REGULAR MEETING / July 18, 2016
The regular meeting of the Peru Town Board was called to order by Township Supervisor Michael Hocking at 4:30 p.m. on Monday July 18, 2016 at the Peru Township offices, 1009 Peoria Street Peru, IL.
Peru Township Officers and Trustees present were Supervisor Michael Hocking, Clerk Steve Weberski, Assessor Douglas O. Biederstedt, Highway Commissioner Matt Debo, and Trustees Art Rigby, Douglas Bernabei, Eddie Mitchell, and Chuck Studer. Also present was Township Attorney Jonathan Brandt.
Supervisor Hocking led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Supervisor Hocking reported correspondence from Peru Township Republican Committee requesting use of the Township Board Room. The Republican group requests use of the board room for monthly meetings. Township Clerk Weberski, who is also a Republican Precinct Committeeman, would be responsible for access to the board room. The board discussed if the board room had ever been used by the public or political groups in the past. Supervisor Hocking stated the room had been used by Peru Township Democrats some years ago. Assessor Biederstedt suggested that if one party group were allowed to use the room then both should be allowed use. The board was in general agreement to allow use of the board room for meetings of the township precinct committeemen groups without prejudice.
No member of the public requested time to comment or address the Peru Town Board.
There was no motion to enter into Executive Session.
Supervisor Hocking requested the board approve previous meeting minutes.
Motion to approve previous meeting minutes by Trustee Studer. Second by Trustee Rigby .
Yes: (5)
No: (0)
Absent: (0) Motion Carried 5/0/0
Supervisor Hocking reported Real Estate and Replacement taxes received as follows:
Replacement taxes to Road Fund / $12,804.37 from which the City of Peru shall receive $2,560.87 and Peru Township shall retain $10,243.50. Replacement taxes to Town Fund / $3,164.56.
Real Estate taxes to Road Fund / $26,771.43. Real Estate taxes to Town fund / $48,335.47.
Current Fund balances are as follows:
Town Fund / $96,864.81
Road & Bridge / $42,655.15
General Assistance / $60,573.62 Total of all Funds = $200,093.58
Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report by Trustee Mitchell. Second by Trustee Rigby.
Yes: (5)
No: (0)
Absent: (0) Motion Carried 5/0/0
Supervisor Hocking instructed the Trustees to audit the bills and consider approval of all expenditures.
Town Fund $22,365.19
Motion to approve expenditures by Trustee Bernabei. Second by Trustee Mitchell.
Yes: (5)
No: (0)
Absent: (0) Motion Carried 5/0/0
Road & Bridge Fund $29,633.72
Motion to approve expenditures by Trustee Rigby. Second by Trustee Bernabei.
Yes: (5)
No: (0)
Absent: (0) Motion Carried 5/0/0
General Assistance Fund $0
Township Supervisor / Supervisor Hocking provided a report on General Assistance activities during the previous month which included four individuals picking up applications for assistance with no apps returned at this time.
Township Clerk / Clerk Weberski informed the board that the Township website will now include monthly disbursement reports for each fund. Mr. Weberski stated the reports for the first quarter of 2016 have been posted and he intends to provide future reports on a quarterly basis.
Township Assessor / Assessor Biederstedt reported he attended the PAMS Program Seminar in Elgin on July 7th. Assessor Biederstedt informed the board LaSalle County had conducted aerial photography of the entire county for entry into the data system however the photography was done at a time when there was excess foliage on the trees and the photography may have to be repeated. Mr. Biederstedt also reported on a $201.20 property tax bill received pertaining to a four acre parcel of property adjacent to the IV YMCA that Peru Township leases to the YMCA. Assessor Biedersedt believes there should be an exemption in order for that property. The board discussed the issue and decided that Attorney Brandt should look into the matter on behalf of the township.
Highway Commissioner / Highway Commissioner Debo had no report.
OLD BUSINESS / Discuss and vote on Salary Ordinance
Trustee Studer initiated discussion regarding IMRF eligibility requirements. Mr. Studer stated that if possible he would like to raise the requirement for Peru Township officials to qualify for pension benefits from 600 hours to 1000 hours. The board discussed the IMRF pension regulation changes that have taken effect within the past four years. Supervisor Hocking stated there is a Tier System currently in effect and he will do some research on the issue. Clerk Weberski pointed out the Salary Ordinance which the board will be approving need not include any mention of pension benefits for elected officials. Discussion turned to setting elected officials salaries with Clerk Weberski recommending the Clerk’s salary for the next four years be set at $8,840. Mr. Weberski based his recommendation on a monthly average of hours required to complete his statutory duties. Mr. Weberski pointed out that salary recommendation represents a 66% reduction from the current salary. Trustee Mitchell suggested further review of the TOI Salary Survey focusing on a specific comparison of Illinois townships with a similar population as Peru Township. Trustee Bernabei suggested it would help to have more defined duties of elected officials. Trustee Studer suggested $12,000 for Clerk, Supervisor, and Highway Commissioner and $100 per month for the Trustees. Mr. Studer stated he would like more information in order to establish the Assessor’s salary. Trustee Bernabei cautioned against going too low with salaries in order to avoid the possibility of discouraging qualified people from running for office. Trustee Mitchell suggested $10,000 to $12,000 for the Clerk, $100 per meeting for Trustees, approximately $20,000 to $22,000 for Highway Commissioner, and Supervisor at about $25,000. Mr. Mitchell agreed with Mr. Studer that more comparisons are needed to establish the Assessor’s salary. Mr. Biederstedt informed the board there are approximately 5500 parcels in Peru Township with about 4900 of those being residential. Trustee Rigby reminded the board that the annual budgets are the key to planning how the township operates and that includes providing for salaries of elected officials and any wages for employees. Trustee Rigby added his thoughts on elected official salaries as $100 per meeting for Trustees and $25,000 for Supervisor. The board continued discussion trying to create a balance between salaries and cost of operating the township office and the highway department with or without employees in addition to elected officials. Assessor Biederstedt suggested he will research some comparable Assessor salaries and report back to the board. Supervisor Hocking reminded the board of the importance of support staff in the township office and there is more clerical work to be done than the board may realize. Mr. Hocking was in agreement that the Supervisor’s salary should be reduced. Supervisor Hocking stated the board would need to create an expanded job description for what they would expect of elected officials. The board also discussed the cost of outsourcing clerical duties with estimates ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 per year. Trustee Bernabei stated he favors eliminating discretionary staffing in the township office and the highway department. Discussion continued regarding elected officials salaries including the Township Assessor. Trustee Bernabei pointed out that he believes the Assessor’s salary could be cut to approximately $36,000 per year. Assessor Biederstedt stated he does not believe a qualified assessor would run for office in Peru Township at a reduced salary. The board was generally in agreement that the Assessor position is vitally important and any reduction to the Assessor’s salary should be minimal. Board members agreed to revisit the Salary Ordinance issue at next month’s regular meeting.
