Local History Special Collections Files:

With referenced locations for related items.

Alphabetic Details to SBPL

2000 -

Anne Frank Exhibit Text

An exhibit entitled, “Anne Frank in the World: 1929-1945 Exhibition” was held in South Brunswick in the West New Road Recreation facility starting October 3, 1996. The exhibition included 600 photographs and commentary. In addition to the material items in the collection there was a Sunday lecture series held at various places in the township. Exhibition Chairperson was Mayor Ted Van Hessen and Denis King-Stovall. Print items relating to this event are in the South Brunswick Public Library Local History Collection files with a poster in archival Box 100, Location 6-2 and 2 plaques in recognition of this event in archival Box 83, Location 16-2.

·  An invitation to a dinner held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Princeton, NJ October 3, 1996.

·  Brochure: “Legacy” the newsletter of the Anne Frank Center USA. Vol. 6 Number 2, 1996. Large folded paper into 5.5x8.5 inch brochure style.

·  “Anne Frank in the World, 1929-1945” Guide to the Exhibition. 8.5x11 inches 3 fold brochure.

·  “Anne Frank in the World: 1929-1945,” the International Exhibition. Brochure 11x17 inches folded into brochure.

·  Newspaper handout, 11x12.5 inches, 20 pages published by the Princeton Packet describing “Anne Frank: in the world: 1929-1945, the international exhibit.” Dates were October 6 to November 1, 1996. Contains a great deal of information for and from the exhibit and many advertisements (more articles than ads). Protected with acid free paper.

Baker Collection Folder I (William H. Baker) Text

William H. Baker was a longtime township resident and later Township Engineer. He retired as a land surveyor and engineer in 1967. He was interested in history, genealogy and landholdings. He had a project to show all farms in the township during the Revolutionary War, which he was not able to complete. In 1964 Baker was appointed to a special commission to plan for the municipality’s (actually the County’s) 300th anniversary in 1964. Baker wrote a short history of the township. He acted as a local historian compiling numerous papers and creating a history of the road returns of all township roads for over a hundred years. Baker was appointed chairman of South Brunswick’s Tercentenary Committee in 1964. He was a founding member of the South Brunswick Historical Society around 1969? that has since disbanded. Baker died in ? Listed below are the most original copies of the papers he and others may have written about township history as they knew it. Copies of these papers and the Road Returns (road histories) are located on the Local History Shelves. Originals for Baker’s Vol. 1, 2, 3 are in archival Box #4 in 5-1. Vol. 4, 5, and Road Returns are Box #5 in 5-1. Vol. 6 in archival Box #99 in 5-1 See list of Archival Boxes for detailed contents. Much of the items in the files are other copies of items in Baker’s notebooks.

·  Two biographical articles with picture of Mr. Baker. 1964/74

·  Letter to Mr. Cloyce Dean describing Dean Family History. February. 1 pag7, 1969. 5 pages. 2 copies. Letter from David Munn, December 5, 1967. 1 page responding to Baker’s request for the minutes involving the “jury line” dispute.

·  Cemetery instructions for SBH Society members. 1973. 3 pages. 3 copies

·  Excerpts of NJ Historical Society article “Robert Hunter Morris and the Rocky Hill Copper Mine” which relates to early Deans resident Andrew McDowell in the late 1700s. 12 pages. 2 copies. 1974

·  Map of South Brunswick descriptions. Map missing. 3 pages. 2 copies. 1963

·  Report on to SB Township Committee on the SB Township Tercentenary Celebration. William Baker, Chairman. 3 pages. 2 copies. March 8, 1965

·  Public Roads of SB Township from the beginning to present time. By William H. Baker. Part I. 5 pages. March 3, 1972. Part II. 12 pages. May 19, 1972. 2 copies

·  “Rebellion in the Southerly section of the Corporation of New Brunswick, on Sunday, August 4, 1751.” Paper. Transcription and notes compiled by W. Baker. Source: New Jersey Archives. Vol. VII and VIII. Baker lists pages he transcribed. 13 pages of text and 2 of notes.

·  Speeches: Speech given at the Flagpost Inn, Oct. 17, 1964 describing the history of South Brunswick in the Tercentenary year, 1963 of the colony of New Jersey. 2 versions. One of 2 pages, the other of 4 pages covering essentially the same text about South Brunswick’s past history, churches and Col. John Wetherill.

·  “Township of South Brunswick.” On 8 ½ X 14 paper describing South Brunswick history. Compiled for the South Brunswick Tercentenary Committee by W.H. Baker. Also lists Dr. V.N. Rightmire, Historian

·  Map showing Sonman’s 15,600 acres Proprietor’s allotment of lands across present day South Brunswick and the relationship of his lands to the Raritan Lots. Annotated by William Baker? 17” x 14”.

