Thorndon CEVC Primary School- Governing Body- 2017-18

Name of Governor / Type of Governor / Date of Appointment / Term of Office / Appointing Committee / Business/
Pecuniary Interest / Relationship to School staff / G/AM* / Hearings / Appeals / Pupil Discipline / Finance & Personnel / Learning & Achievement / Health & Safety and Premises / Head's Perf Review / Individual Responsibility / Biography / Meetings Attended in 2017-18
Matthew Aldous / Co-opted / Nov
2016 / 4 years / Governing Body / G / * / * / C / C / I have been a Thorndon resident for 14 years, and work as an accountant in the local area. / 6/7
Nicholas Garner (Vice-Chair) / Local Authority Governor / Jan
2017 / 4 years / Local Authority / G / C / * / * / * / Vice Chair / I am parent of 3 children and work as primary school teacher at Ipswich High School for Girls. / 5/6
Victoria Gascoyne-Cecil (Executive Headteacher) / Head teacher / April 2017 / Governor at Worlingworth CEVC Primary School / G / * / * / *
Jane Pattenden / Co-opted / Sept 2015 / 4 years / Governing Body / G / * / * / * / SEN, Attendance, / I am have lived in Thorndon for just over two years and been a Governor at the school since September 2015. I have spent many years in secondary education in Inner and Outer London and latterly in North Devon as a SENCO and Assistant Head teacher. / 9/9
Julia Lall / Foundation / Ex Officio / PCC / Governor at Wetheringsett CEVC Primary School and Board Member for Tillian Partnership / G / * / * / * / I am Priest - in - Charge at All Saints Church, Thorndon, and regularly meet the children through Collective Worship. I have been a priest for 7 years and before that a teacher
Ruth Renaut / Parent / Jan
2017 / 4 years / Parent Nomination / G / * / * / Moved to Thorndon July 1997 and work for a local contract research company. I have three children, the youngest is currently attending Thorndon Primary school. / 5/7
Karyn Wilkes / Co-opted / Nov
2015 / 4 years / Governing Body / G / * / C / * / * / Link Governor / After completing a degree in Social Policy and Administration and a diploma in Practice Management I worked for PwC and the NHS. Whilst at home with my children I continued to be a part time clerk for local education and welfare charities, later becoming a trustee. I moved to Thorndon in 2010 and I also volunteer for the Waveney Foodbank. / 5/5
Lorraine (Janie) Wood (chair) / Co-opted / Jul
2017 / 4 years / Governing Body / Governor at Worlingworth CEVC Primary School / G / C / * / * / * / * / Safeguarding, Children in Care
Chair / I have lived abroad for 14 year, prior to that I ran 2 bookshops in London. On returning to the UK, I worked at St Mary’s University College as an administrator, running the partnership office for the PGCE department. Since 2014, I have been a Foundation Governor and Vice Chair at or partner school, Worlingworth. / 9/9
Neil Weedon / Foundation / Jan 18 / 4 years / PCC / G / * / I have lived in Thorndon for nearly 16 years and all 4 of mu children have been to the school. I have worked in secondary education for over 22 years and have previously served as Parent Governor at the school. I am also a member of All Saints Church, Thorndon and sit on the PCC.
STAFF / Staff / Staff Nomination / G
Danny Jones / Parent / Oct 2018 / 4 years / Parent Nomination / G / *