Informal ERP letter No. 6

22 December 2005

The electronic newsletter for the members of the FAO/UNESCO
flagship "Education for Rural People (ERP)"


What's new?

1) International Capacity Building Events:

In 2005 there were more than 30 events on Education for Rural People or related to it promoted by ERP members (see: ERPotheractivities_en.htm), ten of which at FAO Headquarters among which:

·  ERP presented as a key decision-making policy issue at the Fifth meeting of the annual High-level Group on Education for All (Beijing, China, 28-30 November 2005):

and related Press Clippings:

The Working Session II "Reaching the marginalized: investing in education for rural people to achieve EFA goals and the MDGs" (Tuesday, 29 November 2005) organized in collaboration with FAO, the lead agency for the ERP flagship - highlighted key policies and financial implications on Education for Rural People as well as operational solutions through examples of successful programs in different regions. The sixth meeting of the High-level Group on Education for All brought together several heads of State and Governments, some thirty Ministers of Education, UN agencies and representatives from civil society.
The meeting drew on the data and conclusions of the 2006 EFA Global Monitoring Report, focusing on literacy, girls education and ERP, providing a clear review of the progress and major challenges to face.

·  Ministerial Seminar on Education for Rural People in Africa: Policy Lessons, Options and Priorities hosted by the Government of Ethiopia (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 7-9 September 2005:

and related Press Clippings:

Ministers of education, agriculture, fisheries and rural development with high-level official of eleven countries in sub-Saharan Africa agreed to make Education for Rural people a top priority. Participating countries were Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guinea, Madagascar, Mozambique, Niger, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda.
The seminar was organized by FAO, ADEA (Association for the Development of Education in Africa) and IIEP (UNESCO/International Institute for Educational Planning), with the support of the Italian Development Cooperation (DGCS), the Norwegian Education Trust Fund and the World Bank.

·  Working Group for International Co-operation in Skills Development (FAO Headquarters - Rome, Italy, 10-11 November 2005):

and related Press Clippings:

·  The World Bank and post-secondary educational institutions: from supply-driven towards demand-responsive approaches, (FAO Headquarters - Rome, Italy, 9 November 2005):

·  The new interactive ERP Tool Kit. (FAO Headquarters - Rome, Italy, 9 November 2005):

·  Right to Education: Solution to all Problems or Problem without Solution?
(Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch - IUKB. Geneva, Switzerland,18 - 22 October 2005):

·  International Conference of All India Association for Educational Research
on Improving Rural Education (Angel Matriculation Higher Secondary School Thiruninravur. Tamil Nadu, India, 10 - 12 October 2005):

·  The 3rd World Congress on Education for the Environment. (Turin, Italy, 4-6 October 2005):

·  58th Annual NGO/DPI Conference NGO Mid-Day Workshop: Challenges and Opportunities in Combating Poverty. (New York, USA, 7 September 2005):

·  Sixth meeting of the Working Group on Education for All (EFA). (UNESCO Headquarters - Paris, France, 19-21 July 2005):

·  Italian local civil society for ERP. (Biella, Italy, 17 June 2005):

·  Seminar on: School Gardens for Better Learning and Nutrition. (FAO Headquarters - Rome, Italy, 10 June 2005):

·  The Contribution of Education for Rural People to the Millennium Development Goals: results from case studies in Senegal, Chad, Tanzania, Bolivia, Chile. (FAO Headquarters - Rome, Italy, 31 May 2005):

·  Workshop for sub-Saharan Africa. (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 30 May - 3 June 2005):

·  International Seminar on Rural Education for Sustainable Development: Policy-Relevant Research Studies and Evidence-based Innovative Practices. (Beijing and Baoding, China, 26-28 May 2005):

·  Education for Sustainable Development: Perspectives for a Common Platform. (UNESCO Italian National Commission - Rome, Italy, 13 May 2005):

·  Policy, Planning, and Management of Rural Primary School Teacher in Africa. (Maseru, Lesotho, 16-20 May 2005):

·  2005, International Year of micro-credit. (Università degli Studi La Sapienza Rome, Italy, 11 May 2005):

·  Seminar on: Literacy and Sustainable Rural Livelihoods. (FAO Headquarters - Rome, Italy, 11 May 2005):

·  Training HIV/AIDS orphans in sub-Saharan Africa. Field schools fight hunger and poverty with farming know-how and life skills. (FAO Headquarters - Rome, Italy, 9 May 2005):

·  Workshop on: Education for Rural People. (Maputo, Mozambique, 26 April 2005):

·  A New Online Education Tool Kit on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to educate rural people. (FAO Headquarters - Rome, Italy, 26 April 2005):

