tel No.:
Email Address:
Date of Birth: / (Applicants must be aged 35 or under at start of conference) / Membership No.:
NUT Association/ Division: / NUT Region/Wales:
Have you attended before? / Yes No / No. of times:
Please tick box if you are happy for your contact details to be shared with your regional/Wales Young Teachers Advisory Committee members:
Would you be happy to share accommodation with another delegate? / Name of delegate:

Special requirements

Are you a wheelchair user? / Yes / No
Do you require assistance? / Yes / No
Do you require an induction loop? / Yes / No
Details of any other special requirements:
Details of any special dietary requirements:

Type of school or college (please tick all that apply)

Primary / Secondary / Sixth Form College
SEN / Academy / Free School
How many years have you been teaching?


Applications will only be processed on receipt of conference fee and a personal deposit of £40 from the APPLICANT. The deposit will be returned to the applicant at registration at the conference.
Please make cheques payable to the NATIONAL UNION OF TEACHERS or complete the attached credit/debit card form
  • £295 (NUT Members)
  • £40 (Personal deposit)
Early booking discount
The conference fee for applications received by Friday 19thFebruary 2016 will be £275.00
  • The personal deposit will be returned to the delegate at the conference but is not returned if the delegate fails to attend without a valid reason;
  • receipts will not be issued unless requested;
  • reservations will not be made without full payment;
  • we regret that fees cannot be reimbursed if individuals cancel their places, although we will be happy to admit substitutes;
  • the Union does not reimburse travelling expenses centrally; and
  • you should contact your local association if you wish to be nominated by them or if you wish to seek financial support for your attendance.

Please return to:

Young Teachers Conference

Hamilton House, Mabledon Place,

London WC1H 9BD

Tel: 020 7380 4822

Places are allocated on a first come first serve bases. The closing date for applications will be Friday 25March 2016

For enquires please email: