February 7, 2017

6:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting

Deming Cesar Chavez Charter High School Board Room

The Deming Cesar Chavez Charter High School Governance Council members met in a regular Board Meeting on Tuesday, February 7, 2017 at 6:00 pm in Deming, New Mexico, in the DCCCHS Board Room. The following Governing Council members were in attendance: Victor Cruz (President) Present, Antoinette Zunich (Vice-President) Present, Dan Sanchez (Treasurer) Present, Neima Higuera (Secretary) Absent, and Gabe Dominguez (Member) Present. Also present were Stan Lyons (Principal), Chris Masters (Business Manager), and Viviana Porras (Administrative Assistant). See sign-in sheet for others who attended.

I.  Call Meeting to Order – Victor Cruz, presiding

A.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Victor Cruz. The pledge of allegiance was recited.

B.  Roll Call was conducted and quorum was established 3/5.

Gabe Dominguez, Member – Tardy (arrived at 6:45 p.m.)

C.  Adoption of Agenda-

Motion was made by Antoinette Zunich, Vice-President to accept the Agenda as is; seconded by Dan Sanchez, Treasurer. MOTION CARRIED 3-0.

D.  Meeting Minutes Review/Approval for January 10, 2017.

Motion was made by Dan Sanchez, Treasurer to approve the January 10, 2017 meeting minutes as is; seconded by Antoinette Zunich, Vice-President. MOTION CARRIED 3-0.

II.  Public Comment (Limited Public Forum)

Time Limit 15 minutes total

·  Parent Budget Input: No public input. Parent surveys were collected in relation to budget. Responses are included in Principal’s Report.

III.  Principals Report:

Stan Lyons presented the Principal’s Report to the Governing Council Members and asked if they had any questions. (Please see Principal’s Report attached.)

IV. School Committee Reports/Updates

A.  Finance Committee: The Finance Committee met on January 18, 2017 and the following items were discussed:

·  Financial Status & Outlook – See Attached Financial Report.

·  Procurement – No purchase orders at this time.

·  Updates & Status –

-Bar Increase SEG $153,227.72

- Section 218 referendum – No change in status

- Audit Update

- Budget Calendar-

February – GC Meeting to include parent input on budget

February – Day meeting & questionnaire with parents on budget input

February – GC Work Session

February – Good draft of calendar and positions

March – Finalize calendar, MOU’s with Deming public Schools

April – Spring Budget Workshop

Cosmetology program and portable building

·  File Observation and FC Audit – File review

B.  School Planning Committee: No information available at this time. School Planning Committee did not meet.

C.  Council Development Committee: No information available at this time. Council Development Committee did not meet.

D.  Academic Committee: No information available at this time. Academic Committee did not meet.

V. Discussion Items

A.  Conflict of Interest Policy: Governing Council Members reviewed and discussed the Conflict of Interest Policy. Discussion took place. No Action was taken. (Please see Conflict of Interest Policy attached.)

B.  Review Budget Calendar 2017-2018 (Due to PED May 18,2017): Governing Council members agreed to meet on February 25, 2017 for a Budget Work Session.

Gabe Dominguez arrived at 6:45 p.m.

C.  Charter Contract Amendment – 2% Admin Cost: Stan Lyons, Principal informed the Governing Council Members that the Charter Contract Amendment has to do with audit finding # 6 with Deming Public Schools. Governing Council members discussed the purpose of the 2% Admin Cost for Deming Public Schools. (Please see attached Management Response to Finding #6 – 2% Admin Cost.)

D.  Review FY 2016 Financial Audit Report – (Available at Chris Masters, Business Manager distributed the FY 2016 Financial Audit Report to the Governing Council Members. The State Auditor’s Office has released and made public the FY 2016 Financial Audit. Mr. Masters explained the findings and action plan for correction to the Governing Council Members.

VI. Action Items

A.  Approval of Conflict of Interest Policy:

Motion was made by Antoinette Zunich, Vice-President to approve the Conflict of Interest Policy; seconded by Gabe Dominguez, Member. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

B.  Approval of Charter Contract Amendment – 2% Admin Cost:

Motion was made by Dan Sanchez, Treasurer to approve the Charter Contract Amendment; seconded by Antoinette Zunich, Vice-President. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

C.  Accept FY 2016 Financial Audit Report:

Motion was made by Dan Sanchez, Treasurer to accept the Financial the FY 2016 Financial Audit Report; seconded by Antoinette Zunich, Vice-President. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

VII. Executive Session – (To discuss pending litigation, limited personnel matters or property pursuant to NMSA 1978, Section 10-15-1(2)).

1.  Principal’s Evaluation

Motion was made by Dan Sanchez, Treasurer to go into Executive Session pursuant to NMSA 1978, Section 10-15-1(H)(2): to discuss Principal’s Evaluation at 7:01 p.m.; seconded by Antoinette Zunich, Vice-President. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

Roll Call was conducted and quorum was established 4/5.

Victor Cruz, President – Present

Antoinette Zunich, Vice-President – Present

Dan Sanchez, Treasurer – Present

Neima Higuera, Secretary – Absent

Gabe Dominguez, Member - Present

Governing Council Members came out of Executive Session at 8:19 p.m.

VIII. Time and Content for Next Governing Council Meeting:

Regular Board Meeting Agenda March 7, 2017:

·  Governing Council Retreat

·  Legislative Update

IX. Board Meeting Evaluation:

Governing Council Members agreed that the meeting went well.

X. Next Scheduled Meeting: March 7, 2017/DCCCHS Board Room/6:00 P.M.

XI. Adjournment:

Motion was made by Dan Sanchez, Treasurer to adjourn the meeting at 8:24 p.m.; seconded by Antoinette Zunich, Vice-President. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.



