Questioning 1: The immediate effect of your media text

* Recall a specific place where you experienced your media text (TV show, CD, movie, webpage, whatever that you want to write about) for the first time. (If you can’t remember the first time, make it the first time you do really remember.)

* Draw a rough outline of this specific place. Show where you were, where the TV/computer/movie screen was, where anybody who was with you was, etc.

* Write down as many details of that specific experience as you possibly can. Include as many sensory details as you can: Who was with you? What were you wearing? Where precisely were you? What exactly were you doing? What other objects in the room do you remember? What do you remember seeing and hearing? Did you say anything about what you were experiencing? Did anybody else say anything about it? Etc.

Questioning 2: Memories of your media text

* Make a list of your strongest memories (positive or negative) about your text. Did you experience it more than once? Did you think about it later? Jot down a few words about each experience that will help you recall more later on.

* Which memory stands out as your most significant memory of your text, besides the initial viewing of it? What makes that one memory different than other memories of the text? When do you find yourself returning to that particular memory? Why? When do you find yourself thinking back about your media text?

* What do these memories have in common? Is there a theme to them? What do these memories, put together, tell you about yourself and your text?

Questioning 3: Abstracting out/Making meaning

* Would somebody of the opposite gender from you have a very different reaction to your media text? Why?

* Imagine what kind of other person would have a very different reaction to your media text than you do? Why would that person react differently? What does the difference between that person and you say about you?