Baker Collection Folder II (William H. Baker) Text

·  Paper: Colonel John Wetherill, Colonial leader and patriot. 1972. 2 copies. 7 pages. [Note: Baker did not know at the time he wrote this that South Brunswick’s John Wetherill was only born about 1717 and his lineage did not come from the Burlington Wetherills, but Piscataway Wetherills. Baker’s story about a John Wetherill and Indians is a different person. Ceil Leedom. 5, 2008]

·  Paper: “Dayton, New Jersey, formerly “Cross Roads”: a brief outline of its history from its earliest settlements.” 19 pages. 1970

·  Paper: “South Brunswick Township: early settlers under grants and concessions in Sir George Carteret’s time, 1664-1682.” Quit rents discussed. No date. 5 pages. 3 copies

·  Paper: “History of Georges Road.” 10 pages. No date.

·  Paper: John Inian, Indian trader, ferryman, innkeeper and road-builder. No date. 6 pages. Needs retyping.

·  Paper: On the homefront. Author unknown. No date. 3 pages.

·  Paper: The Revolutionary War as it affected the South Ward of New Brunswick. 1976. 7 pages.

·  Paper: Wind Falls. Prepared for Raymond Baker. 1972. 3 pages. 3 copies.

Baker – Road Returns Text

·  Notebook containing dedication and historical information on individual township roads. The earliest information dates from 1686 and continues for roads built in South Brunswick Township to 1940.

·  2 lists were created by Ceil Leedom that list roads by name and by dedication date. Information from Middlesex Road Books at the Middlesex County Clerk’s Office and on microfilm at Rutgers Special Collections and the New Jersey Archives in Trenton. Original copy in archival Box # 5 in 5-1.

Baker Slides Photo images and slides of houses & churches 197?

·  Reprints of some color slides of houses made by William Baker in 197? Stored in metal slide box labeled Archival Box # 72 in 5-5. There is a blue notebook containing Baker’s notes of these slides that he presented at a library program in the 1970s. Comments based on slide numbers of photographs. There are about 100 original slides along with a script describing many of them used by W. Baker in a presentation at the Library. A white notebook contains copies of slides that have been digitized on 2 DVDs of the pictures is in file drawer 5-5 in a white notebook with printout of small copies of the slides. There are two DVDs. One DVD copied in 4000 Tiff and one copied in 4000 Jpeg.

Beekman/Cortelyou Collection Text and Photo Images

Information about genealogy and copies of family photographs were donated to the Library by Nancy Beekman Carringer. These early Dutch families are spread over central Jersey. These family homes are mainly in the western side of South Brunswick and two roads there were called Beekman. Need release paper before public can copy. [Note: Nancy Beekman Carringer donated original photographs related to this family. Located in archival Box 90 in 6-1. Accession # 2011-13. Also, there are some Beekman related family photos in the Myer’s Collection in archival Box 89 in 6-1. Accession #2011/14. Photographs list in these boxes. ]

·  Beekman Family genealogy. 7 pages compiled by Austin S. Beekman in 1987 from other Beekman sources listed in paper. Nancy Ann Beekman Carringer on page 6.

·  Beekman Family History & Cortelyou Family:

1. Photocopy of Beekman family crest. “Mens Conscia Recti” front cover of 6 sides of 3 pages of

family history and names and dates written Dec. 1, 1939 by Mrs. Lloyd W. Grover of Princeton. (Information on Geradus Beekman 1653, Christopher Beekman 1681, Gerardus Christopher Beekman 1707, Christopher Beekman, 1730, Christopher Beekman, 1774, Capt. Garret Veghte. Lists children of Christopher Beekman and Martha Veghte, his wife. First born in 1766. Children of Christopher Beekman and his wife Mary Van Dyke. Mrs. Grover’s father was son of John Beekman and Sarah Van dyke married Feb 5, 1840. This was a Fresh Ponds Van Dyke. And lists children of Sarah Van Dyke Beekman.

2.  3 sections: 1. Foreward. Record of Beekman family that settled in Griggstown and Franklin Park, NJ. Photocopies of pictures of Christopher Beekman, house built by Christopher C. and May Stults, circa. 1870 on route 27 destroyed by fire in 1950s. 4 pages double-sided. – 2. “My father, Ralph Stults Beekman…” 7 pages double sided, includes cemetery information. – “Beekman Family Cemetery, Griggstown, NJ continued” 3. 7 pages double sided. Cemetery inscriptions, 1952 article copy on the “Beekman family coach, purchased 1771.”

