Board Approved–Feb 22, 2011

New Mexico Woodturners

Policiesand Procedures

The Board is charged with overseeing and managing the operation of the organization. In addition to the Bylaws, the Board has developed and will review and update as needed a manual of Policies and Procedures which serve as guidelines for the Chapter operations.

  1. Membership Fee Schedule

1. Annual membership fees shall be $20.00 for an individual and$25.00 for a family

2. The membership year shall be from January 1 through December 31.

3. Renewals are on an annual basis due by January 31st of the renewal year.Dues are accepted anytime during the preceding year's final quarter through January 31.

4. Late renewals may be accepted, but late renewals must pay the entire year's dues.

5. Membership dues not received by the end of the first quarter of the renewal year will result in those members being dropped from the Chapter, and they will receive no further benefits unless and until the dues are paid.

6. Only new members will be charged according to the quarter in which they applied for original membership as follows.

1st Quarter: Full annual dues.

2ndQuarter: Three-fourths the annual dues.

3rd Quarter: One-half the annual dues.

4thQuarter: Full dues for the following year. (New members joining during the last quarter of the year will receive that quarter free provided they pay the dues for the following year.)

  1. Other Fees and Rewards

1.Raffle Tickets –1 for $1, 3 for $2, and 10 for $5. 1 free ticket for raffle item donation and gallery entry(s).

2.Library Rentals - $1 per item per month.

3. Refreshments - coffee is free (provided by WWS) and donation for pastry.

  1. Archives

1. A collection of NMWT important and historical records shall be maintained.

2. The President, with the consent of the officers, shall appoint a resource manager to administer and maintain the Archives.

3. The Archive shall include, but not be limited to: (a) Chapter Charter from the American Association of Woodturners, the Chapter Bylaws, the Policiesand Procedures, and supporting documents. (b)Copies of all newsletters, minutes of board meetings, all correspondence. (c)Inventory list of all equipment and other items owned by NMWT and the location of such items. (d) A list of past and present officers and any information deemed necessary to preserve for the benefit of the club.

  1. Committees

The following are standing committees to assist with the NMWT’s operations. The committee chairs are responsible for the following duties with assistance from other club members.

1. Equip/Workshops:The equipment manager is responsible for maintaining the club’s equipment and keeping track of its location. The workshop coordinator is responsible for organizing hands-on workshops and assisting the VP with professional presenters.

2. Library: The librarian is responsible for the club media (tapes, DVDs, books, etc) library, which includes maintaining the master inventory list, producing the program DVDs from the video tapes, and having the library available to members at the regular meetings.

3. Logistics:The logistics coordinator is responsible for setting-up the meeting room as required and clean-up after the regular meeting, which includeswood chips, the coffee pot, and all chairs and tables.

4. Newsletter:The newsletter editor is responsible for producing the monthly newsletter by the Monday preceding the regular meeting and sending the e-mail and US mail copies. Each officer and committee chair is responsible for submitting their articles or announcements to the editor by the 20ththe each month.

5. Photography:The photographer is responsible for taking the gallery photos at each regular meeting, sending the photos to both the newsletter editor and the webmaster, video tapping the programs at the regular meetings, and photographing the annual State Fair entries.

6. Raffle:The raffle coordinator is responsible for the monthly raffle at the regular meeting, which includes selling raffle tickets, conducting the raffle, and informing the treasurer when additional gift certificates are needed.

7. State Fair:The state fair coordinator is responsible for the state fair exhibit and demonstrations, which includes interfacing with the state fair personal, obtaining judges, turning demonstrators, and hosts.

8. Web Site:The webmaster is responsible for maintaining the club web site, which includes keeping it current with photos, announcements, upcoming programs, etc. Each officer and committee chair is responsible for submitting the required information to the webmaster.

  1. Guest Professional Demonstrators and Hands-on Workshops with Guest Professionals

This Policy and Procedure is in Addendum A.

  1. Member Presenters Fee Compensation

The WWS Program Donation to the NMWT’s is currently $75.00 per monthly meeting. NMWT funds add $25.00 per monthly meeting. This money is paid to the presenting member(s) as follows.

