March 7, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.M. by President Josh Wright in the Northwest ISD Board Room, 2001 Texan Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76177.
Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.0821, 551.071, and 551.074, the Board convened into executive session at 5:30 P.M for a Level III hearing in the Northwest ISD Burlington Northern Conference Room, 2001 Texan Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76177. The hearing ended at 5:55 P.M. and the Board recessed executive session.
Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, and 551.074, the Board reconvened into Executive Session at 5:56 P.M. in the Northwest ISD Executive Board Room, 2001 Texan Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76177. Executive Session ended at 6:42 P.M.
The regular meeting resumed at 7:00 P.M. in the Northwest ISD Board Room, 2001 Texan Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76177. Dr. Karen Rue gave the invocation followed by the pledge to the American Flag and the pledge to the Texas Flag. The pledges were led by students from Hatfield Elementary School.
REGULAR MEETING Mr. Wright, Mr. Schluter, Ms. Copp, Dr. Simpson,
MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Holland, Ms. Rauch, and Mr. Fuller
OTHERS PRESENT: Dr. Gindt, Mr. Feind, Mr. Graswich, Dr. Thornell, Ms. Nail, Mr. McClure, and Ms. Carlisle
The NISD Purchasing Department was recognized for receiving the TASBO Purchasing Award of Merit with recognized status.
Brody Caswell, student at Justin Elementary School, was recognized for her artwork that was selected for the Go Red T-shirt design for the District. The proceeds from the T-shirt sales were presented to the American Heart Association. Northwest ISD was also recognized for being named a Gold Level Fit-Friendly work-site.
Jodi Pafford was recognized for her dedication and proactive endeavors to the field of testing by the Texas Statewide Network of Assessment Professionals.
Jerry Cantu announced new business partners through the Partners in Education program. The CoServ Charitable Foundation also presented a check to Pike Middle School for the snack-pack program.
Five signed up, but deferred to the agenda item about school attendance boundaries.
NO. 7430 APPROVE DENYING LEVEL III APPEAL: It was moved by Mr. Schluter and seconded by Mr. Fuller that the Board deny the Level III appeal, thereby upholding the administration’s decision at Level II. Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
NO. 7431 APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA: It was moved by Ms. Holland and seconded by Ms. Copp to approve the consent agenda as submitted:
A. Personnel recommendations, including reorganizing and assigning administrative duties and titles, extensions, hiring, and/or renewal/non-renewal of contracts of individual teachers, administrators, principals, support staff, assistant superintendents, and resignations.
B. Minutes for the February 8, 2016, February 12, 2016, February 15, 2016, February 22, 2016, and the February 25, 2016 School Board meetings.
C. Amendments to the 2015-2016 operating budget.
D. 2016-2017 campuses closed for transfers.
E. RFP #016-018-01-007 education specialty promotional products.
F. CSP # B016-017-01-001 Steele Accelerated High School HVAC replacement project.
G. CSP #B016-017-01-002 Steele Accelerated High School roof replacement.
H. RFP #015-0185-02-004 printing services.
I. RFP #016-017-02-006, #014-019-04-016-A, #014-019-04-016 career & technology programs instructional services, supplies, books, materials & software.
J. Granting a 0.354 acre overhead permanent electric line easement and right of way to CoServ to service the Northwest ISD transportation facility.
Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
NO. 7432 APPROVE THE ORDER OF CANCELLATION OF BOARD OF TRUSTEE ELECTION: It was moved by Mr. Fuller and seconded by Ms. Rauch to approve the order of cancellation of the Board of Trustee election for May 7, 2016. Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
The Board was presented ballots to cast votes for the ESC Region 11 Board of Directors. Ms. Carlisle collected the ballots.
Amanda Lund, Jon O’Connor, Jill Collins, Michael Barnes, and Amy Donoho addressed the Board with concerns over proposed re-zoning of school attendance boundaries.
Tim McClure presented rezoning proposals to improve the attendance boundaries as a discussion item.
Bob Templeton of Templeton Demographics presented the demographics report.
Dana Chandler presented the 2015-2016 student transportation district effectiveness report.
Debi Miller of Aramark, presented the food services district effectiveness report.
Mr. Graswich presented post pricing information for the unlimited tax refunding bonds, series 2016.
Dr. Thornell presented the Gifted and Talented Educational Services (GATES) program evaluation report.
There were no items removed from the consent agenda for consideration.
Mr. Wright presented the President’s report.
Dr. Rue presented the Superintendent’s report.
NO. 7433 ADJOURN: It was moved by Mr. Fuller and seconded by Ms. Rauch to adjourn at 9:22 P.M. Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
Joshua Wright, President 2673 Devonna Holland, Secretary