Name: Ann Marie Bissessar

Position: Professor; Head Behavioural Sciences, Coordinator Public Sector Management; Coordinator – Governance Unit

Qualifications:Ph.D; Masters of Science, Bachelor of Arts ( UWI, St Augustine)

Department:Behavioural Sciences


Tel. Contact:662-2002 ext 2019


Courses taught:

Semester 1:

GOVT 6076- Public Administration

GOVT 6012- Public Policy

GOVT 3018- Public Sector Management

Semester 11:

Govt 2023:Issues in the Government and Politics of the West Indies;

GOVT 2034: Human Resource Management in the Public Sector

Research interests:

Regulations, Governance, Reform, Health Care





1.Crown Colony Administration, Structural Adjustment and New Public Management: The Agony of Reform. UWI, St Augustine, Trinidad: School of Continuing Studies, November 2000, 225pages. ( ISBN 976 620 1315) ( Peer Reviewed)

2. The Forgotten Factor: Public Servants and New Public Management in a Developing Country- School of Continuing Studies, 2002, 249 pages.(ISBN 976 620 1692) ( Peer Reviewed)

3. Social Sciences, Course Material, Public Sector Management, The University of the West Indies, St Augustine: Distance Education Centre, 2001- 247 pages. (ISBN 976-620-154-4).( Peer Reviewed)

4. Policy Transfer, New Public Management and Globalization: Mexico and the Caribbean (210 pages) - the University Press of America Inc., 2002.( ISBN 0-7618-2309-3) ( Peer Reviewed)

5. Governance of the Caribbean, Edited by Selwyn Ryan and Ann Marie Bissessar, St Augustine, Trinidad: Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies, 2002. 553 pages ( ISBN 976-620-178-1).

6. Globalization and Governance; essays on the challenges for Small States edited by Ann Marie Bissessar– McFarland and Company Inc, September 2004- ISBN- 0-7864-1965-2 ( 224 pages) ( Peer Reviewed)

7. The Construction of an Indo- Caribbean Diaspora –edited by BrinsleySamaroo and Ann Marie Bissessar, School of Continuing Studies, 2005.- ISBN- 976-620-206-0 ( 285 pages)

8. Calcutta to Caroni – edited by John La Guerre and Ann Marie Bissessar, UWI, School of Continuing Studies, 3rd edition, 2005: ISBN 976 620 205 2: 592 pages

9. Revisiting Colonial Administration and Government: A Reader- Ann Marie Bissessar- ISBN 978-976-620-233-0- School of Continuing Studies, Trinidad:- 213 pages. 2008

10. Rethinking the Reform Question – edited by Ann Marie Bissessar- Cambridge Scholars Publishing- New Castle: United Kingdom. ISBN (10):1-84719-397-2, ISBN (13):978147183972, December 2007, 268 pages. ( Peer Reviewed)

11. Governance and Institutional Reengineering- edited by Ann Marie Bissessar- Cambridge Scholars Publishing, New Castle: United Kingdom- ISBN (10):1-84718-478-2, ISBN (13): 9781847184788, 2008. : 275 pages ( Peer Reviewed)

12. Understanding Caribbean Governance Challenges- Reader for UNDP Capacity Building Programme for Youth in Governance- 2007, 100 pages.( Peer Reviewed)

13. The Crisis of Public Sector Reform in the Caribbean. An Analysis through the Use of Game Theory. Edwin Mellen Press, 2008. ISBN-13:978-0-7734-5054-8: 267 pages ( Peer Reviewed )

Chapters in Books ( Peer Reviewed and research based)

1. "Administrative Reform in the Commonwealth Caribbean," Issues in the Government and Politics of the West Indies, edited by John La Guerre, UWI, St Augustine, Trinidad: School of Continuing Studies, 1997 p. 102 - 141.

2." Policy Change in the Health Sector," In Policy Change, Governance and New Public Management, edited by John La Guerre, UWI, St Augustine: School of Continuing Studies, November 2001, PP 107 -123.

3."Designing Health Care Structures to meet Health Care Needs: An examination of Health Care Arrangements in Trinidad and Tobago, Martinique and Suriname, In Issues in the Government and Politics of the West Indies (2nd edition), Edited By John Gaffar La Guerre, School of Continuing Studies, Trinidad, 2002: 332 –356.

