“Loving God, Loving People, Serving Both”
Sunday Morning Worship
June 12, 2016 10:30 a.m.

Welcome to Worship Rev. Thomas Gholson

Call to Praise Congregation

“The Name Of The Lord”

“All Hail The Power Of Jesus’ Name”

Worship Leader: Elizabeth Bankston

Pianist: Lisa Vincent

Scripture Reading Psalm 32
Galatians 1.15-24
Pastoral Prayer Rev. Thomas Gholson
Passing of Peace
Songs of Praise Congregation

“Jesus Messiah”

“I’d Rather Have Jesus”

Offertory Prayer Kurt Stauff, Deacon of the Week


Special Music Elizabeth Bankston

“That Name”

Message Rev. Thomas Gholson

Humble and Kind Series

“A Light That Glows By The Front Door”

Luke 15.11-24

Hymn of Commitment Congregation

“My Jesus, I Love Thee”

Dismissal Prayer Rev. Thomas Gholson

Welcome to Brook Hollow Baptist Church

If you have any questions or need assistance, please see one of our ushers or Welcome Center attendants. A nursery is provided for children ages birth through 3 years old. If you would like more information about BHBC, please email Pastor Tom Gholson at . Also, you can find Pastor Tom on FaceBook. We hope you feel comfortable in our sanctuary. Please consider finding a seat in the front section of the sanctuary.


Sanctuary Flowers: This morning sanctuary flowers are given by the Bellevue Garden Club in recognition of National Garden Club Week.

Worship Leaders: Our Worship Leader for the month of June is Elizabeth Bankston. She is a recent graduate of Trevecca University and lives in Columbia, Tennessee. Lisa Vincent is our Pianist. Please continue to pray for our Worship Committee as they pursue permanent worship leadership.

The Back Porch: The Back Porch, a summer study for college age students and young adults, led by Kellee and Lee Bryant, continues at their home. Dinner will be served each Sunday at 5:30 pm followed by a Bible study at 6:15 pm.

Women’s Bible Study: Women’s Bible Study will meet June 13th at 6:30 p.m. We will be studying Ruth: Loss, Love and Legacy. All ladies are welcome. Please see Jenny Emerson with questions.

June Business Meeting: June Business will meet Wednesday, June 15 at 7 p.m. in the Gathering Place.

Brook Hollow’s Annual VBS: – (Submerged, Dive Deep to Shine a Light on the Truth at Vacation Bible School.) VBS begins in the morning June 13-17, 2016 from 9am – noon, Ages 4 year through 6th grade. Everyone is invited to attend Family Night Ceremony on Friday, June 17 at 6:00 p.m.

Begin Anew (formerly CWJC) seeks childcare volunteers: Begin Anew is seeking volunteers to hold babies while their mothers attend GED classes. Volunteers are needed on Mondays and Thursdays from 6-8 pm at First Baptist Nashville. Individuals can volunteer on a one-time basis or on an on-going basis. Contact Program Director Tracey Gholson to sign up for a night to come hold these precious little ones (615-440-7526 or ). These mothers would not be able to attend classes and achieve their goal of earning their High School Diploma if it were not for volunteers who help us provide free childcare.

Mark Your Calendar

Vacation Bible School – June 13-17

Tiny House Mission – June 19-24

Broadway Baptist Youth Concert – June 29

Kentucky Mission Trip – July 9-15