Change Requestfor Certification and Release of Funds Form

All Certified Projects Must Follow NM State Policies and Procurement Code

Change Type:

/ Scope / Budget / Schedule
Project Governance

Project Name

/ EPICS Master Project
Project Phase / Phase 3 Race to the Top (RTTT)/”Am I Eligible?”–Request for change in funding source
Phase 3 Summer Food – Request for change in funding source
Date / 10/28/15
Lead Agency / CYFD
Other Agencies / DFA, DoIT

Executive Sponsor

/ Monique Jacobson
Agency Head / Monique Jacobson
Agency CIO/IT Lead / Victor Leon
Project Manager / Ellen Davis
Project Abstract(Provide a brief description and purpose for this project)
CYFD's vision for this enterprise web solution is the Enterprise Provider Information Constituent Services (EPICS) project. EPICS will meet the needs of all CYFD program areas and their clients. CYFD is a multi-year, phased project tracked by ‘sub-projects’ which are defined on a state fiscal year basis within allocated funding.
The EPICSMaster Project current certified budget is $14,475,363.
EPICS Phase 1 – Provider Management - Includes the foundational Provider components for services that support CYFD's business relationship with providers. In addition, Phase 1 replaced the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) homes and centers system and Background Check (BCS) systems.Phase 1 Provider Management was completed on schedule and EPICS was implemented in production in November 2013.
EPICS Phase 2 – Client Management – Includes the foundational Client and Staff components and replaced Human Resource manual processes/spreadsheets.Phase 2 Client Managementwas completed on schedule and was implemented in production in August 2014.
EPICS Phase 3 – Service Management – Includes replacing standalone solutions:
  • Agency Reporting & Tracking Enterprise System (ARTES) which includes Domestic Violence and Juvenile Community Corrections
  • Contracts and Amendments Tracking System (CATS)
  • Juvenile Justice Facilities components – Replaces manual processes/spreadsheets and enhances management/tracking.
  • Facility Management
  • Roster Management
  • Log Management
  • Navigation Enhancements
  • Background Check for Protective Services
  • Background Check for Human Resources
Phase 2 Service Management will be implemented in production in November 2015.
EPICS Phase 3 – Race to the Top and “Am I Eligible?”–The Race to the Top (RTT) Early Learning Challenge Fund grant provides federal funding to the Early Childhood Services Division of CYFD to incorporate early learning programs in EPICS.
Includes early learning programs, Child Care Assistance, Child Care Provider and Pre-K.
  • The Child Care Assistance Program subsidizes the cost of child care for low-income families (at or below 150% of the federal poverty level) that are working and/or in school and have a need for child care. Once determined eligible for Child Care Assistance, families can remain eligible up to 200% FPL. The subsidy amount varies depending upon the age of the child, the type of child care, the location of the program, and the rating of the child care program (as determined by the Look for the STARS Quality Rating System). Regional offices are located throughout the state and are staffed by Eligibility Interviewers who work with families to determine the amount of subsidy they qualify for.
  • Pre-K - The goal of the New Mexico Pre-K program is to provide every three and four-year old the opportunity to attend a high quality Pre-K program. The development of the Pre-K program in EPICS will allow PED and CYFD the ability to track Teacher, Staff and Children. It will allow teachers the ability to conduct Pre-K child assessments based on Pre-K program standards by utilizing the EPCIS web based system.
Race to the Top also supports an Online Application/“Am I Eligible?” public facing web application.
The “Am I Eligible?” component of EPICS will provide the public with the ability to determine their potential eligibility for Child Care Assistance and provide information on other Early Childhood Services (ECS) programs such as Home Visiting and Pre-K. Through an online application, the public will be able to submit applications online, serving as an addition channel for the current application processes to receive benefits.
EPICS Phase 3 Summer Food – The Family Nutrition Bureau (FNB) administers the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), which provides nutritious meals to children during the summer when school is not in session. FNB enters into agreements with local nonprofit sponsoring agencies, local government agencies, faith-based organizations, summer camps, school food authorities and other eligible institutions to administer the SFSP at the local level.
Summer Food in EPICS will include the sponsor application process, meal rates, claims, budget and submission/approval processes, meal sites scheduling, user management, reporting and migration from the legacy system.
EPICS Phase 4 – FACTS Juvenile Justice - Includes building the Client and Case Management services to move the Juvenile Justice functionality from FACTS to EPICS.
Start Date / 7/1/2011 / Planned End Date / 6/30/2019

Justification for Change in Certification (Include budget adjustment request; Business Value and/or program Results)