4. Introducing New Public Management in Caribbean Bureaucracies: A Case of Direct Coercive Transfer, In Policy Transfer, New Public Management and Globalization: Mexico and the Caribbean edited by Ann Marie Bissessar, ( The University Press of America) 2002 : 135- 154.

5. Planning for Health Care in Trinidad, Issues and Problems in the Governance of the Caribbean, Third Edition, Edited by Selwyn Ryan and Ann Marie Bissessar, SALSES, St Augustine, 2002: 380- 392.

6.The Introduction of New Public Management in Small States,Governance of the Caribbean, Third Edition, Edited by Selwyn Ryan and Ann Marie Bissessar, SALSES, St Augustine, 2002: 504 –517.

7.“Gender and Ethnic Imbalance in the Politics of a Plural Society: The Case of Trinidad and Tobago.” In Indians Abroad – MaulanaAbulKalam Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkota. India: Hope India Publications and Greenwich Millennium Press, London: 2003, 83- 99.

8.Barriers to mobility in the public services of Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago: Myth or Reality – in Construction of a Indo - Caribbean Diaspora, edited by BrinsleySamaroo and Ann Marie Bissessar, School of Continuing Studies, 2005. pages 92- 113.

9.The Decline of Partisan Voting in Trinidad and Tobago 1956 –2002 In Political Democracy, Social Democracy and the Market in the Caribbean, Anton De Kom University, Suriname, 2004: 123-140.

10.Governance in a Small State In Globalization and Governance; Essays on the challenges for Small States edited by Ann Marie Bissessar– McFarland and Company Inc, Fall 2005- ISBN- 0-7864-1965-2 ( 224 pages)

’11.Stereotypes, Racial’ In AffirmativeAction: An Encyclopedia,Greenwood Publishing Company: The Oryx Press. 30th June 2004, ISBN 1-57356-519-9: 716-718

12.‘ Global Implementation of Affirmative Action Programs. In Affirmative Action: An Encyclopedia, Greenwood Publishing Company: The Oryx Press. 30th June 2004, ISBN 1-57356-519-9: 451- 454

13.Plantation System’ In Affirmative Action: An Encyclopedia, Greenwood Publishing Company: The Oryx Press. 30th June 2004, ISBN 1-57356-519-9 : 673- 675

14.‘Colonial Governments And Equality’ In Affirmative Action: An Encyclopedia, Greenwood Publishing Company: The Oryx Press. 30th June 2004, ISBN 1-57356-519-9: 213- 215

15.‘ Racial and Ethnic Stratification’ In Affirmative Action: An Encyclopedia, Greenwood Publishing Company: The Oryx Press. 30th June 2004, ISBN 1-57356-519-9: 708- 710

16.‘Gendered Racism’ In Affirmative Action: An Encyclopedia, Greenwood Publishing Company: The Oryx Press. 30th June 2004, ISBN 1-57356-519-9: 437 - 439

17.‘Glass Ceilings’ In Affirmative Action: An Encyclopedia, Greenwood Publishing Company: The Oryx Press. 30th June 2004, ISBN 1-57356-519-9: 446- 449

18.‘Internal Colonialism Theory’ In Affirmative Action: An Encyclopedia, Greenwood Publishing Company: The Oryx Press. 30th June 2004, ISBN 1-57356-519-9

19.‘Meritocracy’ In Affirmative Action: An Encyclopedia, Greenwood Publishing Company: The Oryx Press. 30th June 2004, ISBN 1-57356-519-9: 601- 602

20. East Indian Women and Political Representation in Trinidad and Tobago . 2005. Calcutta to Caroni. Edited John Gaffar La Guerre and Ann Marie Bissessar. School of Continuing Studies: 498 - 523.

21. Administrative Reform in Trinidad and Tobago inModernizing the State. Public Sector Reform in the Commonwealth Caribbean edited by Paul Sutton. Ian Randle. 2006: 84- 108 (ISBN 976 637 247-0)

22. External Agencies and Domestic Reform: The Case of the Health Sector in Trinidad and Tobago. In Size, Power and Development in the Emerging World Order: Caribbean PerspectivesRamesh Ramsaran editor. Lexicon, 2006 ( ISBN 987-976-631-042-4): 65-80

23. New Public Sector Reform in Trinidad and Tobago In Rethinking the Reform Question – edited by Ann Marie Bissessar- Cambridge Scholars Publishing New Castle: United Kingdom. ISBN (10):1-84719-397-2, ISBN (13):978147183972, December 2007, : 131- 157

