Honors American Literature and Composition Syllabus
Mr. Jonathan Copeland
Douglas County High School
Course Description:
Honors American Literature and Composition is designed to satisfy the graduation requirements for DCHS and introduce the college-preparatory student to different genres of American literature. Students will read and study a variety of short stories, essays, plays, poems, and novels from different time periods in American history, and they will recognize the relationship between historical events and major literary periods. Further goals of the class are to instruct the student in grammar and writing skills and to allow the student to practice and refine reading, writing, listening, and public speaking skills.
Grading Scale:
A=90 to 100
B=80 to 89
C=71 to 79
F=Below 70
Grading Policy:
Summative Grades: (Total of 50%)
Tests30%(Includes CDAs)
Formative Grades: (30%)
Daily classwork (includes homework and quizzes)
EOCT/Final Exam: (20%)
End of Course Tests will count 20% of the 36 week average in all high school courses. The end of course test will serve as the final exam in Ninth Grade Literature and Composition at DCHS.
Late Work
Students will be allowed to turn in work one calendar day after the assignment is due (excluding weekends). The maximum grade a late assignment will receive is 80% of the total points possible. When a student is not in class due to an excused absence, pre-assigned work that is turned in the next time they come to class will be considered on time.
Make-up Work
Students will be allowed to make up all work when absences are excused. The student will have the number of calendar days to complete assignments equal to the number of days of class missed, beginning with the first day the student returns to class. All grades taken during an unexcused absence (including out-of-school suspension) will result in a grade of zero.
Grade Appeals
A student/parent has 5 business days from the date report cards are issued to appeal the final grade. The appeal must be made in writing to the principal, and the decision of the principal is final.
Extra Credit
Optional assignments may be given at teacher discretion throughout the school year and will be academic in nature. No “extra assignments” will be offered the last two weeks of class for the purpose of increasing a student’s average.
Grade Reports
All grades will be routinely updated into the electronic gradebook, which is accessible to parents and students. Parents can sign up at
Student Expectations:
- Be Respectful: Always show respect towards administration, faculty, and fellow students. This expectation includes the understanding that an adult’s directions should be followed the first time they are given.
- Be Prepared: Students should always bring relevant class materials, including but not limited to: textbook, binder, paper, and an appropriate writing utensil (pencil or blue/black ink pen).
- Be Engaged: Your level of learning and your grade will be more impacted by your attitude and effort than by any other factor. Show up and “be where you’re at when you’re there!”
- Be Honest: Cheating and plagiarism will automatically result in a grade of zero.
Classroom Rules
- Be in your assigned seat and on task when the tardy bell rings.
- No talking is allowed during the warm-up, while the teacher is presenting, or during work time.
- Only bottled water and hard candy (not gum or snack foods) are allowed in class.
- Only speak or stand when permission is granted by the teacher.
- Electronics are not allowed to be visible in the classroom unless specifically given permission.
- Do not make inappropriate physical contact or verbally attack your classmates.
- No students will be allowed to leave class during the first or last ten minutes.
1st Offense - Verbal Warning
2nd Offense - Parent Contact
3rd Offense - After-School Detention
4th Offense - After-School Detention
5th Offense - Office Referral
NOTE: Consequences will be enforced every time a student is asked to stay after class due to a disciplinary issue. The teacher reserves the right to make exceptions to this policy for extreme infractions. After-School detention may include work detail and writing sentences at teacher discretion.
Classroom Procedures
- Every class will begin with students completing the assignment that is posted on the board.
- All routine activities will be handled during this "warm-up" time (turning in homework, borrowing supplies, make-up work assignments, etc.).
- Students borrowing supplies from the teacher will earn that privilege by writing sentences.
- All student work should be completed in pencil or blue/black ink with the student first name, last name, class period, and student number written in the top right corner.
- Students will only be allowed to go to the restroom after filling out a hall pass that has been signed by theteacher.
- Class will be brought to order by the teacher counting to five and will be dismissed by the bell unless instruction is underway.
Teacher Contact Information
Please make all initial contact through email (). I will respond to emails within 24 hours (excluding weekends). I will also be available for a phone conversation but would prefer to schedule a time that will work for both of us with an initial email conversation so that I can be adequately prepared for the conversation.
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the policies contained within this syllabus and agree to do my best to follow all rules and live up to stated expectations.
Student Signature Parent Signature