·  New Approach to Learning in Rural Finance: a presentation for the 2005 International Year of Microcredit. (FAO Headquarters - Rome, Italy, 3 March 2005):

·  The contribution of Swedish NGOs to Education for Rural People. (FAO Headquarters - Rome, Italy, 23 March 2005):

·  Zanzibar - Education for Rural People flagship project workshop. (Zanzibar, 24 March 2005):

·  Meeting on Policies; Access and Quality of Education; and the Reduction of Extreme Poverty in Rural Areas. (Panama City, Panama, 21-22 March 2005):

·  Consultative Meeting on the 10-Year Review of the World Programme of Action for Youth. (Coimbra, Portugal, 31 January - 3 February 2005):

·  Reviewing Kosovo's Curriculum to address Kosovo's rural people's needs. (Kosovo, first semester 2005):

·  “A call to eradicate hunger by alliances against hunger” - World Social Forum. (Porto Alegre, Brazil, 28 January 2005):

·  “Children gardens: links with education to health, food, nutrition and sustainable agriculture" – Workshop. (La Havana, Cuba, 25 - 26 January 2005):

·  Education for Rural People: a key to development. (Vimercate, Milan, Italy, 13 January 2005):

2) Sharing knowledge, research, information and good practices:

ERP in the United Nations or other agencies publications:

1. ERP is in Pages 14, 15 (Pages 16, 17 of PDF) of: FAO Hunger Report 2005:

2. ERP is in Page 92/Chapter 3, Page 132/Chapter 4, of: EFA Global Monitoring Report 2006 Education for All: Literacy for life:

3. ERP is in Page 10 of: IIEP Newsletter October-December 2005, UNESCO:

4. ERP is in Pages 21,37, 184, 189, 190 of: Progress in Education for All:
focus on governance:

5. ERP is in: Review of FAO/Italy Agricultural Development Projects 2005
Cooperazione Italiana, FAO:

6. ERP is in Pages 122, 123 (Pages 76, 77 of PDF) of: FAO Medium Term Plan
CL 127/7 ib:

The ERP Tool Kit

Teaching and learning tools for rural people life can be consulted through an interactive research system of the ERP Tool kit. Such training tools - available at:

The ERP Tool kit provides materials for rural teachers, instructors, trainers, parents, researchers, extensionists and others involved in formal and non formal education for rural people. It could also provide tools for self studies. To facilitate the use items are classified into macro-categories (levels and types of education and subjects). For each item a short abstract that explains what the item is about and refers to related articles and information is provided. . Most of the items are in English but some of them are also available in other languages, including local languages. Members and users contributions to enrich the Tool Kit will be appreciated by entering

ERP in the news: 264 news concerning ERP were published:

Books (

1. Training for rural development in Brazil: SENAR
By Gomes, Candido Alberto; Câmara, Jacira . FAO/IIEP 2005
Full text available in PDF at
You can request the book by e-mail at

2. Indicateurs pour la planification de l’éducation pour les populations rurales: une guide pratique. By Claude Sauvageot and Patricia Dias Da Graça, FAO/IIEP 2005

Virtual Publications

1. Education for Rural People to achieve EFA and the MDGs, by FAO, Sustainable Development Department (Lavinia Gasperini) and IIEP/UNESCO (David Atchoarena) for the Panel Session on the Education for Rural People (ERP) Flagship Partnership. The 6th Meeting of the Working Group on EFA, 19-21 July 2005, UNESCO, Paris in

2.  The MDGs and Sustainable Rural Development in sub-Saharan Africa. Challenges and Implications for Education for Rural People (ERP), by FAO Sustainable Development Department (Marcelino Avila and Lavinia Gasperini) and IIEP/UNESCO (David Atchoarena) for the Working Group for International Co-operation in Skills Development Organized in collaboration with FAO and IIEP, Hosted by FAO, Rome, 10-11 November 2005

3.  Les ONG françaises et le programme FAO/UNESCO "Education pour les populations rurales (EPR)" – FAO, June 2005


We are now 230 members!

Number of partners / 24 / 46 / 57 / 74 / 94 / 114 / 139 / 154
Period / 12/12/2002 / 20/03/2003 / 10/06/2003 / 23/12/2003 / 27/05/2004 / 30/8/2004 / 30/9/2004 / 20/12/2004
Number of partners / 230
Period / 20/12/2005

As you can see there is a continuous progress in the number of partners.

Education for rural people (ERP) flagship members are listed in:


We invite you to improve the exchange of experiences by filling in in the questionnaire for members at web page and send us articles for publication in the web site on your best practices following the instructions specified in the ERP web site.