24. Female Participation in the Political Process in Trinidad and Tobago In .Governance and Institutional Reengineering- pages 184- 202 edited by Ann Marie Bissessar- Cambridge Scholars Publishing, New Castle: United Kingdom- ISBN (10):1-84718-478-2, ISBN (13): 9781847184788, 2008. : 275 pages

25. External Agencies and Domestic Reform: The case of the Health Sector in Trinidad and Tobago In .Governance and Institutional Reengineering- edited by Ann Marie Bissessar- pages 245 – 261 Cambridge Scholars Publishing, New Castle: United Kingdom- ISBN (10):1-84718-478-2, ISBN (13): 9781847184788, 2008. : 275 pages

26. “Regeneration or redevelopment? The Case of East Port of Spain, Trinidad, West indies.”(115-132).In Urban Regeneration Management.International Perspectives.Edited by John Diamond, Joyce Liddle, Alan Southern and Philip Osei.Routledge, New York. 2009.

27. Breaking the Glass Ceiling: East Indian Women and Educational Mobility in Trinidad and Tobago. In R.L Hanloo Black and White Publishers, Delhi, India. /2010

Journal Articles ( Peer reviewed and research based)

1. " Human Resource Management in the Commonwealth Caribbean: From Crown Colony Government to the Year 2000," Caribbean Issues, March 1996, p. 97 - 137.

2." Re-engineering Government in an Ex-colonial State," International Review of Administrative Sciences, 64, June 1998 p 347 - 370.

3. " Gender Mobility in the Public Service of Trinidad and Tobago," Public Personnel Management, Vol. 28, No 3, Fall, 1999 pp. 409 - 422.

4." The Introduction of Performance Appraisal Systems in the Commonwealth Caribbean," Public Personnel Management, Volume 29, No. 2, Summer 2000, p. 277 - 292.

5." Human Resource Management in the Public Services of Trinidad and Tobago," Caribbean Journal of Public Sector Management, Volume 2, No. 1 November 2000. PP 58-73.

6.Bissessar, Ann Marie, Haqq,E. " Health Care Reform: Policy Content and Process in the Caribbean: The Historical Development of the Health System in Trinidad and Tobago," Study No. 2, Edited by Mary Hadley and Anne Mills. Public Health Publication, No. 34, London, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 2001.

7."Policy Transfer and Implementation Failure: A Review of the Policy of Domestic Violence in Trinidad and Tobago," Journal of Social Psychology, January and July, 2000 Volumes 5, Nos. 1&2, p. 57- 80.

8" The Differential Application of Human Resource Management in Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago," Public Personnel Management , Winter, 2001, 531 –548.

9. An Equal Opportunity Commission and the Governance of a Plural Society, Caribbean Dialogue, Volume 6, Nos.1 & 2, January- June 2001, 47 –66.

10.Globalization, Domestic Politics and the Introduction of NPM in the Commonwealth Caribbean - International Review of Administrative Sciences Volume 68 No. 1, March 2002, 113 –126. .( Cited as #24 of the 50 most-frequently cited articles by Sage On-line Journals)

11.Addressing Ethnic Imbalances in the Public Services of Plural Societies: The Case of Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago.- The International Journal of Public Sector Management, Volume 15. 1. 2002 : 55-68.

12. " Factors Affecting the Mobility of East Indian Women in the Public Services of Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana," Global Organization of People of East Indian Origin, New York, 2001

13. “The Changing Nexus of Power in NPMS in Trinidad and Tobago” International Journal of Public Sector Management. Volume 16, No. 3, April, 2003: 170 – 190.

14. Institution Building in Small States: Reform of the Public Services Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and Barbados, Global Development Studies,Volume Three, Winter 2002- Spring 2003, Nos. 1-2: 77- 91.

15.New Public Management and Sleaze: A Symbiotic Relationship In a developing Country – Journal of Public Sector Management, MIND: Volume 8, Number 1, November 2006: 41- 57

16. Protecting Merit in the Public Services of Trinidad and Tobago- Review Of Public Personnel Administration- March 2006, Volume 74: 74-90 (Cited as no 25 0f the 50 most frequently read articles during 2006)

17. Governance Issues: Towards a CARICOM Parliament In Caribbean Dialogue. Volume 10 No 1 January – March 2005: 27-40.

18. Governance in the Caribbean: Privatization and Contracting Out. Caribbean Journal of Public Sector Management Volume 7 Number 2 May 2006:5-23.

