Stuttgart, 17.07.2009

Dariusz Majka

WarsawSchool of Computer Science


from the training in Unisolution

Re: Erasmus Other Staff Mobility

Duration of the training:


Main aims of training:

Getting to know unisolution’s software directed at higher education institutions

Participating in the activities of the company

Learning by transfer of knowledge and from good practices of the partner solution

Creating a relationship between Warsaw School of Computer Science and Unisolution company

What was doing?

Monday (13.07.2009)

  • Meeting with Marketing and Sales Manager (Joanne Wieland) –general information about Unisolution company (history, competence, team), presentation of unisolution’s software (usage, functionality), etc.
  • Meeting with Managing Director (Stephane Velay) –general information about company (history, today, plan for the future - to expansion, to develop, etc.), conversation about web-services for exchange of data and mobility between higher education institutions, etc
  • Meeting with Product Manager (Christophe Decombe) –conversation about technical details which are used to unisolution’s software
  • Short meetings with unisolution’s team (to know theirs role in a company)

Tuesday (14.07.2009)

  • Meeting with Software Development (Annita Veneti) –practical presentation of moveon software (usage, functionality, possibility) and testing of moveon software

Wednesday (15.07.2009)

  • Meeting with Managing Director (Manuel Dietz) –conversation about possibility to cooperation Unisolution company with higher education institutions from East-Europe, discussion about The QS One Institution Database Project, etc.

Thursday (16.07.2009)

  • Testing of moveon, moveonnet software
  • Discussion with Product Manager (Christophe Decombe) about plans for future to develop of unisolution’s software

Friday (17.07.2009)

  • Meeting with unisolution’s team – Marcin Gościcki (student from WSCS) was presented own proposition to implement in moveon software
  • Meeting with Marketing and Sales Manager (Joanne Wieland) – discussion about general proposition (bid for unisolution’s software, to offer a sum of money in order to buy this software)
  • Meeting with Managing Director (Stephane Velay and Manuel Dietz ) – conclusion, proposition concerning the future (cooperative links between our school and partner institution), etc.


Because mobility (student and staff) is one of the most important priorities of the European Higher Education Area, all from the higher education institution should be have implemented software, which auxiliary aninternational cooperation.

I would like to strongly recommend unisolution’s software for higher education institutions fromPoland (especially from Warsaw, for example Warsaw School of Computer Science, University of Warsaw, Warsaw University of Technology, Military University of Technology, and other).

Dariusz Majka