Florida Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

11225 Kapok Grand Circle Madeira Beach, FL 33708

Phone: 727-871-1112 Fax: 727-319-8427

Florida ASCD is very excited about our upcoming annual conference. This year’s conference will be held at the Orlando Campus of NOVA Southeastern University on December 5-6, 2008. The theme of this year’s conference is:

Educating & Learning Beyond Boundaries:

Reaching & Teaching EVERY Student in Florida

Featuring Keynote Speaker Dr. Steven Layne

We would love to have you join us as a partner in this conference! The conference schedule provides many opportunities for you to have access to the conference attendees. You will have a half hour prior to the sessions for exhibiting. In the opening session you will be recognized and be able to provide a brief (1-2 minute) overview of your company to our participants. Exhibits are also scheduled during breaks in the day and following lunch to assure that all attendees have access to your materials. As always attendees may choose to visit the exhibits instead of going to a conference session, so the conference room will always be “open”. At the conference, because we are located at a university, our exhibitors will be placed in a classroom near the center location of the conference. It is our hope that drinks and food for breaks, as well as lunch will be served out of the exhibit room, thus providing another opportunity for you to have access to attendees.

You may choose to sponsor at several different levels as indicated on the next page. The prices include your sponsorship of morning continental breakfast, the lunch and breaks during the day. At the end of the day we will raffle door prizes that you may contribute for those in attendance. Additionally, we are looking for a sponsor to donate or purchase conference goodie bags and goodies for attendees. Again, special recognition along with your printed advertising (on the bag if you choose) will be provided.

Details about the conference may be found on our website at www.fascd.org. We anticipate between 200 and 250 registrants composed mainly of district and school decision-makers, along with some teachers. Our membership is made up mostly of district and school decision makers, so we usually have great attendance of potential buyers for you to work with.

Our host hotel for the conference is the Fairfield Inn and Suites by Marriott near Universal. We are using NOVA’s discount rate. The room rate at the hotel is $89 for standard rooms $109 for suites and can be reserved by indicating you are with the FASCD conference at NOVA. There are no plans for the hotel that evening, as we are unsure of how many people will actually stay the night. However you are welcome to work with the hotel or a local restaurant to host a reception of your own afterwards if you are interested! Local restaurants include: Orlando Ale House, Kobe Steakhouse, Starbucks, Carrabbas, Panera & Outback.

We appreciate you taking the time to consider being a partner with us in this conference! I look forward to working with you.

Thank you,

Kim Pearson

Kim Pearson




·  One display table in High Traffic Area

·  Named as sponsor of breakfast and coffee breaks

·  Full-page color ad on cover of conference program (first three only)

·  Special recognition in the program

·  Inclusion as sponsor in FASCD publications, Dimensions, Electronic Dimensions & Florida Educational Leadership

·  Full page color ad in two print publications of Florida Educational Leadership (first three only)

·  Invitation to include one item in participant bag and contribution of door prize(s)

·  Company Name & Logo listed on Power Point During Lunches

·  Company logo/web link from Florida ASCD conference web site for 1 year

·  Conference roster of names and addresses

·  One year free membership to Florida ASCD for person/source designated by vendor


·  One display table

·  Named as sponsor of breakfast and coffee breaks

·  Full-page black and white ad in conference program

·  Special recognition in the program

·  Inclusion as sponsor in FASCD publications, Dimensions, Electronic Dimensions & Florida Educational Leadership

·  Invitation to include one item in participant bag and contribution of door prize(s)

·  Company Name & Logo listed on Power Point During Lunches

·  Company logo/web link from Florida ASCD conference web site for 6 months.

·  One year free membership to Florida ASCD for person/source designated by vendor


·  One display table

·  Named as sponsor of breakfast and coffee breaks

·  Quarter page B&W ad in conference program

·  Special recognition in the program

·  Inclusion as sponsor in FASCD publications, Dimensions, Electronic Dimensions & Florida Educational Leadership

·  Invitation to include one item in participant bag and contribution of door prize(s)


·  Unable to display but may contribute door prizes, appropriate materials, gift certificates, etc. for conference participant “goodie bags”

·  Quarter page B&W ad in conference program

·  Recognition in the program

·  Inclusion as sponsor in FASCD publications, Dimensions, Electronic Dimensions & Florida Educational Leadership

Exhibitor Registration for FASCD Conference, December 5-6, 2008

NOVA Southeastern University, Orlando Campus

4850 Millenia Blvd. Orlando, FL 32839

Please send this form, or fill out on our online form, if you wish to participate. Sponsorships will be accepted in the order received. Please print or type the information below. Or visit www.fascd.org/2008_Vendor.htm.


Company: ______Representative Contact: ______

Contact Address: ______

Contact Phone: ______Contact E-Mail: ______


We wish to participate in the 2008 Florida ASCD Conference as a:

oPlatinum Sponsor $900

oGold Sponsor $600

oSilver Sponsor $400

oBronze Sponsor $100


oElectric Outlet-additional $25

o2nd Table-additional $100 (limited availability)


oCheck (payable to FASCD)

oCredit Card: oVisa or oMaster Card Card Number ______Expiration Date: ______

Total Payment to be Processed $______

Please send form to:

Kim Pearson

2007 Conference Exhibitors

11225 Kapok Grand Circle Madeira Beach, FL 33708

Phone: 727-871-1112

Fax: 727-319-8427


Thank you for your support.