Computerized Accounting Systems
ACC 279-75Z1Online
Fall 2011
3 Credit Hours
Instructor: / Debbie L. Wright
E-mail: / (this is the best way to contact me)
Office Phone: / 270-824-8614. I’m very bad about voice mail so don’t hesitate to call a second time!
Home Phone: / 270-825-8893. Leave a message if necessary. Please limit your calls to between 8:00am & 10:00pm central time (I am very old!). I’m happy to get a call from you so feel free to call me!
Office Hours: / MW1:00-2:15, T1:30-3:30, R by appointment and Friday 10:00-11:00 and almost anytime I’m in my office.Call or email me anytime.I’m usually online 1st thing in the morning.
Office: / Room 263, Social Sciences Suite, John Gray Building
Accounting concepts and principles are applied using computerized accounting systems.
Academic Prerequisites
ACC 201 or ACT 101 and ACT 102 or concurrent enrollment in ACT 102. Computer literacy.
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will understand:
  1. Use an integrated computerized accounting program; and
  2. Identify the elements of internal control systems.

Computer Accounting with QuickBooks Pro 2011 with Student Data Files & QuickBooks Trial Software, 13th edition; Donna Kay; McGraw-Hill, 2011
This course involves a great deal of independent work on the part of the student. The instructor is available for questions by email and through the discussion area for any help you might need.
There are 12 quizzes; one for each chapter. The quizzes will count 110 points towards your total score so you may miss 1 without affecting your grade. If you complete all 12 quizzes you may receive up to 10 points extra credit. Quizzes are located in each chapter folder on Blackboard. All quizzes are open book and open note. There is a comprehensive final worth 200 points.
Make-Up/Late Work Policy
You may miss 1 quiz without it affecting your grade. There is no make-up for a second missed quiz. I will not accept quizzes or homework after the scheduled due date for any reason.
There is a homework assignment for each chapter. An excel template will be used to collect information asked for in the chapter activities and projects. Each template has a check list of deliverables due. No homework is accepted late for any reason.
I will discourage you from dropping if, in my opinion, you are passing the course. November 18 is the last day that I will give my permission to drop.
Incompletes are given only in extreme cases and only to a student who has completed 80% of the total class work.
Attendance in this class is shown by turning in your homework and quizzes on time.
Important Web Sites
1.You can get to Blackboard from the MCC Web site at or you may go directly there at .
2.The direct link to the textbook website is: _center_view()/ Click on student edition. We’ll just use the free stuff here. Don’t buy a password or spend any more money!
3.You may view the KCTCS Student Code of Conduct at
4.To get to your KCTCS email account go to
5.If you are having logon problems or have any technical questions contact KYVU at 866-590-9238. Help desk information at .
6.Library services: Link to Madisonville Community College Library on MCC Homepage. Use the same KCTCS email link above.
Technical Help
If you have difficulty logging in or if you have any further questions, please contact the KCTCS 24/7 Help Desk:
Toll Free 1-866-590-9238
Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week
URL: group id=_16_1
Library Information
You may use the Kentucky Virtual Library ( ) where many books and other resources are available online. The librarians here can also help you find other materials you need and have them delivered to your local library. They will even help you with research - all for free! To access the Library databases, you will need a username and password. Email me if you wish one.
General Education Competencies
Communicate Effectively
--Course objective: The student will read with comprehension, write clearly using standard English, interact cooperatively with others using online means and demonstrate information processing through basic computer skills.
--Instructional objectives: The student will demonstrate reading skills by reading the textbook and various websites in preparing assignments. Writing will be evaluated by examination of student writing assignments, including quizzes, critical thinking exercises and exams. The student will demonstrate effective communication through such activities as threaded discussions, interactions with other students, and homework preparation. The student will demonstrate computer skills by using excel, word and the internet to complete class assignments.
Think Critically
--Course objective: The student will demonstrate problem solving through interpreting, integration of knowledge, analyzing, evaluating and deduction. The student will use mathematics to organize, analyze, and synthesize data to solve homework problems.
--Instructional objectives: The student will demonstrate critical thinking by evaluation and discussion of various homework problems. The information gathered will be effectively presented using various computer skills. The student will be able to analyze information provided, draw reasonable conclusions and propose a course of action to solve a problem.
Learn Independently
--Course objective: The student will use appropriate search strategies and resources to find, evaluate, and use information.
--Instructional objectives: The student will demonstrate independent learning by answering “Critical Thinking” questions for each chapter. The student will make ethical choices in avoiding the penalties of plagiarism.
Writing Across the Curriculum:
To satisfy the general education requirements of writing across the curriculum,
"All faculty are expected to call attention to and penalize for errors in English usage and require the rewriting of papers which do not meet acceptable standards." (CCS Rules, Section V, 2.32)
Disability Statement
"Students with documented disabilities that require individualized accommodations should schedule a conference with the Disability Resources Coordinator, Valerie Wolfe, room 139 JHG at their earliest convenience.”(Phone 270-824-1708, or email )
SAFETY for MCC On Campus Students
Madisonville Community College is concerned with the safety of the students attending classes at any of the four campuses. The following points are for your benefit as a student.
In case any life threatening event, call 911. The local emergency responders are better equipped to take care of these situations.
To sign up for the Safety Notification Alert Process (SNAP) go to the MCC webpage and click on the SNAP section. After completing this, you will receive notifications on school closings, inclement weather, and other safety notifications.
To report a safety concern call the MCC Tip Line at 824-1900 to report safety concerns or suspicious behavior. This line is monitored once a day Monday through Friday.
There is a Maintenance #836-5330 for students on the North campus for use after the switchboard closes at 4:30. This is a cell phone that is answered by one of the Maintenance & Operations personnel.
Event / Points / My Scores
Introductory Discussion Post / 5
Acknowledgement of Course Policies / 5
Upload a File / 5
Homework / 775
Chapter Quizzes (you may drop 1 quiz) / 110
Comprehensive Final Exam / 200
Total Points / 1100
Grading Scale / Letter Grades / Points Required
A / 990
B / 880
C / 770
D / 660
E / <660

