Dixon St Car Park Upgrade
‘Improving our Foreshore’
June, 2014
As part of Council’s foreshoreimprovement process, Council is seeking your feedback on the Draft Dixon Street Car Park Plan. The draft car park plan aims to improve the accessibility, safety, aesthetics and recreational value of the car park and foreshore area.
Your ideas, comments and suggestions will be used produce a final car park plan.
Please read the questions below and write or draw your ideas for us. Add more pages if you need to. Please find attached a self addressed stamped envelope for your completed survey.
- What aspects of the Draft Car Park Plan do you like?
- What aspects of the Draft Car Park Plandon’t you like, or think should be changed?
- Is there anything else that you would like to see in the area?
- Any other suggestions or comments?
If you wish to receive further mail-outs or other communications about thisproject, please write your name and address below.
Name: ______
Address: ______
Email: ______Tel: ______
We appreciate your contribution. Please return your response by Friday, 4July, 2014. For additional information, please contact Council’s Foreshore Coordinator, Jared Megens on 9776-0403.
Postal address: City of Kingston, PO Box 1000, Mentone, Vic 3194
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Personal information collected by Council is used for municipal purposes as specified in the Local Government Act 1989. The personal information will be held securely and used solely by Council for these purposes and/or directly related purposes. Council may disclose this information to other organisations if required or permitted by legislation. The applicant understands that the personal information provided is for the above purpose and that he or she may apply to Council for access to and/or amendment of the information. Requests for access and/or correction should be made to Council's Privacy Officer. A full copy of our Privacy Policy may be obtained from the Kingston website: or from one of our Customer Service Centres and Libraries
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