EPICS Phase 3 - Race to the Top (RTTT)
Total estimated cost for Race to the Top: $7,281,432 (includes $1,015,800 for “Am I Eligible?”)
Currentcertified funds: $5,727,254, a 2.5-year sub-project)
Phase 3 Race to the Top includes an Online Application/“Am I Eligible?” public facing web application.The “Am I Eligible?” component of EPICS will provide the public with the ability to determine their potential eligibility for Child Care Assistance and provide information on other Early Childhood Services (ECS) programs such as Home Visiting and Pre-K. Through an online application, the public will be able to submit applications online, serving as an addition channel for the current application processes to receive benefits.
RTTT development work to date:
  • Child Care Assistance - Case Management
  • Child Care Application
  • Child Care Contracts
  • Child Care Eligibility
  • Assignments
  • Approvals
  • Reminders
  • Child Care Assistance - Provider Management
  • Provider Payments
  • Provider Services
  • Provider Service Rates
  • Child Care Provider Certification
  • Pre-K
  • Provider Management
“Am I Eligible?”development work to date:
  • User Management
TheRace to the Top (RTTT) – Early Learning Challenge Granthas awarded CYFD$232,842 towards “Am I Eligible?”.CYFD would like to utilize theRTTT funds in place of a portion of the certified Child Care Development Funds (CCDF) federal funds.
Current “Am I Eligible?” certified funds and funding source:
  • $232,842,Child Care Development Funds – Federal Funds (for Prof. Services)
  • $150,000, Child Care Development Funds – Federal Funds (for HW/SW)
CYFD is requesting the following budget reallocation:
  • $232,842,Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Grant (for Prof. Services)
  • $150,000, Child Care Development Funds – Federal Funds (for HW/SW)
EPICS Phase 3 – Summer Food
Total estimated cost for Summer Food: $715,800
Current certified funds: $232,842(for first year development of Summer Food, a 2.5-year sub-project)
The Family Nutrition Bureau (FNB) administers the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), which provides nutritious meals to children during the summer when school is not in session. FNB enters into agreements with local nonprofit sponsoring agencies, local government agencies, faith-based organizations, summer camps, school food authorities and other eligible institutions to administer the SFSP at the local level. This sub-project will include the sponsor application process, meal rates, claims, budget and submission/approval processes, meal sites scheduling, user management, reporting and migration from the legacy system.
Summer Food development work to date:
  • User Management
CYFD is requesting a reallocation ofthe certified funds for Summer Food. Based on updated budget figures, State Administration Expense (SAE) federal funds are available to pay for the entire certified amount. CYFD would like to utilize the SAE federal funds in place of CYFD general funds.
Current Summer Food certified funds and funding source:
  • $100,000, State Administration Expense - Federal Funds
  • $132,842, Early Childhood Services, CYFD - General Funds
CYFD is requesting the following budget reallocation:
  • $232,842, State Administration Expense - Federal Funds

Amount Previously Certified - Phase 1, 2, 3 & 4 / $ 14,475,363
Amount Requested this Certification / $ 0 (Change in Funding Sources for $365,684)
Remaining Appropriation not Certified - Phase 1, 2, 3 & 4 / $ 0
Total Appropriated Amount (include any new funds) / $ 14,475,363

Certification History (Include any previous project or phase certifications)

/ Amount / Funding Source(s) (use specific citations to laws, grants, etc.)
EPICS Master Project–Phase 1 - pROVIDER Management
Initiation / $0
Planning / $84,770 / Laws 2007 Chapter 290, Section 6, subsection C
Federal United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) State Administrative Expense (SAE)

TITLE 7--Agriculture

CHAPTER II – Food and Service Nutrition Service, Department of Agriculture
PART 226—Child and Adult Care Food Program
General Fund
06/2011 / $365,230 / Federal United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) State Administrative Expense (SAE)

