Request to use Exemptions or Equivalents and Level 3 Achievement Outside of the Regional Programme

Please return completed forms to by the last working day in October for consideration. Decisions will be confirmed in writing following consideration by the Access to HE Committee.

Provider Name:
Course Title:
(for which the Diploma is being claimed)
Course Code/ID:
(for which the Diploma is being claimed)
Name of Learner:
Registration No of Learner:
(if known)
Name of person making this request:
Telephone Number:
Email Address:

Section 1a - Please complete this section if you have a Learner bringing credits from outside of Open Awards Access to HE Regional Programme, i.e. from another AVA or gained before the Regional Programme was validated.

In the table below, please list the details of the Units that you wish to contribute to the Diploma, but which lie outside of the Open Awards Access to HE Regional Programme (see guidance) but may be seen as equivalents:

Unit Title / Credit Level / Credit Value / Awarded by / Date of Award / Certificate Seen

Section 1b - To be completed for Learners with Level 3 Qualifications other than Open Awards credits, e.g. an A Level.

Title of Qualification / Level / Awarded
by / Date of Award / Grade
(if applicable) / Certificate Seen

In the below table, please indicate which Level 3 Credits on the Open Awards Regional Programme you wish to exempt the learner from. Please Note, there must be a close match between what has been achieved, and the units for which you are requesting exemption.

Unit Title * / Unit Code / Credit Level / Credit Value / Module Title**

* This must be the title in the Regional Programme Unit Bank

** This must be the Module in which the Unit sits in the Regional Programme

Section 2

In the table below, please indicate the Units that will be studied from the Open Awards Regional Programme this year:

Unit Title / Unit Code / Credit Level / Credit Value / Graded or Ungraded
(G / U)

Section 3

On Successful completion of the course, how many credits will the learner achieve:

Achieved at Level 2:
Achieved at Level 3: / Graded

You must ensure that the total number of credits achievable is 60 with no more than 15 being at level 2.

Section 4

Please describe how the Individual Learning Plan set out above meets the agreed Rules of Combination for the Pathway:

I confirm that the individual Learning Programme Plan for this learner has been planned to achieve best fit with the agreed Rules of Combination for the Pathway and that certificates for any previously awarded Credits have been seen, and copies will be made available at Moderation.

Signature of person making this request:

For Open Awards Use Only

Date request received by Open Awards:
Date request returned to provider for improved clarity:
Date request reviewed by Access to HE Committee:
Committee Decision: / Approved Not Approved
Date Provider informed of decision:
Signature of Open Awards member of staff dealing with request:


September 2014

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