ACT 279
Assignment Schedule
Fall 2011

Points / Assignment / Due
Introduction to Class
15 /
  • Located in “Getting Started”
  • Introduce yourself to the class on Discussion Board
  • Complete Course Policy Acknowledgement Statement
  • Upload a file
/ 8/21
Please note you may work ahead and turn in projects early if you wish. All exercises, projects and quizzes must be completed by due date.
Chapter 1
45 /
  • Chapter 1 Exercises
  • Don’t do “Reflection: A Wish & a Star” in any Chapter
  • Chapter 1 Project
  • Complete Quiz 1
/ 8/28
Chapter 2
45 /
  • Chapter 2 Exercises
  • Chapter 2 Project
  • Complete Quiz 2
/ 9/11
Chapter 3
60 /
  • Chapter 3 Exercises
  • Chapter 3 Project
  • Complete Quiz 3
/ 9/18
Chapter 4
65 /
  • Chapter 4 Exercises
  • Chapter 4 Project
  • Compete Quiz 4
/ 9/25
Chapter 5
85 /
  • Chapter 5 Exercises
  • Chapter 5 Project
  • Complete Quiz 5
/ 10/3
Fall Break: 10/10—10/14
If this is not your fall break then you should work ahead.
Instructor will be offline during this week.
Chapter 6
85 /
  • Chapter 6 Exercises
  • Chapter 6 Project
  • Complete Quiz 6
/ 10/17
Chapter 7
85 /
  • Chapter 7 Exercises
  • Chapter 7 Project
  • Complete Quiz 7
/ 10/24
Chapter 8
70 /
  • Chapter 8 Exercises
  • Chapter 8 Project
  • Complete Quiz 8
/ 10/31
Chapter 9
95 /
  • Chapter 9 Exercises
  • Chapter 9 Project
  • Complete Quiz 9
/ 11/7
Chapter 10
110 /
  • Chapter 10 Exercises
  • Chapter 10 Project
  • Complete Quiz 10
/ 11/14
Chapter 11
65 /
  • Chapter 11 Exercises
  • Chapter 11 Project
  • Complete Quiz 11
/ 11/21
Chapter 12
85 /
  • Chapter 12 Exercises
  • Chapter 12 Project
  • Quiz 12
/ 11/28
200 /
  • Comprehensive Final Exam
/ 12/5
If you miss 1 quiz it will not affect your grade. All homework is due at midnight on the due date and will not be accepted late for any reason.
A note about extra credit. You have an opportunity to earn up to 10 extra credit points by completing all 12 quizzes. No other extra credit available.