Project module description

General module information
Title: Interactive Systems Design
Type: Project module
ECTS points: 20 ECTS
Period: 1 February 2016 — 30 June 2016
6th semester, B.Sc. in Medialogy
Module coordinator
Aalborg: Kasper Rodil (coordinator), Inaam Ramløse (secretary)
Academic content and relationships to other modules/semesters
The formal study plan description of the module can be found here (page X):
[Link to study plan containing description of module]
[The module responsible(s) here provide a brief and general description of the academic content of the module as well as the basis and motivation for the module; i.e. a brief review of the content and foundation of the module. The intention is to provide students with an overview of each module and to create understanding of the module in relation to the semester and the entire program.]
Objectives and learning goals
[An understandable description of the main objectives and learning goals.]
Extent and expected work load
[The expected scope elements of the module in terms of ECTS load. This may comprise project supporting lectures, laboratory work, supervision, self-study activities, company visits, guest lectures etc., with overview of how the total ECTS is distributed among these activities.]
Pre-requisites for participation
[Description of the prerequisites for students’ participation in the course, i.e. previous modules/courses in other semesters etc. The overall intention is to emphasize the coherence of the program.]
The prerequisites for participation are listed in the study plan:
[The module coordinator may here detail/clarify the prerequisites for participation as necessary.]
The module is examined through a standard group-based project exam. See the study plan for any further detail on requirements, examination and assessment:
It is a prerequisite for being allowed to take part in the project examination, that the project documentation is handed in on time (see exam rules).