Java Review - Programming Project 2

Lab Name:String matching

Purpose:To review basic syntax by implementing a pattern matching algorithm.

Required Files:

Introduction: String matching is "The problem of finding occurrence(s) of a pattern string within another string or body of text." It is used in all sorts of applications from DNA mapping to searching for a word or phrase in a word processing document or web page.

Problem Description: Complete the following method in class Matcher:

/* pre:source != null, target != null

post:prints out number of character to character comparisons to standard output and all indices in source that are the starting point for the String target.


public void matches(String source, String target)



Example 1: If the source is "aaaabaaaa" and the target is "aaa" the method would print out the following:

Number of comparisons when searching for "aaa"

in "aaaabaaaa" was 18

Matches occurred at indices 0 1 5 6

How are there 18 comparisons? Remember, you are counting up the number of character to character comparisons, whether they are a match or not. So initially lining up target with the first character in source gives:



From above, this results in three comparisons (a-a, a-a, a-a). Now, slide the target down 1 spot in the source.



From above, this results in three more comparisons (a-a, a-a, a-a) for a total of 6. Slide the target down another spot.



From above, this results in three more comparisons (2 matches and 1 mismatch, a-a, a-a, a-b) for a total of 9.

Slide the target down another spot.



From above, this results in two more comparisons (1 match and 1 mismatch, a-a, a-b) for a total of 11. (Why stop comparing and slide when a mismatch occurs?) Slide the target down another spot.



From above, this results in two more comparisons (1 mismatch, a-b) for a total of 12. Slide the target down another spot.



From above, this results in three more comparisons (a-a, a-a, a-a) for a total of 15. Slide the target down another spot.



This is the last legal alignment and results in three more comparisons (a-a, a-a, a-a) for a total of 18.

Limitations: The only methods you may use from the String class are charAt and length. You are essentially replicating the functionality of the indexOf method which is a very useful exercise.


Java Review - Programming Project 2