Curriculum VitaeTeresa DelgadoPage 1

Teresa Delgado

Curriculum VitaeTeresa DelgadoPage 1

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Curriculum VitaeTeresa DelgadoPage 1


Ph.D.Systematic theology, Union Theological Seminary, New York, NY. Dissertation: “Freedom is Our Own: Towards a Puerto Rican Emancipation Theology, using Puerto Rican literature as a theological source.” May 2005.

M.Phil.Systematic theology, Union Theological Seminary, New York, NY. May 2000.

M.A.Systematic theology, Union Theological Seminary, New York, NY. May 1993.

B.A.Religion and Women’s Studies (double major), ColgateUniversity, Hamilton, NY. May 1988.

Honors and Professional Memberships

Hispanic Theological Initiative Dissertation Fellowship, 2001-2002.

Daniel Day Williams Fellow (for Outstanding Work in Theology), Union Theological Seminary, 2000-2001.

Fund for Theological Education Fellowship, 1994-1996.

Ph.D. Fellowship, Union Theological Seminary, 1993-1996.

Ford Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, 1991-1994.

Magna cum laude, ColgateUniversity, 1988.

Las Hermanas (National Association of Hispanic Women in the Church), 2007 -

Workgroup in Constructive Theology, 2006 -

AmericanAcademy of Religion, 2004-

ACHTUS (Association of Catholic Hispanic Theologians in the United States), 2001-

Phi Beta Kappa Society, 1988-

Harlem Initiatives Together (H.I.T.), New York, NY, 1991-1996.


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Assistant Professor, Religious Studies Department

September 2005 - present

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IonaCollege, New Rochelle, NY

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“Introduction to the Study of Religion,” An introduction to the phenomenon of religion as it manifests itself in the full range and diversity of human cultures.

“Christian Sexual Ethics,” An exploration of the history of Roman Catholic and Protestant teaching on the meaning of human sexuality with particular attention to sexual ethics in the Christian tradition.

“Biomedical Ethics and the Christian Tradition,” An investigation of the Christian ethical tradition and its resources for an analysis of the challenges posed by developments in biomedicine and life sciences.

“Ethics and Morality,”An exploration of the history of Christian ethics – its language, norms, sources – with particular consideration given to Roman Catholic teaching on morality.

“Peace and Social Justice,”A consideration of Catholic ethical thought, regarding movements for peace and social justice in the contemporary world, with a particular focus on the Christian foundations of economic, racial and political movements for justice.

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Program Director, Peace and Justice Studies Program

IonaCollege, New Rochelle, NY

September 2005 - present

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Assistant Director, Camper/Parent Communications

MountTom Day Camp, New Rochelle, NY

June 2001 – present

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Adjunct Instructor, Religious Studies Department

IonaCollege, New Rochelle, NY

Fall 2004

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Teaching Assistant/Tutor

Fall 1995 –Spring 2001

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Union Theological Seminary, New York, NY

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“Multivalent Powers: Experiences of the Divine in Caribbean Religions,” taught by Dr. Ana María Díaz-Stevens; assisted in weekly lecture development and text discussion for class of twenty-five students; evaluated papers and final examinations.

“Religious and Profane Images in the Writings of Hispanic Women,” taught by Dr. Ana María Díaz-Stevens;responsible for content and process of three class sessions; evaluated papers and final examinations.

“Emergent Issues in Feminist and Womanist Theologies,” taught by Drs. Delores S. Williams and Judith Plaskow, with focus on contemporary Jewish, African American, Latina and white feminist theological perspectives; presented two lectures on the topic of Latina theology; led weekly text discussion with twelve students; evaluated papers and final examinations.


“This is my body: Theological Anthropology, Salvation and Sexual Abuse,” in Shoulder to Shoulder: New Directions in Catholic Feminist Theology. Susan Abraham and Elena Procario-Foley, editors; in submission process (Fortress Press, 2009).

“The Best of Witnesses: Towards a Puerto Rican Theology of Identity, Suffering and Hope,” in Creating Ourselves: African Americans and Latinos/as, Popular Culture, and Religious Expression. Benjamín Valentín and Anthony Pinn, eds. Durham, NC: Duke University Press; in press and expected April 2009.

“Prophesy Freedom: Puerto Rican Women’s Literature as a Source for Latina Feminist Theology,” in A Reader in Latina Feminist Theology: Religion and Justice. María Pilar Aquino, Daisy Machado and Jeanette Rodríguez, eds. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2002.

“Calling All Wild Women: Reflections on the Wilderness, Luke 4:1-13” in The Book of Women’s Sermons: Hearing God in Each Other’s Voices. Lee Hancock, ed. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1999.

Presentations of Scholarship

“Teaching into the Difficult: Racial Ethnic Women Professor – White University – Race, Religion and Gender in the Classroom,” Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Religion (Lilly Endowment, Inc.), May 29-June 1, 2008 Texas Christian University (Fort Worth, TX)

“Abortion and the Limits of Liberal Tolerance” Workgroup on Constructive Theology Annual Meeting, April 18-20, 2008, VanderbiltUniversity (Nashville, TN)

“Double Crossed: Human trafficking, AIDS and the self-sacrifice of Latina and African-American women,”Womanist Approaches to Religion and Society Group, as part of a multi-ethnic/racial panel on the womanist theology/ethics and the signification of women’s bodies ,American Academy of Religion National Conference, November 16-18, 2007 (San Diego, CA)

“One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic? Questioning the exclusively male priesthood through the ecclesiology of the New Testament, Teresa of Avila and Rosemary Radford Ruether,” paper presented at the annual meeting of Catholic Latino/a Scholars in Theology, Notre DameUniversity, South Bend, ID, March 2002.

“Rituals of Survival: Puerto Rican women’s spirituality and religiosity as reflected in their literary production in the United States,” paper presented at the annual meeting of the College Theology Society, San Diego, CA, May 1997.

Additional Work Experience

Head Teacher, MountTomDay School (early childhood), New Rochelle, NY. September 1999 – June 2002.

Assistant Treasurer and Manager, Chase Manhattan Bank, New York, NY. 1988-1991.


Conversational Spanish; reading knowledge of Spanish and French.


My professional profile would not be complete without naming my husband, Pascal Kabemba, and our four children – Francesca, Celeste, Josiah and Xavier – who were born during the course of my doctoral studies. The contributions they make to my scholarship are innumerable; their perspective and insight invariably find a way into my work. In particular, my attention to the theological dimensions of stories/storytelling has been blessed by the gift of my children and my marriage. I understand my family life as my most serious and creative enterprise; we are the constructive theological “work in progress” of which I am most proud.