This Classroom-Performance Evaluation format will be used when your Coordinator visits your classroom for the evaluation during your first semester of teaching at EPCC. You and your Coordinator will identify the best time for this visit. It is a good idea to have your Self-Evaluation completed to provide to your Coordinator prior to or on the day of your classroom evaluation. If you are teaching at more than one campus, you can work with your coordinators to determine which class will be evaluated. A classroom and Self-Evaluation are required each year until your sixth year at the College at which time these evaluations will take place every other year. Your

Coordinator will provide you with copies of the evaluation forms

included below.


(for 2005 - 2006 implementation)



DIVISION PT ___ FT______

EVALUATOR ______TITLE ______


1. Course name and number of class being observed: ______

2. Date, time, location of class observed: ______

3. Total number of students present out of total currently enrolled: ______out of _____

4. Topic(s)/Activity(ies) of class: ______

5. Methodology(ies) used (such as discussion, lecture, group work, demonstration) ______


1.Before evaluating an instructor’s classroom performance, all evaluators are required to officially oriented toward the classroom evaluation process; familiar with the instructors syllabus or syllabus supplement;

c.discuss with the instructor the evaluative process (as needed), plans for the class

to be observed, and relevance to overall course objectives.

2.Did you fulfill the requirements in #1? Y____ N____

3.Is the instructor making effective use of the required textbook(s) in the course?

Y ____ S____ N ____ N/A ____ (S=Somewhat)



Explanation: The major emphases of the evaluation are found in the overall questions that begin each of the eight areas. The follow-up yes-somewhat-no-n/a questions represent specific concerns in each area, but are neither exhaustive in intent nor necessarily applicable to all teaching fields. Some overlapping among areas and questions is also unavoidable. Evaluator comments/suggestionsshould address the overall question in each area evaluatively and constructively.

COURSE ORGANIZATION: What was the degree of overall course organizations as suggested by this class session?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___A.Did the timing of material presented in this class suggest proper planning needed to complete all official course objectives?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___ B.Were activities of this class session related to the instructors calendar?


2.COMMUNICATION SKILLS: How did the instructor communicate with students to promote comprehension?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___A.Did the purpose of the class presentation or activities seem clear to the students?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___B.Did the communication strategies used by the instructor promote the comprehension of the students?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___C.Did the instructor sufficiently emphasize main points or concepts?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___D.Did the instructor manage the class environment efficiently in light of his or her approach?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___E.Did the instructor listen to students carefully and accurately?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___F.Did the instructor give clear and specific instructions for assignments and activities?


3.OPENNESS AND FAIRNESS: How did the instructor treat/deal with students?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___A.Did the instructor treat students equally and fairly?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___B.Was the instructor sensitive (or at least not insensitive) in any references related to human diversity?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___C.Was the instructor open to listening to different opinions?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___D.Did the instructor deal with wrong answers or approaches in a positive manner?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___E.Did the instructor respond appropriately to questions calling for further explanation or any suggestions from students to aid their learning?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___F.Did the instructor demonstrate respect for his/her students?


4.ENCOURAGEMENT OF STUDENTS AS LEARNERS: How did the instructor encourage students in the learning process?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___A.Did the instructor encourage students to seek extra help out of class if needed?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___B.Did the instructor show interest and enthusiasm in teaching the subject to his/her students?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___C.Did the instructor encourage students participation?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___D.Did the instructor encourage students to learn and succeed?


5.LEARNING ACTIVITIES/METHODOLOGIES: How did the instructors methodology(ies) contribute to students learning?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___A.Were class activities appropriate for the students in this class?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___B.Did the class activities demonstrate sufficient presentational variety?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___C.Was/were the teaching methodology(ies) used by the instructor effective in helping students meet the course objectives?


6.CRITICAL THINKING: How did the instructor foster critical thinking?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___A.Were students required to analyze?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___B.Were students required to synthesize?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___C.Were students required to apply concepts?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___D.Were students required to evaluate?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___E.Were students required to make decisions?


7.TIME MANAGEMENT: How did the instructor manage class time?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___A.Were the class presentation and/or other activities well organized?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___B.Did the instructor properly pace the presentation/activities?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___C.Did the instructor bring proper closure to the presentation/activities?


8.SUBJECT COMPETENCE: How accurately and appropriately did the instructor present/treat the subject matter itself?

Note to Evaluator: If your answer to the following question is no, your observations in this area, although valued and not to be ignored, will be considered impressionistic.

Y ___ N ___Do you meet minimal academic requirements for a full-time faculty member to teach in the same area as the faculty member being evaluated?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___A.Was the instructor’s presentation accurate in terms of subject competence?

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___B.Were the presentation and/or methodologies used appropriate in terms of current thinking in the field/

Y ___ S ___ N ___ N/A ___C.Were examples used or references made appropriate in terms of content?






I received this evaluation and discussed it with the evaluator within three weeks.



What have you learned from this evaluation?

What response do you have to the evaluator’s comments or the evaluation process?

(Your signature does not imply agreement with the content of this evaluation.)


OPTIONAL COMMENTS OF THE DEAN (if not the same as evaluator):