RPT 253Instructional Resources

Module 3:Under Head Survey

Table of Contents:

Core Concepts......

Scenario Resources......

Student Assignments......

Initial Scenario......

Problem 1: Flapping Indication......

Problem 2: Weld Repair......

Problem 3: Tool Runner Alarms Upon Leaving RCA......

Problem 4: High Radiation Area Violation......

Module 3 Under Head Survey

The Curators of the University of Missouri

Copyright © 2009

A Product of DOL Grant #HG-15355-06-60

Page 1

RPT 253Instructional Resources


This document provides an overview of the Under Head Survey module and is designed to be used in conjunction with the Capstone_intro.doc document. To ensure that previously learned skills are covered in this module, we have aligned the module with overarching course and curriculum core concepts. The core concepts relevant to this module are below.

For more information, see the Capstone_intro.doc document.

Core Concepts

RPT 103 Radiation Fundamentals

  • Describe how to maintain ALARA in any radiation situation (time, distance and shielding)
  • Perform shielding calculations based upon knowledge of interactions of radiation with matter
  • Calculate dose in terms of distance
  • Calculate dose in terms of time

RPT 113 Radiation Monitoring

  • Accurately operate G.M. detectors in order to determine the amount of radioactivity present
  • Accurately operate Ionization Chambers in order to determine amount of radioactivity present
  • Accurately operate Scintillation detectors in order to determine amount of radioactivity present
  • Accurately operate solid-state detectors in order to determine amount of radioactivity present
  • Accurately operate integrating dosimeters in order to determine amount of radioactive dose
  • Accurately operate multichannel analyzer in order to analyze for the isotopes present

RPT 223 Dosimetry

  • Evaluate dose from external, gamma/beta fields
  • Select and use multibadging and extremity dosimeters for measuring dose in spatially varying radiation fields
  • Evaluate skin dose from beta emitting isotopes

RPT 233 Radiological Materials Control

  • Determine the form of any radioactive waste, determine the type of waste, how it was produced and evaluate how to disposition it
  • Dispose of radioactive materials
  • Decontaminate tools and equipment

RPT 243 Safety and Response:

  • General radiation fields
  • Personnel contamination –general contamination vs hot particles
  • Radioactive equipment
  • Airborne radioactivity
  • Access to unauthorized areas
  • Unmonitored releases of radioactivity could also be added in

Curriculum-wide Skills:

  • Human performance tools (e.g., STAR, SAFER, etc.)

Module 3 Under Head Survey

The Curators of the University of Missouri

Copyright © 2009

A Product of DOL Grant #HG-15355-06-60

Page 1

RPT 253Instructional Resources

Module Resources

All of these resources are intended to be used with students in this course.

Document / Explanation (all documents can be accessed at ):
HDP-ZZ-01100-R004.doc / ALARA Planning and Review Procedure
Work Doc 1 Under Head--Clean and prep.doc / The work package from the planning dept for cleaning and preparation for seal weld inspection
Under Head Inspection Survey Map.jpg / The latest radiological survey data (Instructor will need to fill out data)
ALARA Plan.pdf / Blank ALARA review forms
Radiation Work Permit.pdf / Radiation Work Permit (RWP)
Work Doc 2 Under Head DP Test.doc / Work package for Dye Penetrant test
Work Document 3 Under Head Weld Repair.doc / Planning document for repair of seal weld
Plant Radiation Protection Procedure.doc / Plant Radiation Protection Procedure
Radworker Expectations for Prob 3, Under Head.doc / RadWorker Expectations

Module 3 Under Head Survey

The Curators of the University of Missouri

Copyright © 2009

A Product of DOL Grant #HG-15355-06-60

Page 1

RPT 253Instructional Resources

Student Assignments

Initial Scenario

ALARA Review

  1. The student will be provided with:
  2. ALARA Planning and Review Procedure
  3. HDP-ZZ-01100-R004.doc
  4. The work package from the planning dept for cleaning and preparation for seal weld inspection
  5. Work Doc 1 Under Head--Clean and prep.doc
  6. The latest radiological survey data (Instructor will need to fill out data)
  7. Under Head Inspection Survey Map.JPG
  8. Blank ALARA review forms
  9. ALARA Plan.pdf
  10. Student Tasks:
  11. Complete the ALARA review worksheet by utilizing the ALARA Review procedure, radiological data and work package.

Radiation Work Permit

  1. The student will have:
  2. ALARA review form (student will have completed the form)
  3. The latest radiological survey data
  4. The work package from the planning dept for cleaning and preparation for seal weld inspection
  5. The student will be provided with:
  6. Radiation Work Permit
  7. Radiation Work Permit.pdf
  8. Student Tasks:
  9. Develop an RWP using current radiological data and the ALARA review form.
  10. Determine most effective PC and Respiratory devices for the job.
  11. Determine stay time tracking method. Options could include self monitoring, video surveillance, and/or control point watch.
  12. Determine conventional safety measures for use of platform or ladder.
  13. Determine Impact Rating in order to determine level of ALARA Briefing.

