Tuesday 19th January 2011
13-15 Brondesbury RD, NW6 6BX
Rami Jumnoodoo (RJ), Branch Secretary
Francis Carroll (FC), Communication Officer
John McCosker (JM), Chair
Ajay Baboolall (AB), Member
Tom Blacker (TB), H&S Officer, NW Sector
Albert Kwaw (AK), Branch Communication Officer
Evelyn McLean (EM),Membership Secretary
Pam Okuns-Edokpayi, (PO), UNISON FTO
Mareena Tshabalala, (MT) Member
Amanda Witkamp, (AW), Member
Shaun Carbon (SC), Member
Cristina Guglielmoni, (CG), Member
Joseph Jones (JJ), Member
Lee Benson (LB), Member
Rai Davies (RD), Member
Sylvia Spence-Richard (SS), Member
Patrick Coyne (PC), Member
Yvonne Boatin (YB), Member
Veronica Davies, (VD), Member
Robin Smith,(RS)Treasurer
1.Election of Branch Officers
The Full Time Regional Officerled the election
Chair Person:John McCoskervotewas carried.
Branch Secretary:Rami Jumnoodoo vote was carried
Assistant Branch Secretary:Mareena Tshabalala vote was carried
Branch Treasurer: Cristina Guglielmoni vote was carried (Robin Smith stepped down)
Membership:Evelyn McLean vote was carried.
Health & Safety:Tom Blacker vote was carried.
Education coordinator:Veronica Davies vote was carried
Communications:Albert Kwaw and Francis Carroll vote was carried.
Equality:John McCoskerand Shaun Carbon vote was carried.
Welfare Officers(shared):Evelyn McClean and Veronica Davies vote was carried.
Auditors:Robin Smith and David Slater were nominated in their absence vote was carried.
International Officer:Not appointed to
Young Members Officer:Not appointed to
Stewards:Amanda Witkamp, Shaun Carbon, Francis Carroll, Cristina Guglielmoni, Ray Davies, Sylvia Spence-Richards, Veronica Davies
Workplace contact:Sylvia Spence-Richards, Felicia King, Lee Benson
John McCosker chaired the rest of the meeting
2.Branch Chair Report
JM stated that meetings have been well attended over the last year and certain items on the agenda have been difficult to deal with.
3.Branch Secretary Report
RJ expressed his joy of having an assistant to help him deal with the day to day work of the Branch Secretary.
RJ stated that the union dealt with 100 cases this past year but had 4 cases where staffs were dismissed as they were un-defendable. Some cases were resolved over the telephone.
Is where all the UNIONS meet and discuss sensitive and pertinent issues including policyreviews. Items of concern and ongoing include protection of pay; on call payment, new community services, (Camden/Islington and Hillingdon) joining the Trust etc. Many difficulties arise whilst the negotiation and consultation processes are going on especially nowwith ongoing CIP and meeting targets whilst the service line is still in progress. Trade Unions continually ensure that all the necessary information are given to us and that there is a marked improvement of how managers and directors communicate with us
RJ stated that the Sickness and Absence Policy needed to be looked at. AB interjected that currently we do not have an Equal Opportunities Policy on the Trust Intranet. RM stated that it would be useful to have 3 members to look at Trust policies a forum needed to be created to make this possible.
RJ informed the group that he was aware that there was a problem with the Trust communication with staff with regards to management of change. He has therefore requested the TJCC to ensure that the consultation stages are managed properly. RJ feels that we should be able scrutinise the papers and they should look at the language they use. RCN and Unison have also been invited to a meeting and RJ is hoping to discuss the issue of communication and his worries about jobs being manufactured within the Trust.
EM added that it had come to her attention that at risk staff were being informed after interviews that they are not suitable for certain posts although they applied for posts that were similar to the old posts. She also went on to state that she did not think it was fair for staff to be put on Short Term Contracts whilst permanent members of staff were at risk. RJ informed the group that he was aware of this and has been dealing with it.
4.Financial Report: Honoraria
RJ informed the group we saved money and some of this should be used to meet the re-organisation strategy and the needs of the branch.
It was also stated that with Hillingdon and Camden joining the trust there is a chance that this would create more income for the union due to the increase of staff. JM reiterated that we will have to wait until that has taken place as there is a chance that they may decide to hold onto their own branch in Camden.
It was explained that honoraria is a thank you payment for extra work done by Unison representatives during the course of their trade union works. It is always paid in arrears. In this case honoraria agreed will relate to duties performed in 2011.
Honoraria are now to be paid directly by Head office. UNISON is required to deduct tax and NI. The taxed honorarium will be paid directly into the member’s bank account. A P60 should be received from the Head Office
The member will be required to provide personal information so that the Head Office can process the honorarium. A spreadsheet will be sent by CNWL treasurer to be completed once the honoraria have been agreed.
1.Branch Secretary: £3,000.00
2.Communication Officer: £1,200.00
3.Chair –£1,500.00
4.Treasurer: £500.00
5.Membership Secretary: £500.00
6.Health and Safety Officer: £500.00
5.Motions at National Conference
JM stated that a proposal has been made to send 2 motions to NDC re the retention of Unison members. The Union has noted that people join the Union in times of need and then drop out after they have used the services. A suggestion of a minimum membership of 1 year has been suggested.
The second is to increase petrol allowances to reflect the changes in present times
6.Recruitment and Training
It was suggested that a secretary might be needed to work one day a week to help filter information and to support the Branch Secretary with administrative work. This was agreed by members in principle and would be discussed further and voted on at the next Branch meeting.
7. External Conferences
1.Unison National Health Conference - This is a 3 day conference which happens once a year.
2.National Delegate Conference – This takes place from the 20th to 24th of June 2011. Each Branch is to submit motions which would be decided on prior to the conference therefore the strongest motions are more likely to be discussed at the conference. Nominees are required to put their names forward to attend on behalf of our branch. JM stated that these people will have to be able to speak at the conference, take part in debates and feedback to the branch. Issues that maybe touched on are Equality, workplace, motions for campaigning, etc.
Mareena Tshabalala, Evelyn McLean, Cristina Guglielmoni and John McCosker put their names forward. This will be confirmed at the next meeting. Rami Jumnoodoo as Branch Secretary will automatically be attending.
3.Health and Safety Conference - Tom will be attending and will feedback to the Branch
4.LGBT conference- John McCosker will be attending and will feed back to the Branch
Internal Conferences and Events Sponsorship
Nursing Conference – RJ feedback that membership was increased by 65 last year and so the branch has decided to hold a stall at the next conference to recruit new members. It was agreed to sponsor the event to the tune of £1,000 to further raise the profile and recruitment of new members.
The Relapse Prevention Conference- A popular event in Brent attracting over 300 people in the past and ii was agree to sponsor the event for £500.00
The Brent/ Harrow staff event- Another event attracting staff throughout the day and it was agreed to sponsor the event for £500.00
London Marathon-Evelyn informed the group that she will be partaking in the London Marathon and would like to be sponsored by the union for her chosen charity. £150 was agreed by members
8.Away Days
RJ stated that there was a need to continue with away days to consolidate on the progress of the branch. Members are to send agenda items to John. It was agreed that the first away day will from 10a.m. to 4p.m.
9. Branch Rule
The Branch Rule was circulated and agreed
10. AOB
It was agreed at the AGM, the branch will need a dedicated paid coordinator (band 4) to coordinate all the activities of the branch in a timely, effective and professional manner.
Meeting closed at 15.10pm