4. The Cortelyou Genealogy, Sixth generation, excerpts. 2 pages.

5.  “The Beekman Family descendants of Wilhelmus Beekman.” 8 pages double sided. Includes map of “Early purchases along the Millstone River. 1685,” Daniel Dean Beekman’s account of President Lincoln shooting, April 14, 1865, 3 pages.

6.  “The Family at Cambray.” 3 pages double sided with ancient history of Cortelyou family in Europe plus 1 page “The Cortelyou Genealogy: a record of Jaques Cortelyou and of many of his descendants.” By John VanZandt Cortelyou. 1942. 1 page. Daily Home News? Article no date “Records of Franklin Park Vigilante Society for catching horse thieves given to Rutgers.” Picture of James B. Cortelyou of Old Rocky Hill Road.

7.  “The Cortelyou Genealogy, Sixth Generation,” pages 178-195. Refers to Peter Cortelyou of Ten Mile Run, 1796, Julia Ann Beekman, 1804, John William Cortelyou, born at Cross Roads, 1799, Gerardus Beekman Cortelyou, 1811 at Ten Mile Run, etc.

·  Photocopied pictures of Beekman, Cortelyou, Stults Families and house supplied by Nancy Carringer. No release from her for public use.

1.  Described in no particular order. 65 on 81/2 x 11 paper and 2 aerial views of farm on 81/2 x 14 paper. House built 1870s destroyed by fire 1953. - Daily Home News May 20, 1953. “Most Acres wiped out by big fire.” Most Acres Lounge on Route 27 former Beekman family home. – Ralph and Stella Beekman, adults and Elmer B. infant with mother – Charles Cortelyou, youth – bearded man, unknown – Ralph Stults, GG of R.S. Beekman – Hannah Stults (2) – Abraham C. Beekman, father to R.S. Beekman our Pop – man and woman, Margaret and Abe Beekman – Abe C. Beekman, child – Elmer Beekman and mother, with house detail – cover “The blue and White Review, June class 1923. NBHS – Picture Varsity Debating Team. Abraham Dobin pictured – Yearbook page with Abraham Dobin – Ralph and Eva Smith Beekman, 1917 – Eva R. Smith, 1898 – Eva R. Smith, 1912 – Ralph S. Beekman, 1956 – SB Senior Citizen ID card, Eva S. Beekman – Eva Rhoda Smith “Bada” – Ralph Beekman at pari-mutual window – Eva Smith’s father and brother, George and Frank, Eva R. Smith and George Smith? – George Smith, Kingston, Pop. 1943 age 80 – Eva Beekman and ? – 4 pictures (Eva B, Ralph B., George Smith, Phyllis, Frank, Austin 1935 Christmas – Ethel and Howard Smith, 1937 – George Smith, Bada’s father – Nelson and Gary McWhorter) - 3 pictures (John H. Beekman, brother of R.S. B – Helen Beekman – Mildred Emily Beekman 11 mths, ans sister) – 3 older Beekman family – Annie Hogland taken at R. M. Boggs, New Brunswick, child – Abraham Cortelyou, Elmer Beekman’s grandfather, adult – Theodore Raymond Beekman of Ocean Grove branch - Abe Beekman, man – Abe and Merion Beekman, adults – Pop and Elmer Beekman, child – Elmer and Auty Beekman, children and Bowser, dog – Horse Schulyer, 1948 – Elmer Beekman, bike and barn – Elmer C. Beekman at the original Beekman farm, 1918 – The old barn – Lucy Zeller, Elmer Beekman, Aunt Stella, Austin. 1913 – Judy Ann Beekman, young child, daughter of Earl – Elmer Cortelyou Beekman, infant in high chair, house porch detail – Elmer C. Beekman 7 yrs and Austin S. Beekman, 5 yrs. – group photo of Beekman family, etc.? 1910? – group portrait of Beekman? Men 1910? – Beekmans at Ocean Grove. RSB with mustache – John and Annie Beekman, possible wedding – class picture 1914, with Elmer C. Beekman, Franklin Park School – Postcard supporting Elmer Beekman for township Committee, 1934 – Carnegie Lake, Princeton? – Charles Robbins (2) – A.C. Beekman and wife, Margaret – Ralph S. Beekman on Oliver tractor – Beekman farms cape – Elmer C. Beekman on farm, house and barns in background – Emily S. Beekman, grandmother of Elmer Beekman – John Beekman and cat – group picture of Cortelyou family, 1900s – Stella Cortelyou Beekman, and 3 other people – dog and barns, Beekman farm – large cow and other dairy cows, Beekman farm. 2 aerial pictures of 1950s Beekman farm near Route 27, present site of Greenbrook School to left of farm complex.