ALARA Briefing

  1. The student will have:
  2. The work package
  3. The completed ALARA review form (student will have completed the form)
  4. Radiation Work Permit (Student will have completed the form)
  5. Student Tasks:
  6. Determine the level of brief from the Radiological Impact rating assigned in the ALARA review process
  7. Develop the brief. Include specifics for adherence to stay times, contamination control and general safety. Also discuss the method and level of RP coverage.
  8. Discuss problems that could arise and worker/RP roles in minimizing and recovering from each problem. Examples of problems should include equipment, respiratory protection and dosimetry failures, unexpected high radiation areas and general safety problems which could delay the job.

Module 3 Under Head Survey

The Curators of the University of Missouri

Copyright © 2009

A Product of DOL Grant #HG-15355-06-60

Page 1

RPT 253Instructional Resources

Problem 1: Flapping Indication

Instructor notes

  1. Discussion should include radiological hazards. The use of an air operated tool may increase the chances for airborne contamination. Discuss what filtering options are available and what would afford the best protection to the worker in this case.
  2. Another discussion point should be dose reduction. ALARA reduction methods of time, distance and shielding should be covered.
  3. Discussion should also cover conventional safety. What would be the best method of reaching the highest points inside the head? Are there any measures to be taken with the use of air-operated tools?

Student tasks

  1. Revise RWP, ALARA review and ALARA brief.
  2. Determine which ALARA practices can best be used for dose reduction.
  3. Determine what conventional safety measures can best be used under the head for worker efficiency.


  1. Work package for DP test

a.Work Doc 2 Under Head DP Test.doc

  1. Student generated RWP, ALARA review and ALARA brief (student will have completed the forms)

Module 3 Under Head Survey

The Curators of the University of Missouri

Copyright © 2009

A Product of DOL Grant #HG-15355-06-60

Page 1

RPT 253Instructional Resources

Problem 2: Weld Repair

Instructor notes

  1. The additional work adds additional time, hence additional radiation exposure to the job. Student discussion should lead to more aggressive ALARA controls such as increased shielding, reduction of number of people on the job, and ways to reduce worker time in the high radiation area such as practicing in a mock-up of the area.
  2. The additional work means bringing in additional equipment. The student should be made aware that this is a fairly small area and with the robot inspection machinery already in the area, the workers are going to have increased difficulty in working. This can lead to additional time spent doing the repair. Student discussion should include ways to maneuver around materials while safely performing the repair task.

Student Tasks

  1. Modify the ALARA review, RWP, and pre-job briefing to include the repair work. Consider the increased number of personnel on the repair team. What can the ALARA planner do to maintain radiation dose reduction?
  2. Consider the safety aspects of the repair job. Will there be any hazards associated with welding? Will the materials and equipment from the inspection job interfere with the repair? If so, what can ALARA planning do to decrease these hazards.


  1. Planning document for repair of seal weld
  2. Work Document 3 Under Head Weld Repair.doc
  3. The latest radiological survey data (could use previously filled out document or create new survey with different conditions)
  4. Student generated RWP, ALARA review and ALARA brief (student will have completed the forms)

Module 3 Under Head Survey

The Curators of the University of Missouri

Copyright © 2009

A Product of DOL Grant #HG-15355-06-60

Page 1

RPT 253Instructional Resources

Problem 3: Tool Runner Alarms Upon Leaving RCA

Instructor notes

  1. Discussion should include training for radiation workers. Should a practice session for PC donning and removal be given just prior to a refuel? Would a review of basic radworker expectations be beneficial to the worker?
  2. Students should be able to identify the differences between hot particle contamination and general contamination.
  3. Discussion should lead to follow-up procedures, such as a whole body count, in the event internal contamination would be suspected.

Student Tasks

  1. Determine the cause for the contamination to be detected first on t-shirt or upper body and then on a hand. Explain the follow-up actions if the contamination was a hot particle versus if the contamination was a general loose surface type.
  2. Discuss preventative measures for the prevention of this type of incident.
  3. If the RPT had detected contamination on Jenny that could not be removed, what would be the next step?


  1. Procedure, Plant Radiation Protection
  2. Plant Radiation Protection Procedure.doc

Module 3 Under Head Survey

The Curators of the University of Missouri

Copyright © 2009

A Product of DOL Grant #HG-15355-06-60

Page 1

RPT 253Instructional Resources

Problem 4: High Radiation Area Violation

Instructor notes

  1. Discussion should focus on the fact that every nuclear facility trains their workers to adhere to the requirements of the RWP that they are currently working under. Knowing the requirements of the RWP is part of a list of RadWorker Expectations that are expected to be followed each time a worker enters a Radiological Controlled Area.
  2. The list of expectations also includes knowing how to perform the task, knowing where the work area is and knowing what to do in case of an alarm. All of these expectations are established to protect the worker from radiation and contamination hazards.
  3. Discussion should also point out that there are expectations for the RP technician. Observation of the job and the workers, knowledge of the radiation and contamination hazards that exist and requirements of each RWP being used are among these expectations. Again, the goal of establishing these controls is to protect the worker.

Student Tasks

  1. Discuss radworker expectations when working in a radiological controlled area. What are some examples? What is the purpose?
  2. Discuss radiation protection personnel expectations. What are some examples? What is the purpose of these expectations?


  1. RadWorker Expectations
  2. Radworker Expectations for Prob 3, Under Head.doc
  3. Procedure, Plant Radiation Protection
  4. Plant Radiation Protection Procedure.doc

Module 3 Under Head Survey

The Curators of the University of Missouri

Copyright © 2009

A Product of DOL Grant #HG-15355-06-60

Page 1