Play, Believe, Achieve!
An event celebrating National Girls and Women in Sports Day
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Time Commitment: 11:00am-5:00pm
Check-In: 11am- Hospitality Room- McKenzie Arena
*Please continue to check e-mail for updates!
Both forms must be dropped off to Hannah Wike, Graduate Assistant for the Women’s Center at UTC (Room 351-D- University Center), no later than noon on Wednesday, January 14, 2014 to guarantee t-shirt size and participation. Please feel free to scan and e-mail: or fax: (423) 425.5649. We look forward to you joining us for this great event! Thank you in advance for your time and commitment!
E-mail: Brook Dangerfield: or call Hannah Wike: 423.425.5650
Full (Legal) Name: ______
Nickname/Name you preferred to be called: ______
Cell Phone #:______
Contact E-mail:______
T-shirt Size (Adult: S, M, or L, XL)______
Special Needs? (Food allergies, Interpreter, etc.):
Which information sessions are you able to attend (check all you’re available, if you’re unable to attend any, please contact ASAP) (all will last 1 hour max & will be in the Ocoee Room in the UC)
____ Tues, Jan 20th @ 8:15pm _____ Wed, Jan 21st @ 8:15pm ___Thurs, Jan 22nd @ 8:15pm
By signing this form, I commit to appearing on January 31, 2015 at 11:00am SHARP. I am able to stay through 5:00 pm to see that my students make it back on their bus safely. I understand that I need to stay with my mentee(s), escorting them to the events as designated and finding a certified staff person to take them on bathroom breaks. I am committing to also attend one of the three information sessions, where we will discuss expectations and requirements of mentors. In addition, by signing this form, I understand that UTC is mandated to search the National Sex Offender Public Website for all volunteers for the safety and well-being of all minors present. A complete form must be accompanied by a scanned copy of a government-issued ID.
Signature Date
Thank you for volunteering to be a part of our THIRD Annual National Girls & Women in Sports Day!
Play, Believe, Achieve!
An event celebrating National Girls and Women in Sports Day
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Time Commitment: 11:00am-5:00pm
Check-In: 11am- Hospitality Room- McKenzie Arena
*Please continue to check e-mail for updates!
Greetings! Below you will find a tentative schedule of events for Saturday, January 31st
11-:00-11:30am: Mentor Check-In (Hospitality Room- 1st floor of McKenzie Arena)
11:30-11:45am: Greet Buses (Lot 35 McKenzie Arena)
11:45-Noon: Mentee Check-In & Light Snack! (Hospitality Room- 1st floor McKenzie Arena)
12:10pm-12:40pm: First Activity*
12:50pm-1:20pm: Second Activity*
1:30pm-2:00pm Third Activity*
2:10-2:40pm: Lunch! (Hospitality Room- 1st floor McKenzie Arena)
2:40-2:50pm- Line-up to High-Five Team as they return to court from halftime, take seats in bleachers
4:00pm: Pictures/Autographs with the Women’s Basketball Team (Hospitality Room- 1st floor McKenzie Arena)
4:30pm: Board CGLA girls on bus (Lot 35 McKenzie Arena)
4:45pm: Mentors fill out event Post-Assessment (Hospitality Room- 1st floor McKenzie Arena)
*Activity Rotations Include: Making a poster with your mentee for the game (304 Metro Building), Zumba lesson with your mentee (ARC Large Aerobics Room), Healthy Lunch Meal Preparation (Food Science Lab- 305 Metro Building)
· Arrive on time (11:00am) and stay until your girls have boarded their bus.
· Don’t let the girls out of your sight. If they need to use the bathroom or drinking fountain, make sure they are going with a chaperone or a certified staff member of the event (YOU CANNOT TAKE THEM)- they are our responsibility. Make sure a chaperone knows to watch your girls if you have to use the bathroom as well.
· Come prepared with things to talk about with the girls and “games” to play during downtime (don’t worry, we’ll give you ideas at the information session!).
· Make sure you are touching on the importance of sport & physical activity in your life, the impact college has had on your life, as well as being active on campus.
· Be punctual! You will have a group leader keeping you and your girls on track, be respectful of them and keep the girls moving, we are on a tight schedule!
· Put your cell phones away! Dedicate your time to the girls, your text messages will be there when we’re done, please focus on the girls. NO PICTURES, we will have a photographer present to take event photos
· Remember you are representing UTC- make sure we are making a positive impression with these girls- no swearing, no talking of personal problems, no talking about inappropriate extracurricular activities!
· Don’t give out personal contact information, ESPECIALLY cell phone numbers. We know this is a very unique opportunity and you may want continue your mentoring relationship after the game. If this is the case, the Women’s Center has CGLA volunteer forms you can fill out.
· Don’t be afraid to say “NO”- they’re kids, they’re going to try and push the limits- be the adult!
· By giving your time you are now a part of an event that will leave a lasting impact on these girls’ lives, take pride in your service and enjoy yourself!
We know these are basic items, but worth mentioning! If you have any questions before or throughout the event, feel free to reach out to any of the event staff (we will introduce ourselves at each information session and we’ll be wearing neon the day of the event so it is always easy to spot us). Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday, January 31st!!!