TITLE 7--Agriculture

CHAPTER II – Food and Service Nutrition Service, Department of Agriculture
PART 226—Child and Adult Care Food Program
General Fund
$172,500 / ITD General Funds: Laws 2011, Chapter 179, Section 4 and Laws 2012, Chapter 19, Section 4
$449,500 / Federal Child Care Development Funds (CCDF)
Child Care and Development Block Grant Act (42 USC 9858),
Part II
Department of Health and Human Services
Administration For Children and Families
45 CFR Parts 98 and 99
Child Care and Development Fund; Final Rule
06/2013 / $80,567 / Federal Child Care Development Funds (CCDF)
Child Care and Development Block Grant Act (42 USC 9858),
Part II
Department of Health and Human Services
Administration For Children and Families
45 CFR Parts 98 and 99
Child Care and Development Fund; Final Rule
$1,152,567 / Total Certified Phase 1 Provider Management
EPICS Master Project –Phase 2 - Client Management
06/2012 / $1,200,000 / 50th Legislature, 2nd Session, Laws of 2012, Chapter 19, Section 7, Item 17
$1,200,000 / Total Certified Phase 2 Client Management
EPICS Master Project –Phase 3 - SERVICE Management
06/2013 / $3,454,200 / 51st Legislature, 1st Session, Laws of 2013, Chapter 227, Section 7, Item 18
$3,454,200 / Total Certified Phase 3 Service Management
EPICS Master Project –Phase 3 – RACE TO THE TOP
06/2013 / $4,700,000 / Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Grant
CFDA Number: 84.412A
Funded by the US Department of Education
Funding Authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Change / $100,000 / Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Grant
CFDA Number: 84.412A
Funded by the US Department of Education
Funding Authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Change / $927,254 / Federal Child Care Development Funds (CCDF)
Child Care and Development Block Grant Act (42 USC 9858),
Part II
Department of Health and Human Services
Administration For Children and Families
45 CFR Parts 98 and 99
Child Care and Development Fund; Final Rule
Change (this request) / $232,842 / Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Grant
CFDA Number: 84.412A
Funded by the US Department of Education
Funding Authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Change (this request) / ($232,842) / Federal Child Care Development Funds (CCDF)
Child Care and Development Block Grant Act (42 USC 9858),
Part II
Department of Health and Human Services
Administration For Children and Families
45 CFR Parts 98 and 99
Child Care and Development Fund; Final Rule
$5,727,254 / Total Certified Funds – Phase 3 Race to the Top
EPICS Master Project – Phase 3 – Summer Foods
Change / $100,000 / State Administrative Expense (SAE)
SAE funds are allocated in accordance with 7 CFR Part 235.4, for administrative costs incurred in the CACFP program.
Change / $132,842 / ECS General Funds: Laws 2015, Chapter 101, Section 4
Change (this request) / $132,842 / State Administrative Expense (SAE)
SAE funds are allocated in accordance with 7 CFR Part 235.4, for administrative costs incurred in the CACFP program.
Change (this request) / ($132,842) / ECS General Funds: Laws 2015, Chapter 101, Section 4
$232,842 / Total Available Funds – Phase 3 Summer Foods
EPICS Master Project – Phase 4 – FACTS Juvenile Justice (Part 1)
FY16 -Professional Services
FY16/FY17 - HW/SW/Training
Change / $2,708,500
This partial funding will fund the first year development of this two-year project. / 52nd Legislature, 1st Session, Laws 2015 Chapter 101, Section 7, Item 21
$2,708,500 / Total Available Funds – Phase 4 FACTS Juvenile Justice
EPICS Master Project – Total Certified / $14,475,363

Appropriation History (Include all Funding sources, e.g. Federal, State, County, Municipal laws or grants)

Fiscal Year
/ Amount / Funding Source
EPICS Master Project– Phase 1 - pROVIDER Management
FY11 / $84,770 / Laws 2007 Chapter 290, Section 6, subsection C
Federal United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) State Administrative Expense (SAE)

TITLE 7--Agriculture

CHAPTER II – Food and Service Nutrition Service, Department of Agriculture
PART 226—Child and Adult Care Food Program
General Fund
FY12 – FY13 / $365,230 / Federal United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) State Administrative Expense (SAE)

