The Image of Gold Daniel 3:1-7


I was born in Wash DC. I have vague recollections from when I was 5.

Before my interview for NR, my cousin James gave me a night tour of DC

We saw th sights: White House, Capitol, monuments, supreme Ct,

archive, Smithsonian

Wash DC, big, impressive: reflect and represent the nation to citizens/visitors

Ancient Babylon was the most impressive city in the world in 6th cent BC

Euphrates ran through it, walls wide enough to run 2 4 horse chariot side

300’Ziggurat, Ishtar Gate, hanging Gardens of Babylon 1/7 wonder

ancient world

King of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar had big plans for Babylon – includ imag of Au

This AM look at the image of Au, dedication of image, 3 big lessons 4us

  1. Image of Gold 1

Image – could be of Babylonian god Marduk or of Nebuchadnezzar

Gold – rare precious metal, probably sheets of gold gilding

Height – 60 cubits = 90’ could include a platform

Width – 6 cubits = 9’, ~30ft3 Au ~17 tons if beat 1/16in thick

Proportions are wrong for a man, something like a totem pole

Main point is impressive because of height and gold

For comparison: statue of liberty 151’, pedestal 154’

Sphinx 65’high, 260’long, 20 ‘ wide

Colossus of Rhodes 98’ high, bronze

Plain of Dura – near city of Babylon, several possible sites 6-15miles

  1. Dedication of Image 2-7
  2. Guests 2,3Sent for and gathered:

satraps, administrators, governors, counselors, treasurers,

judges, magistrates, and all officials of the provinces

came and stood before Nebuchadnezzar and his image of gold

note the repetition of their titles in v3

  1. Command 4,5Herald announces when you hear sound of

Horn, flute, harp, lyre, psaltery in symphony w all music

Fall down and worship gold image Nebuchadnezzar set up

  1. Threat 6 Whoever does not, cast immediately into burning fiery furnace
  2. Result 7Music played, repetition of instruments named in 5

Note contribution of music for the dedication

All peopl of all nations fell down and worshipped N’s image of Au

  1. Three Big Lessons For Us

What was going on in Nebuchadnezzars mind?

Dream of imag of various metals, interpreted, he Babylon hd of Au

Overwhelmed by God: humbled himself, praised God

Between Daniel 2:49 and 3:1 about 20 years have passed, a generation

So after 20 years Nebuchadnezzar builds his Image of Au

1st Big Lesson – Remember to be overwhelmed by God 2Pt1:16-18; 1J1:1

Don’t forget what it meant to be overwhelmed by God

2nd Big Lesson – Follow what God says Mt24:14,35,44; 25:13

Don’t defy God. Think U can change what God said what God has

planned. Babylon was head of gold, ff by another kingdom

of silver. U cannot defy God

3rd Big Lesson – Worship is for God alone. Dt6:13; Mt 4:10; J4:22-24

Don’t promote worship of anything other than God

Anything or anyone other than God is unworthy of our worship