The Diocese of Portsmouth is at an exciting stage in its life and ministry.

It is engaged in a process of review to meet the challenges of mission and engagement with the community, the ministry the Church offers to its congregations and the wider world, and the management of resources. After emphasis on community engagement and buildings the review is now concentrating on Ministry for Mission. This framework for parish development and growth is developing and focussing our witness and service.

A new Archdeacon will join the diocese at an important moment with the expectation that he/she will bring insight and creativity, along with the capacity for flexibility and hard work, to both the thinking and the delivery of our vision. He/she will be a priest with pastoral gifts, spiritual maturity, intellectual cogency, and developing leadership ability, able to have credibility and respect in the church and the world. The Archdeacon must expect that there may be change in responsibilities, area of oversight and other developments in the next few years as a largely new Bishop’s Staff team works together.

We seek a priest who will not only be competent in the regular demands of the post but will be innovative and creative both in the support and challenge of parishes and people as we respond to God’s leading in mission.



The Archdeacon is accountable under God to the Diocesan Bishop. In day-to-day matters the Archdeacon will be expected to work closely with the Bishop, the Area Deans and Lay Chairs of the Archdeaconry. The Archdeacon is expected to work collaboratively with fellow members of the Bishop’s Staff, especially the Archdeacons of the Meon and the Isle of Wight, the Diocesan Secretary and with the staff of the Diocesan Office and Cathedral.

The Archdeacon will have regular meetings with the Diocesan Bishop, and immediate access whenever necessary. The Diocesan Bishop recognises the responsibility to support the Archdeacon in carrying out his/her duties and will review his/her Ministry annually.



  • is expected to meet regularly with the Bishop and senior colleagues for prayer

consultation, planning and mutual support.

  • is expected to maintain regular, informal contact with the Diocesan Office staff.
  • is required to maintain close liaison with the Diocesan Registrar on legal matters.
  • is expected to participate in the annual Southern Archdeacons’ Conferences and every two years in the National Archdeacons’ Conference.

Main Responsibilities

The principal role of the Archdeacon is to exercise Christian leadership among clergy and parishes in the Archdeaconry, complementing the work of the Bishop so that he is freed for the apostolic tasks of prayer, teaching and prophetic care. He/she will serve in close partnership with fellow Archdeacons and with the Diocesan Secretary in implementing the vision of the Diocese led by the Diocesan Bishop and the Diocesan Synod.

The Archdeacon’s prime responsibility is to enable relationships with and between parishes to further the ministry of the Gospel. With particular concern for pastoral re-organisation, building and property matters, and financial arrangements the Archdeacon will encourage new thinking to embrace mission opportunities.

The Archdeacon will share in the Bishop’s ministry of teaching and pastoral care of clergy and their families.

Co-ordination and Planning


The Archdeacon is required to take a full part in the strategic planning of the Diocese. This strategic role in particular is pursued through the Archdeacon’s membership of the Diocesan Synod, Bishop’s Council (which is also the Diocesan Board of Finance and the Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee), the Diocesan Advisory Committee, and Property Sub-Committee, and chairing the archdeaconry Mission and Pastoral Committee; full participation in the life, work and prayer of the Bishop’s Staff; and undertaking such Diocesan-wide tasks and responsibilities within it and flowing from it as the Diocesan Bishop may request.



The Archdeacon will:

  • work closely with the Bishop to share in the care, counselling and support of clergy, Readers, lay workers and their families and be particularly sensitive to the views and perceptions of clergy and parishes, representing these appropriately to senior colleagues.
  • support the Episcopal oversight of clergy through Ministerial Development Review and play an appropriate role in administration of the Clergy Discipline Measure, Clergy Terms and Condition of Service etc.
  • support and work with the Bishop in matters relating to the appointment of clergy and other ministers and in supporting parishes through the various stages of the vacancy process.
  • encourage and enable the ministry of Churchwardens.
  • take an active part in the civic and public life of the archdeaconry.
  • assist the Bishop in “crisis”; including the investigation of complaints and allegations of misconduct that may arise outside the reach of the Clergy Discipline Measure.
  • generally, keep in contact with the church communities within the Archdeaconry through such means as the annual Visitations and Articles of Enquiry, Parochial Visitations, triennial fabric inspections, pastoral and parish visits, meetings with Church Wardens and participation in training events.
  • share in worship, preaching and teaching in churches throughout the Archdeaconry, and to be pro-active in seeking opportunities to do so.
  • accept other roles at the request of the Bishop according to the expertise, interests and experience of the archdeacons (e.g. liaison with retired clergy and widow(er)s, chairing diocesan panels and bodies, representing the diocese or Bishop at other bodies or charities).

Building and Legal Matters


The Archdeacon will:

  • be responsible to the Chancellor of the Diocese for the exercise of delegated Faculty Jurisdiction in church buildings and churchyards in the Archdeaconry and be an ex officio member of the Diocesan Advisory Committee in the delivery of support to parishes in the maintenance and dev elopement of church building
  • check that faculties and Schedule B permissions have been carried out in accordance with provisos.
  • be familiar with clergy houses, church buildings and other properties throughout the Portsdown Archdeaconry and enable the implementation of building, alteration, replacement and improvement schemes in collaboration with colleagues.
  • encourage benefices and Deaneries to identify any buildings that are surplus to requirement, to provide stimulus, support and advice for parishes to consider and implement plans for the re-ordering of church buildings to ensure they are appropriate facilities for effective mission and ministry in the 21st century.
  • lead in the consultations over proposals for pastoral re-organisation and other Pastoral Measure matters in the Archdeaconry, actively promoting opportunities for ecumenical partnerships as they arise.

Other Responsibilities


The Archdeacon will:

  • work collaboratively with, and support the work of, the Diocesan Secretary, engaging as appropriate with other diocesan groups as may be requested by the Bishop.
  • maintain regular, informal contact with the Diocesan Office staff, liaising and networking with them.
  • develop and maintain, in collaboration with the Bishop a good network of contacts with ecumenical partners and with other agencies, including local authorities and other statutory and voluntary sector bodies, thus furthering the life and witness of the Church in the wider community.
  • accept other diocesan roles on behalf of the Bishop (e.g. hospital chaplaincy advisor, prison chaplaincy advisor, diocesan Board/Forum membership) according to experience and interest.

Terms and Conditions

  • the Archdeacon’s house is a 5-bedroom property with a separate study and PA’s office situated at 5 Brading Avenue, Southsea.
  • stipend is paid at the national level (£31,730 with effect from 1 April 2012).

Membership of non-contributory Church of England Clergy Pension Scheme

  • experienced 0.5 secretarial support based in the house.
  • usual expenses of office, including car mileage, reimbursed monthly.
  • removal expenses paid. Resettlement grant in accordance with national guidelines.
  • appointment subject to Enhanced Disclosure procedure of the Criminal Records Bureau in accordance with the Diocesan and Church of England Safeguarding policies.

October 2012