THE MASS OF THE CHRISM will be held at Sacred Heart Church, Griffith at 11:00am, Monday 21st March 2016 An invitation is extended to all parishioners in the Diocese of Wagga Wagga to attend the Mass celebrated by the Bishop and many of the priests.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS: each Friday during Lent at 4.00pm.

EASTER DECEASED LIST could names please be dropped to the office by Tuesday 22nd March

ST JOSEPH’S PARISH COUNCIL The AGM was held on Wednesday night. Office bearers for 2016 are: Rob Houghton (C

hair); Marni Milne (Vice Chair) & Polly Greatz (Secretary). New members Marni Milne; Therese Sarah and Kevin McCrum. Thank you to retiring members Cliff West and Beryl Garner for their input during their time on Parish Council.

VISITING SEMINARIAN We welcome Simon Greet, a 4th year Seminarian from Vianney College to the Parish for a 4 month placement. Please pray for Simon and make him feel welcome.

CALLING PARISIHONERS - ESPECIALLY SINGERS to join as a group to lead and support the congregation with singing at the 150 years Mass celebrations of the Sisters of St Joseph. There will be practise in the church on Tuesday March 15 @7.30pm. Enquiries John Sloan 6959 9394.

LEGION OF MARY will be held each Tuesday in the Blue Room at 6.30pm. All interested parishioners are invited. Legion of Mary is a prayer group organized by the Laity with the priest as a Spiritual Director. The Legion gives honour to Our Lady and is involved in wonderful spiritual works in the town. Members gain many graces from God as they journey through life loving their neighbors as themselves. Contact Fr Tony 69532099

SRE DEANERY DAY- to celebrate Basic Accreditation and welcome new SRE teachers. Wednesday 30th March 2016, St. Mary’s Convent Leeton 7pm OR Saturday 9th April 2016, Sacred Heart Hall Griffith at 9.30am. Information session followed by light supper or morning tea. Please bring a plate to share. Registration LEETON Wednesday 23rd March 2016, GRIFFITH Friday 1st April or 0407 537 994.



NEXT Saturday 19 March 2016 is the Feast of St Joseph. MASS WILL BE CELEBRATED AT ST JOSEPH’S CHURCH AT 9.30AM. On this day the Sisters of St Joseph celebrate 150 years since their foundation in Penola South Australia in 1866 as a result of the dream of Mary MacKillop and Fr Tenison Woods. The Sisters invite you to join with them in giving thanks to God for the countless blessings that have come to Australia and beyond as a result of the ministry of the Sisters in small country places and larger cities. Mass will be celebrated in a number of centres throughout NSW on this Feast of St Joseph. Priests and Religious, Associates, family, friends, ex-students and current students of the Sisters are invited to join the Sisters in the celebration of Mass followed by refreshments. For purposes of catering and printing please send your reply before 4th March to Sr Janet Phone: 69532019 and leave a message or , Sr Janet PO Box 261 Leeton NSW 2705


ST JOSEPH’S DEBUTANTE BALL Friday 10th June, 2016. INFORMATION EVENING for all interested debutantes and a parent will be held on 7.30pm THIS

Tuesday 15th March @ Madonna Place (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE) to discuss arrangements. Names will be taken at that time. Girls must be in Yr 12 or 17 years old by June 30, 2016. Enquiries Polly Greatz 69534023

ST JOSEPH’S PARISH AFL TIPPING COMPETITION STARTS THURSDAY MARCH 24 th. It’s that time again folks! This year we have introduced a $50 weekly cash prize to the winner of the week plus the usual end-of-season cash prizes. To be eligible for cash prizes you must have paid the $50 entry fee. The rules are on the “wall” of the comp. If you were a member of the comp last year then all you have to do is reactivate your account at using your username and password and then enter your tips. If you are a new tipper, go to the website and sign up, then search for StJosephsLeeton under competitions and join using the password riverina. Alternatively, simply go to:-

with no spaces - in your favourite web browser.

If you would prefer to place your tips manually (with pen and paper), please contact the office for details on how to do so. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Tammy or Fr Anthony on 6953 2099 or at

Please pass on to your family and friends so that this years’ comp will be our biggest yet!