Date of receipt: ______





Application for the use of University Sports Facilities: HKU – IHP FOUNDATION SPORTS MEMBERSHIP

Please read the notes overleaf. The completed forms (please type or print in English) should be returned to Flora Ho Sports Centre, Institute of Human Performance, The University of Hong Kong, 111-113 Pokfulam Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong.

Personal Details

Name (Mr/Ms): ______

(Exactly as it appears on HKID Card / Passport)

HKID/Passport No: ______Chinese Name (if applicable): ______

Correspondence Address: ______


Telephone - : Office: ______Home: ______

Mobile: ______Email: ______

Name of employer: ______Position held: ______

IHP Membership No (if applicable): ______Period of Membership: ______to ______

Family member(s) if you wish them to join the membership (NA/RE: New Application/Renewal)

(same as HKID Card/Passport) / NA/RE / HKID No/Passport / Date of Birth / Membership No
(For Office’s Use)
Spouse / NA/RE
Child / NA/RE
Child / NA/RE

Please tick the appropriate box

Section A – Status

O New Application (For official use, IHP Sports Membership No: ______)

O Renewal (IHP Sports Membership No if applicable: ______)

Section B – Number of Applicant(s) and Fees

O Adult / Total number: / x / x $2,000 / =
O Child (aged 2-18) / Total number: / x / x $1,500 / =
Total / =


I have read the conditions overleaf and confirm my acceptance of them, and hereby apply for the University sports membership as HKU – IHP Foundation Sports Member and I enclose herewith a crossed cheque numbered ______amounted to HK$______of ______Bank payable to “The University of Hong Kong” for the annual membership fees required.

Date: ______Signature: ______

(Signed by Foundation Fund Donor)

For Office’s Use

Approved by: ______Date: ______

Remark: ______

From: Development and Alumni Affairs Office

I certify that the above applicant is a HKU Foundation Fund donor and is eligible to apply for IHP sports membership.

Remark: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

(HKU Development and Alumni Affairs Office)


Designated HKU Foundation Fund donors and their direct family members (spouse and children aged 2-18 only) are eligible to apply for HKU – IHP Foundation Sports Membership of Institute of Human Performance (IHP). Membership will be limited to a specific number of places as laid down and agreed by the Committee of Management of the IHP.


HKU – IHP Foundation Sports Members can have the following entitlements / use the following IHP facilities subject to availability:

Ø  swimming pools

Ø  tennis courts, badminton courts, squash courts, table tennis tables, multi-purpose courts, dance studio, combat room, golf driving bays, golf sand bunker & putting green, all-weather area

Ø  fitness & weight rooms (subject to user’s accreditation)

Ø  advanced / immediate booking (check-in upon arrival is required)

Ø  booking entitlement

-  7 days in advance booking for off peak hours: 0730 to 1630 hours on Mondays to Fridays

-  Non-advance booking for peak hours: 1630 to 2230 hrs on Mondays to Fridays or all times on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays (Booking is subject to availability)

booking enquiries: 28173768 or 28194427

-  For viewing the IHP sports facilities availability before booking, (Sport à Sports Facilities à Booking)

-  To check facilities closure, see: (Sport à Sports Facilities à General Information);

Ø  car parking facilities (car parking is on a first-come, first-served basis and it is subject to IHP’s car parking policy: (Sport à Sports Facilities à Booking à Car Parking Policy)

Ø  eligible to bring a maximum of four guests to use facilities upon a payment of guest fee (HK$25 per guest) for each visit / each 1-hour activity session as appropriate as per the IHP’s guest policy: (Sport à Sports Membership à Guest Policy).

Ø  Child members, aged 2-18, should be accompanied with valid IHP adult member(s) and are not eligible to make any booking and to bring any guest to use the facilities.

Application Procedures for both New Application and Renewal

The completed application forms should be returned to the IHP Director (Address: Flora Ho Sports Centre, 111-113 Pokfulam Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong) by mail or in person together with the required membership fee (in a crossed cheque payable to “The University of Hong Kong”). Sports cards can be obtained in person at FHSC Reception desk during its normal opening hours upon receiving a membership-collection notification issued by IHP. Normally, the processing of an application takes about 7 working days of IHP’s General Office upon receipt of the verification from the HKU Development and Alumni Affairs Office. For renewal, applicants should bring along their expired cards at the time of the sport membership collection. Please note that application submitted by fax or email will not be accepted. For enquiries on membership, please contact us at 28173657 or 28174046

Required Documents

For New Application / For Renewal
1.  A cheque payment of membership fee
2.  A passport size colour photo of each applicant taken within the past 6 months
3.  [Postal application]: A photocopy of HKID card / Passport of each applicant, and a photocopy of Marriage / Birth Certificate (if applicable) as a relationship proof of family members; [In-person application]: Original copy or photocopy of the aforesaid identity documents of each applicant for verification on the spot.
4.  A photocopy of address proof / 1.  A cheque payment of membership fee
2.  Existing sports membership card
3.  A photocopy of residential proof (if applicants needs to update the correspondence address)

Membership Duration & Fees

Sports membership is normally valid for 12 months (or for any other periods as agreed by IHP) and applicants are required to pay the required annual fees. Also, a fee of HK$100 (to be made in cheque) will be imposed for the replacement of each lost card. In the case of any membership withdrawal or termination by IHP, the fees paid are non-refundable.


Sports Cards must be presented for every access to the IHP’s facilities. After the expiry date, the sports cards will become invalid and should be returned to the IHP for deactivation.

Use of Fitness Room Facilities

Applicants are advised to visit this webpage: (Sport à Sports Facilities à Fitness Centres) for details on the regulations / instructions on using the fitness room facilities.

Rules & Regulations on Using IHP’s Facilities

Unless with the prior approval of the IHP, private teaching / coaching activities are strictly prohibited within the IHP’s facilities. For the detailed rules and regulations on using the facilities, please visit: (Sport à Sports Facilities à Booking à Individual Booking).


Mar 2015 v1