MINUTES of the Quality Assurance Sub Group Meeting, Thursday 4thFebruary 2016
In attendance:- Jane Morris, Linda Keenan, Pauline Milne, Sandra Philip-Rafferty, Louise Johnston, Neil Laurenson
Via VC:Laura Hulse, Paula Collin
No / Item / Action1 / Apologies
Lesley Dolan, Sam Aitcheson, Phil Crockett
2/3 / Minutes of the Previous Meeting/Matters Arising
It was noted that there was a meeting held on 16.09.15 but no minute was available.
It was agreed to mention to the Island Consultation Group that Quality Assurance meetings occur and to ask if anyone would like to attend future meetings.
It was agreed to check if the QAS minutes were published on the website and if not to publish on there in the future.
Matters Arising:
The bid to host the European ED Conference in 2019 was unfortunately unsuccessful although we did achieve a good percentage of votes.
Discussion took place surrounding the further development of Care Pathways across Regions. NL stated that himself and SaraKay were currently looking at pathways between CAMHS and Adult Services in Grampian.
NHSG – work is being undertaken on the pathways between IP and OP services. The Shared Clinical Guideline for last year has been signed off and they will be looking at this year’s one shortly. They are also to look at their urgent referral pathway.
NHST moved to a management referral system last year and they have not revisited pathways since then.
PC stated that they need to revisit the work done last year on referrals into Ninewells Medical wards.
It was noted that following MARSIPAN training the 1st Tayside patient had been accepted and kept in Ninewells until ready for transfer to the Eden Unit which was excellent progress.
They are also going to look at CAMHS Transitions but the focus in NHST is currently on the Health and Social Care integration project being undertaken and everything else has been put on hold at this time.
It was agreed that we need to look at everything which is currently available across the network and JM asked if people would be happy to share these documents between Health Boards even if they have not yet been finalised. It was agreed to table these as an Agenda Item for the next QA Meeting.
It was agreed that now would be a good time to document all the pathways currently available and flag up where there may be issues.
MCN Annual Training Day
The No Delays project was recently demonstrated at the MCN Training Day.
PM suggested that the event in 2016 could be focused around – What do OP Teams expect of the IP Unit and vice versa. Also what do Carer’s and Families Expect”. This would help inform the Network and allow members to manage expectations. / LK/JM
4 / Current Audit Activity
Brenda Leel, Information Officer has now moved on from the post. LK is exploring possibilities on how to use the post more creatively in the future.
Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire – this was currently being looked at by PCrockett/LJ and how to progress it. LK suggested presenting the poster at the forthcoming NHS Scotland Event. An abstract had been submitted last year but LK felt it may be worth submitting again with amendments as the project had moved forward since then.
MH Act Audit – This project is still in the pipeline and JM suggested offering the work required on this audit to a trainee who may be interested. It was noted that there was a possible trainee in NHSH but it was pointed out that they would have to come to Aberdeen as this was where the data was. LH to get back to us.
JM stated that the Eden Unit had an elective student who had submitted a research proposal looking at CORE, EDEQ and HADs and whether changes in scores co-related to BMI.
PCollin has undertaken a previous study with the Priory Hospital and it may be helpful for LL to look at this. PC to send JM a copy of the published paper.
It was agreed that we should look at doing some work on Outcome Measures as a group. NL, SPR were currently doing this but only on an individual basis.
JM stated that Services will have to publish outcomes in the future.
PCollin stated that they currently record this information on an electronic system, which is due to be changed to a new system shortly, but it is hoped the information will move with it. They can currently get a high level of analysis from this on a monthly basis. JM asked if they would be willing to share this within the MCN and PC agreed to find out if this would be possible.
SPR stated that she currently used outcome measure but these were not recorded within NHSG’s Trakcare system. NL stated that a Quality of Life Questionnaire was due to be used in Grampian also. / LH
5 / Research Group
Not discussed
6 / AOCB
No Items discussed
9. / Dates & Times of Next Meetings
25.05.16 – 2.00 – 3.00 pm.
31.08.16 – 2.00 – 3.00 pm
30.11.16 – 2.00 – 3.00 pm