TITLE 7--Agriculture

CHAPTER II – Food and Service Nutrition Service, Department of Agriculture
PART 226—Child and Adult Care Food Program
FY12 – FY13 / $172,500 / ITD General Funds: Laws 2011, Chapter 179, Section 4 and Laws 2012, Chapter 19, Section 4
FY12 – FY13 / $449,500 / Federal Child Care Development Funds (CCDF)
Child Care and Development Block Grant Act (42 USC 9858),
Part II
Department of Health and Human Services
Administration For Children and Families
45 CFR Parts 98 and 99
Child Care and Development Fund; Final Rule
FY13 / $80,567 / Federal Child Care Development Funds (CCDF)
Child Care and Development Block Grant Act (42 USC 9858),
Part II
Department of Health and Human Services
Administration For Children and Families
45 CFR Parts 98 and 99
Child Care and Development Fund; Final Rule
EPICS Master Project – Phase 2 - client Management
FY13 – FY14 / $1,200,000 / 50th Legislature, 2nd Session, Laws of 2012, Chapter 19, Section 7, Item 17
EPICS Master Project – Phase 3 - Service Management
FY14 – FY15 / $3,454,200 / 51st Legislature, 1st Session, Laws of 2013, Chapter 227, Section 7, Item 18
EPICS Master Project –Phase 3 - race to the top
FY14 – FY17 / $4,700,000 / Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Grant
CFDA Number: 84.412A
Funded by the US Department of Education
Funding Authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
FY16 – FY17
Change / $100,000 / Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Grant
CFDA Number: 84.412A
Funded by the US Department of Education
Funding Authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Change / $927,254 / Federal Child Care Development Funds (CCDF)
Child Care and Development Block Grant Act (42 USC 9858),
Part II
Department of Health and Human Services
Administration For Children and Families
45 CFR Parts 98 and 99
Child Care and Development Fund; Final Rule
FY16 – FY17
Change (this request) / $232,842 / Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Grant
CFDA Number: 84.412A
Funded by the US Department of Education
Funding Authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Change (this request) / ($232,842) / Federal Child Care Development Funds (CCDF)
Child Care and Development Block Grant Act (42 USC 9858),
Part II
Department of Health and Human Services
Administration For Children and Families
45 CFR Parts 98 and 99
Child Care and Development Fund; Final Rule
EPICS Master Project – Phase 3 – Summer FOODS
FY16 / $100,000 / Federal United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) State Administrative Expense (SAE)

TITLE 7--Agriculture

CHAPTER II – Food and Service Nutrition Service, Department of Agriculture
PART 226—Child and Adult Care Food Program
General Fund
FY16 / $132,842 / ECS General Funds: Laws 2015, Chapter 101, Section 4
Change (this request) / $132,842 / State Administrative Expense (SAE)
SAE funds are allocated in accordance with 7 CFR Part 235.4, for administrative costs incurred in the CACFP program.
Change (this request) / ($132,842) / ECS General Funds: Laws 2015, Chapter 101, Section 4
EPICS Master Project – Phase 4 – FACTS JUVENILE JUSTICE (PaRT 1)
FY16 -Professional Services
FY16/FY17 - HW/SW/Training / $2,708,500
This partial funding will fund the first year development of this two-year project. / 52nd Legislature, 1st Session, Laws 2015 Chapter 101, Section 7, Item 21
EPICS Master Project – Total Certified / $14,475,363
Major Deliverable Schedule and Performance Measures

Major Project Deliverable and Performance Measure

/ Budget /

Due Date


Project Phase

EPICS Master Project–Phase 1 - pROVIDER Management
  • Provider Background Check for ECS
  • Child and Adult Food Program (CACFP)

Project Planning / $85,500 / 09/30/2011 / Planning
All Iterations - Design through Implementation / $1,067,067
Iteration I - Setup / 06/30/2012 / Implementation
Iteration II - Claims / 10/31/2012 / Implementation
Iteration III - Compliance / 12/31/2012 / Implementation
Iteration IV - Claims Processing / 06/30/2013 / Implementation
Iteration V - Reporting / 06/30/2013 / Implementation
Pre-Deployment / 06/30/2013 / Implementation
Conversion / 06/30/2013 / Implementation
Internal Training / 06/30/2013 / Implementation
External Training / 06/30/2013 / Implementation
Pilot / 09/30/2013 / Implementation
Release 1.0 / 11/18/2013 / Implementation
Total / $1,152,567
EPICS Master Project–Phase 2 - Client Management
  • Foundational Person and Staff Components
  • Human Resources (functions not provided in SHARE)

Project Planning / $244,379 / 01/31/13 / Planning
All Iterations - Design through Implementation / $955,621
Phase 2.0 A Person/Staff Mgmt. / 04/30/2013 / Implementation
Phase 2.0 B Person/Staff Mgmt. / 06/30/2013 / Implementation
Phase 2.0 C Person/Staff Mgmt. / 10/31/2013 / Implementation
Phase 2.0 D Person/Staff Mgmt. / 03/31/2014 / Implementation
Pre-Deployment / 03/31/2014 / Implementation
Conversion / 03/31/2014 / Implementation
Internal Training / 03/31/2014 / Implementation
Pilot / 05/31/2014 / Implementation
Release 2.0 / 08/28/2014 / Implementation
Total / $1,200,000
EPICS Master Project –Phase 3 - service Management
Agency Reporting & Tracking Enterprise System (ARTES)
Includes Domestic Violence and Juvenile Community Corrections
Deliverable / Target Version(s)
Bill / Jun-2015
Client Management / Oct-2014, Mar-2015, Jun-2015