19. ‘ Rethinking Reform in the Caribbean’ – Caribbean Journal of Public Sector Management- Volume 8, Number 2, May 2007: 5- 15

20. Competency Testing in the Public Service of Trinidad and Tobago Public Personnel Management Volume 39 No. 2 Summer 2010 -

21. The Continuing Crisis of Local Governance in Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies. Caribbean Journal of Public Sector Management, Volume 9, Number 2, May 2008: 5- 16.

22. “ The Role of Leadership in Public Management: The Case of Trinidad and Tobago.” By John Gaffar La Guerre and Ann Marie Bissessar.Social and Economic Studies. Volume 58.1st March 2009: 125- 140.

23. Institutions and the Management of Environmental Disasters in Small, Fragile States, Caribbean Journal of Public Sector Management. Volume 10. Number 1 November 2008: 28-43.

24. Challenges Facing Senior Public Servants in a Plural Society. Public Personnel Management.Volume 38. Spring 2009: 1-15.

25. An Institutional Review of Planning Budgeting and Monitoring in the Caribbean: Challenges of Transformation- International Journal of Public Sector Management IJPSM/667. Volume 23, Issue 1 in January 2010: 22- 37

26. E-Governance Challenges in a Plural Society. In Comparative E-Government: An Examination of E-Government Across Culture. By Chris Reddick. Springer Integrated Series in Information Systems ( 2010

27. “ Local Governance Structures in Trinidad and Tobago: Muddling Through.” Social and Economic Studies 59.4: 2010: 127-144

Working Papers( Peer Reviewed)

1."Performance-related Pay in the Public Services of Trinidad and Tobago: Prospects and Dilemmas," Working Paper Series, Department of Behavioural Sciences, UWI, St Augustine, 1997.

2."The New Public Management and Reform of the Public Service Commission," In Reform of the Service Commissions in Trinidad and Tobago edited by John La Guerre, Occasional Paper Series, Department of Behavioural Sciences, UWI, St Augustine, 1998, 18 - 42.

3"Globalization, Public Sector Reform and Governance in the Commonwealth Caribbean," Working Paper Series, Department of Behavioural Sciences, August 2000.

Technical Reports

  1. Health Care Reform in Trinidad and Tobago 1920 - 1998, For Faculty of Medical Sciences and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine ( 1998)
  1. Local Government Report-Submitted to the Association of Local Government, Trinidad, 2002.
  1. Evaluation of the Civil Service in Barbados- Inter-American Development Bank – 2002.- 200 pages
  1. Evaluation of the Civil Service in Trinidad and Tobago- Inter-American Development Bank, 2003.- 200 pages- published and online by the IADB
  1. Donor Assisted projects in the Health Sector of the OECS Countries- CIDA- January 2004- 200 pages
  1. A Proposal for The establishment of a Leadership Training Institute for the Public Service of Trinidad and Tobago- University of Trinidad and Tobago- 20 pages- February 2007
  1. A Proposal for The establishment of a National Planning Commission for Trinidad and Tobago - University of Trinidad and Tobago- 25 pages – March 2007
  1. Citizen Security, State Policies and the Policy Orientation of the Population – UNDP 2010

Professional Involvement:

1.Reviewer for the International Journal of Public Sector Management – 2003- 2009

2. 2008/ 10 Reviewer- International Review of Administrative Sciences.

3.In an International Survey carried out was named one of the top two hundred writers for the Year for book published by the University Press of America – 2004.

4.External Examiner- The University of Guyana – 2003- present

5..Included within the Scholar Universe, the web’s fastest growing collection of detailed professional profiles covering educators, researchers and authors of peer- reviewed works. Included in ProQuest Information and Learning ABI/INFORM business literature data base which is available in more than 90% of business schools libraries. ( email dated April 5, 2005)

  1. Field Editor- Edwin Mellen Press- October, 2010 – 2013
  1. Integrity Commission- appointed as member of the Commission- 15/3/2010


1.Member of the Committee for the Associate Degree in Public Sector Management, School of Continuing Studies, Jamaica.

2.Member of the Committee with respect to a Governance Project, Anton De Kom, The University of Suriname, Suriname

3.Member of the Institute for Public Administration, New Delhi, India.

4. Member of the American Political Science Association

5.Member of Transparency International, Trinidad and Tobago

6.Member of the Friends of the Forest, Forestry Division