Action Plan for Goal Implementation
Department / Grade Level / GoalArt / K-12 / To learn more about STEAM and how we can best implement it in our K-12 classrooms.
Business / 6-12 / Implement the NAF Track Certification for all students in the Academy Program
English and Reading / MS / Create a curriculum, per grade level, relevant to students’ social and emotional needs to increase student engagement and productivity in the classroom
English and Reading / HS / Teach students to utilize databases and develop sophisticated research skills by creating and implementing one significant challenging research project and incorporate research activities throughout the year
FACS / 7-12 / Obtain a 90% or better success rate for all students using a variety of strategies to reach this goal customized to meet the needs of the child
Library Media Specialists / K-12 /
- Promote use of coding grades K-12.
- Implement K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum Using Nearpod/Common Sense Media
LOTE / 7-12 / Students will increase their writing and analytical skills through increased practice with “Read to Write” compositions. A part of their 3rd year formal assessments, Read to Write essays are rooted in the new Common Core standards. All Departmental members will be creating new essay assignments and practicing skills needed for students to effectively develop confidence and skill in answering such questions.
Math / 6-12 / Increase student performance on state test scores by meeting by grade level and revamping current assessments to model questions after regents exams and collaborate with grade level colleagues after unit tests to use the data to inform instruction
Music / K-12 / Increase student literacy through choral music by introducing and practicing the use of solfege music singing language, pronunciation of lyrics/text in all languages by use of the International Phonetic Alphabet and build the musical vocabulary and contextual vocabulary of our students in the choral literature.
Music / MS / Incorporate cross-curricular learning opportunities in our classrooms. We will seek out input from other areas as well as visit engage NY for different subject areas to find grade level appropriate ideas. Additionally, we will other presentation opportunities at our concerts and collaborative performances with other subject areas.
Native American Programs / K-5 / Students will show a 25% increase in literacy skills, including: vocabulary, comprehension, reading fluency, writing fluency, prediction and summarization, sequencing, punctuation, and grammar/spelling.
Native American Programs / MS / 90% of Native American students will pass all core classes
Native American Programs / HS / We will have 90% of Native American students involved in extracurricular activities- sports, clubs, special events, community events
PE/Health / K-12 / Use technology provided to track student fitness results to achieve and maintain optimal health. Fitness Gram is a tool that will educate students about the 5 components of physical fitness: muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, cardiovascular strength/endurance, and body composition. Health teachers will reinforce the importance of personal health and fitness as part of an ongoing healthy lifestyle
Reading / K-12 / Increase student level of reading engagement as evidenced by increases in individual student scores on STAR Early Literacy and Reading
School Counselors / K-12 / Counselors will meet with applicable school staff at a minimum bi-annually to discuss the academic progress and social/emotional growth of students
School Nurses / Elementary/MS/HS / (1)Health Services Departmental consistency for implementation and follow-up in meeting New York State student immunization requirements for school attendance. A Plan Of Action/Procedure for district nurses to follow could be composed and initiated
(2) Building Nurse to generate from Powerschool grade level student lists showing documentation of dates of immunization for each of the required grade level immunization. This would serve as a checks and balance that the immunization dates are entered to Powerschool, as well as show building compliance for student immunization, should New York State visit a school for audit
School Nurses / MS / Communication and cohesiveness in the group
Science / 6-12 /
- Students to take more science classes at the high school level.
- Better Scores on Regents exams
- Increase community/student awareness on the importance of science
- Make science a district priority
Social Studies / 6-12 /
- Align classroom instruction to NYS Framework and utilize at least 1-2 inquiries from the (NYS Inquiries)
- Collaborate with JOM teachers and invite them to department meetings
Special Education / OT/PT / Improve communication and provide strategies for families
Special Education / Speech / Will effectively implement all tiers of the RtI process
Special Education / Psychologist / Develop a knowledge base to clarify how to differentiate instruction when teaching elementary curriculum and to increase consistency among grade levels across the district with explicit examples developed, particularly for CT classes
Special Education / Highland Elementary / To increase at least ½ of our students’ STAR reading benchmark scores to a minimum of the 20% percentile as 40th is average
Special Education / JTW Self Contained / To incorporate specific life skills into every day academic tasks
Special Education / JTW / Establish communication and collaboration lines through Google Hangout (discussion threads) for Special Ed. groups to regularly address issues with related services and general education staff
Special Education / HLD Self Contained / To meet the needs of all students academically and socially to function in society/classroom
Special Education / AJS CT / Increase sight word recognition with automaticity and increase sight word recognition up to the half way mark of their current grade level. Increase words correct per minute by increasing by at least 50% of the baseline data collected.
Special Education / Elementary / To increase parent awareness of student progress and strategies to help support learning goals
Special Education / MS / Special Education students will increase their reading/writing/math achievement scores by 10% by individualizing instruction and incorporating more independent reading days
Special Education / HS / Grow the transition services, programs, and experiences available to students. We plan to develop a grade by grade outline of activities and milestones students should be completing as they move towards graduation
Technology / 6-12 / Department members will use eDoctrina to analyze the hydroponics unit of study.
Explore collaboration with STEAM or STEM curriculum areas to develop a technology education connection.
Conduct an inventory of equipment with the goal of identifying better safety, energy efficiency and industry standard/current practices.
Classroom and Personal Care Aides / K-12 / To protect, provide and prepare our students with patience and respect using positive interactions to empower and encourage independence while reaching individual potential
Grade K / Implementation of new phonics program to increase end of year reading results
Grade 1 / Improve student achievement in writing by implementing the writing curriculum developed in 2015-16
Grade 2 / Students will improve their reading fluency through daily reading activities
Grade 3 / Improve student performance by using STAR scores, running records, and NYSED release questions to develop a solid intervention program.
Grade 4 / Our goal is to promote student achievement through positive student/teacher rapport to increase student attendance, increase test scores and decrease the frequency of behavioral incidents.
Grade 5 / To show improvement in Reading Comprehension from Fall to Spring using STAR TESTING by implementing Guided Reading.