Izabella Orzelski- Konikowski


  • Glue gun (Stanley GR20)
  • Dual melt glue sticks, 24 per pack (StanleyGS20DT)
  • Heavy duty aluminum foil, 12” and up
  • No –stick cooking spray, Pam
  • Pencil HB
  • Ruler, 12” and up
  • Plastic spatula, 8”
  • India ink (Dr. Ph. Martin’s, Bombay), various colours
  • Plastic board12”x 8” and up
  • Masking tape ¾”
  • Acrylic gel,regular(gloss)
  • Drawing paper to create a preliminary sketch
  • Brush ¾”nylonflat
  • Brush nylon small point
  • Acrylic paint (to cover glue lines), opaque, silveror any other colour
  1. Prepare a base for your stained glass: cover the plastic board with a sheet of aluminum foil. Fold the extra foil around the board edges and secure it with masking tape on back. Spray Pam on aluminum foil side covering the entire surface.
  2. Draw a template for your stained glass on a sheet of white paper. When satisfied with design, transfer (draw) it on the board using HB pencil. Make sure not to poke through the aluminum foil.
  3. Follow the pencil lines with the hot glue gun by covering with glue. Don’t rush through this step: move slowly to allow the pencil lines to be completely covered with an even thickness of glue throughout the whole design. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  4. Thoroughly mixacrylic gel with India ink in ratio of 1 L. of gel to 15 ml. of ink. If you desire stronger colour, use more ink and vice versa. Store the stained acrylic gel in a right sized plastic or glass container with a tight lid to prevent gel from drying out.
  5. Apply gel into spaces created by the glue lines; brush or small spatula will do. You can use various colours for separate shapes. Once acrylic gel is applied, even and smooththe surface with a wide plastic spatula. If you use more than one colour, make sure to clean spatula before changing from one colour to another.
  6. Let the project dry in a warm space (min. 10 hours).
  7. Once acrylic gel becomes transparent, apply acrylic paint (small brush) following the glue lines.
  8. Enjoy!

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact me at:

Izabella Orzelski- Konikowski

PH: 780-468-5150


I will gladly come to do a workshop in your classroom with your art students. My art repertoire is extensive and covers art curricula grades 3-12.

I am looking forward to hearing from you!