1.A regular meeting with a single presenter will receive $100.00.

2. A regular meeting with two presenters will receive $50.00 each.

3. A regular meeting with three or more presenters will not receive a fee.

  1. Protocol for Significant Contributions to New Mexico Woodturners

This Policy and Procedure is in Addendum B.

Policies and Procedures – Addendum A

Guest Professional Demonstrators


Hands-on Workshops with Guest Professionals


For the past few years, NMWT has invited professional guest presenters (generally non-New Mexico residents and non-members of NMWT) to deliver presentations/demonstrations at our monthly club regular meetings. In addition, a number of these guests have led hands-on workshops in addition to the meeting presentations.

The planning and execution of these events can be complicated and require considerable volunteer support. They also generally involve significant costs to the club and/or members participating in the hands-on workshops. Added to the complexity is the need for planning well in advance of the demonstration/workshop events, as many professionals are in high demand and must be scheduled months or years in advance.

The purpose of this Policy/Procedure section is to document the process of planning and conducting these events, and to state the guidelines under which they are held. (*denotes a policy Guideline.)

  1. Responsibility
  1. The Special Presentations Chairman (SPC), a member of the Board, shall be responsible for following these Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines. He/she will report to the Board, as part of the monthly Board meeting, all status of Guest Professional Demonstrators and Workshop planning. General procedural issues shall be brought to the Board’s attention for information and/or decision.

The SPC shall see that all related articles and announcements are submitted for inclusion in the newsletter in advance of Guest Presentations.

  1. Identification & Selection
  1. Every year, during the December planning meeting, member input is to be solicited for potential professional guests for the coming year (and years after, for those with long lead times). Members may have seen potential guests at national or regional symposia, watched videos, read magazine articles, or become aware of the professionals through other means. Suggestions may even include prior guests whose presentations were well received.

During the planning meeting, members will be asked to prioritize the guests suggested. The prioritized list shall be used by the Board to finalize future meeting programs.