Discuss Township Consolidation / Trustee Mitchell started the discussion with a statement describing his frustration with state legislators, particularly democratic legislators lead by Mike Madigan pushing for consolidation of school boards and townships. Trustee Mitchell stated the issue is being politicized by Mayor Harl as a democrat and he is driving the idea of consolidating or dissolving Peru Township for political purposes. Trustee Bernabei stated he believes the consolidation issue was initiated by Republican Governor Bruce Rauner and he recently spoke with the Republican Illinois Lieutenant Governor and he is totally in favor of consolidation efforts. Mr. Bernabei stated he is 100% in favor of the proposed referendum and asked what is wrong with asking the voters what they think, including asking the residents living south of the Illinois River. Trustees Mitchell and Rigby expressed concern about Peru Township residents in the unincorporated area being unable to vote on the issue. Trustee Rigby pointed out a ballot question asking voters if they want to save money is disingenuous because the result of such a question will of course be “Yes”. Mr. Bernabei suggested the Peru Township Board should have an up or down vote to determine if the board supports an advisory referendum. Trustee Mitchell questioned Trustee Bernabei why he voted in favor of the existing salary ordinance. Trustees Studer and Bernabei questioned why Mr. Mitchell voted in favor of the most recent tax levy. Trustee Studer suggested the Township Board should wait and see what the city does first. Clerk Weberski pointed out the importance of exactly how the wording of the question will appear on the ballot. Mr. Weberski stated the Peru city council needs to make clear their intent. Is it to consolidate with the township or is it to dissolve the township? Trustee Mitchell suggested the Mayor of Peru should not suggest to the press that money will be saved by consolidation without proof to verify that suggestion. The board discussed the possibility of communicating their concerns about how the referendum question will read and suggested Clerk Weberski draft a letter to the city of Peru prior to the next city council meeting.
NEW BUSINESS / Discuss and Vote on PADS Donation request / The board briefly discussed a donation request from PADS including past donation amounts. The board agreed to a $500 donation.
Motion to approve a $500 donation to PADS by Trustee Rigby. Second by Trustee Studer.
Yes: (5)
No: (0)
Absent: (0) Motion Carried 5/0/0
Yearly Abbreviated Audit / Supervisor Hocking reported the annual “abbreviated” audit has been completed.
Discuss and Vote on legal representation for Township consolidation / The board discussed if there is a need to hire special counsel to advise on consolidation or dissolution of Peru Township. The board agreed to wait to engage special counsel at least until the referendum question is decided upon. Assessor Biedersted asked if Peru Township received any communication from the city of Peru indicating their intentions regarding consolidation or dissolution. No member of the board indicated receiving any communication. Trustee Mitchell stated he knew nothing about the situation until it was reported in the newspaper and that is not good government and does not show good faith on the part of the city. Mr. Mitchell stated the Peru Township Board is currently on the right course for reducing the tax burden on township taxpayers. Trustee Bernabei stated he wants Peru Township to be involved as an equal partner with Peru in any discussion and research regarding consolidation. Clerk Weberski added that Peru Township should be included in the communication loop. Mr. Weberski informed the board he has contacted TOI officials regarding legal advice on the consolidation/dissolution issue and the board should be aware that TOI is clear that they do not provide “legal advice”. Therefore, Clerk Weberski suggested the board consider engaging special legal counsel as the issue of consolidation unfolds. Mr. Weberski will send all township officials the resume of a local government attorney that the board may wish to retain in the future.
PUBLIC COMMENT / Cynthia Carus commented on the idea of consolidation and inquired why the city of Peru thinks consolidation is a good idea. Mrs. Carus stated Peru Township is currently working.
ADJOURNMENT / Motion to adjourn the regular meeting of the Peru Town Board by Trustee Rigby. Second by Trustee Studer.
Yes: (5)
No: (0)
Absent: (0) Motion Carried 5/0/0
The Regular Meeting of the Peru Town Board was adjourned at 6:14 p.m.
Steve Weberski / Township Clerk Michael Hocking / Township Supervisor
Trustee Bernabei Trustee Studer Trustee Rigby Trustee Mitchell