Double and Compound Angle Revision – Core 4

1.Find the general solution, in radians, of the equation

sin 2x + cos x = 0

(Total 5 marks)

2.(a)Use the identity sin(A + B) + sin(A – B)= 2 sin A cos B to prove that:

(i)sin 2 = 2 sin cos ;


(ii)sin3 +sin  = 4 sin  – 4 sin3 .


(b)Show that (2s – 1) is a factor of 8s3 – 8s + 3.


(c)Solve the equation

sin 3 +sin =

giving your answers in radians in the interval 0 < .


(Total 15 marks)

3.Solve the equation

3 sin sin2 = 2cos3,

giving all solutions in radians in the interval 0 <  < 2, leaving your answers in terms of .

No credit will be given for a numerical approximation or for a numerical answer from a calculator without supporting working.

(Total 6 marks)

4.Solve the equation

3 cos 2– cos  + 1 = 0

giving all solutions in degrees to the nearest degree in the interval 0°  360°.

(Total 6 marks)

5.Solve the equation

8 tan  = tan 2,

giving all solutions to the nearest 0.1° in the interval –90° <  < 90°.

(Total 6 marks)

6.Determine all the values of x between 0 and 2 which satisfy the equation

5 cos 2x + 3 sin x= 4,

giving your answers in radians to three significant figures or exactly in terms of .


(Total 7 marks)

7.(a)Solve the equation sec x = 2 for 0 x 2.


(b)Use the identity cos (A + B)  cos A cos B – sin A sin B to show that

cos 2x = 2 cos2x – 1.


(c)Hence solve the equation

cos 2x + 3 cos x – 1 = 0 for 0 x 2.


(Total 9 marks)

8.(a)Given that sin = , where is an obtuse angle, find the exact value of cos .


(b)Given also that cos  = , where is an acute angle, find the exact value of sin( + ).


(Total 5 marks)

9.(a)Show that tan(45° + ) =.


(b)Hence obtain the exact value of tan 105° in the form a + b, where a and b are integers to be found.


(Total 6 marks)

10.(a)Use the expansion of cos (A + B) to show that

cos 3x = 4 cos3x – 3 cos x.


(b)Hence find all solutions in the interval 0 < x of the equation

2 cos 3x = cos x,

giving each answer in radians to two decimal places.


(Total 9 marks)

11.(a)By factorising cos4x – sin4x, or otherwise, show that

cos4x – sin4x = cos 2x.


(b)Hence, or otherwise, find the range of values of x in the interval 0 xfor which

cos4x – sin4x < 0.


(Total 6 marks)

12.(a)Express 2cos x – sin x in the form R cos(x + ),where R is a positive constant and  is an angle between 0º and 360º.


(b)Given that 0º x < 360º,

(i)solve2cos x – sin x = l,


(ii)deduce the solution set of the inequality

2cos x – sin x 1.


(Total 7 marks)

13.(a)Express the function sin  °+ 2 cos   in the form R sin ( + ), stating the values of R and  to 3 significant figures.



The diagram shows a rectangle ABCD. The mid point of AB is M. The length MC is a and the size of angle BMC is.

(i)Express the perimeter of the rectangle in terms of a and. Hence state, in terms of a, the maximum possible value of the perimeter as  varies.


(ii)Find, in terms of a, the maximum possible value of the area of the rectangle as
 varies.


(Total 8 marks)

14.(a)Prove the identity


(b)Given that 0 < x, solve the equation

tan x + cot x = 22.


(Total 7 marks)

15.(a)Given that tan  1, show that



(b)By expressing cos x + sin x in the form R sin (x + a), solve, for 0° x 360°,



(Total 8 marks)

South Wolds Comprehensive School1