  1. The SPC, with Board input, shall solicit availability from selected professionals, and other information including:
  • Fees charged
  • Expenses
  • Presentation Topics
  • Potential for Hands-on Workshops in addition to club presentations
  • Logistical and Other issues
  1. No commitment for a paid Guest Professional Presentation shall be made without prior Board approval, and only under special circumstances.*
  1. The Special Presentations Chairman shall work with other Board members to coordinate the scheduling and topics of the professional presenters.*
  1. Scheduling and Contracting
  1. If possible, summer months (June, July, August) should be avoided since many club members will be away and not able to attend. September conflicts may also exist with State Fair schedules, but may be scheduled if needed. Professional presenters should not be scheduled for consecutive months, and a “spring & fall” arrangement is best, if possible.
  2. After receiving Board approval, based on information supplied by the presenters, the SPC shall solicit and obtain a written commitment from the presenter and also provide a written commitment to the presenter, detailing all schedules, fees, expenses, topics, materials & supplies, and other logistical requirements. It is critical that this be done to avoid confusion, misunderstanding, and potential additional costs.*
  3. If hands-on workshops are to be included, a cutoff date shall be established with the presenter for agreement on the number of days of workshops.
  4. Unless specifically approved by the Board, no retainer or other advance payment shall be made to any presenter.*
  1. Fees & Expenses
  1. While some presenters may vary, the current (2010 - 2011) presenter fees are anticipated to be $600/day for demonstrations and workshops. Higher fees will be considered on a case by case basis.*
  2. Reasonable reimbursement for travel and miscellaneous expenses will be paid.* Generally, the club pays airline fare and mileage/parking at the demonstrators’ home location. In some cases, demonstrators may elect to drive, and the reimbursement will be for mileage only.
  3. Presenter fees for demonstrations and workshops shall be self-supporting. This will generally fall into one of three categories:
  1. Special Demonstrations – All fees and expenses to be paid by NMWT, from funds obtained through donations and/or special grants. Example is demonstrations in 2010 paid by profit sharing from the AAW for 2009 Symposium support. The Board may also dedicate general funds for Special Demonstrations, in unusual cases.
  2. Meeting Day Demonstrations - Admission charge, a nominal charge of $20 to members and $25 to non-members. This arrangement may require advance sign-up to determine interest and level of funding. If the admission charges actually paid fail to cover the presenter’s fees, the balance will be paid from the club’s general funds.*
  3. Workshops – Participant charge, generally $100 per participant, assuming a total of six participants each workshop day. The workshop days must be fully booked and paid by the cutoff date to be held. Any advance payments/deposits paid by participants for days not held will be immediately refunded in full. In addition to the basic $100 participant charge, an additional feel may be assessed in advance for materials and supplies unique to the workshop.*
  1. Lunches shall be provided at all-day and most workshop events. Lunches shall be on a cash basis, for a nominal charge of approximately $5 per person, paid at the door.*
  2. Travel and Miscellaneous Expenses for all Guest Presenters shall be paid from NMWT general funds, including any excess admission fees collected. Expenses for Guest Presenters who present only Hands-on Workshops (no general meeting presentation) shall be shared equally by all Workshop participants.*
  1. Logistical Support
  1. Volunteer support for Guest Presentations will include:
  1. Airport greeting and transportation - One or more volunteers will be needed to greet the Guest upon arrival at the airport, transport him/her to the hosting location, and transport the Guest to the airport for departure. Transportation to club meetings and workshops will generally be provided by the host.
  2. Hosting - One volunteer will need to host the Guest while in New Mexico. Hosting includes providing lodging and meals not provided by the club, transportation to and from club meetings and workshops, general support such as providing local information and directions, and meeting unusual but necessary needs (access to emergency medical care, help with lost items, etc.).
  3. Meeting Day Presentation - The SPC shall work with the Vice President/Program Coordinator to secure any special tools, supplies, and materials for the Guest Presenter, and assist with room set-up for the club presentation.
  4. Workshop coordination - Several volunteers will be identified by the SPC for tasks related to the workshops, including:
  5. Transport lathes and other equipment to the workshop location, setup, and return to storage after the workshops.
  6. Plan and provide lunch(es) for each workshop session.
  7. Securing any special tools, supplies, and materials specified by the Guest.
  8. Taking workshop reservations, confirming attendance, and collecting all fees from participants.

Policies and Procedures – Addendum B


Significant ContributionsTo

New Mexico Woodturners

The purpose of this document is to propose criteria for selection of deserving parties for significant contributions for the advancement and betterment of the woodturning club known as New Mexico Woodturners (NMWT).

Eligibility to Receive the Award: The award may be made to members of NMWT, nonmember individuals or businesses.

Types of Awards: Members may be awarded an Annual or Lifetime Membership along with a framed certificate OR they may receive the Significant Contribution Award along with the appropriate certificate and their name on a Significant Contribution Award Plaque.

Members awarded a Lifetime Membership should have their name so noted on the club’s membership list.

Businesses may be awarded a “Significant Contribution Award” which would include a framed certificate and the name of the business on a plaque to be hung in the meeting place.

Non-member individuals may be awarded an Honorary Lifetime Membership including a framed certificate to be presented at a regular NMWT meeting OR they may receive the Significant Contribution Award with the appropriate certificate and their name on the Significant Contribution Award Plaque.

The Certificate design is approved by the NMWT Board and can only be changed with that body’s approval.

The Plaque design is approved by the NMWT Board but should contain about 12 spaces for awards names and date of the award.

Award Presentation:The awards may be presented at a regular NMWT meeting, the Annual Meeting of NMWT or at any date approved by the NMWT Board.

Number of Awards: There is no limit on the number of awards presented in a year and there is no stipulation that any award must be presented.

Award Criteria: Any member of NMWT may nominate a member, business or non-member individual for any award. The nomination must be made to the NMWT Board. A non-board member may submit the nomination to a Board member to be placed on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. The Board will decide if the nominee receives the award by a majority vote of a quorum of the Board (may have to define a”quorum”).

The suitability of the nominee to receive the award is at sole discretion of the NMWT Board.