Attachment B: Program Narrative - Editable Version


Proposal Format

The Narrative section is not to exceed 10 pages (8 ½ X 11), single spaced, single-sided, typed or word processed, size 12 font, with 1 inch margins. Page count does not include the required forms. – YOU CAN DELETE THE QUESTION NARRATIVE IF DESIRED. The Narrative Section in the RFP is the official RFP narrative.

I. Program Design and Description – 40 points
The program description must include information on the following:
  1. What target population will you serve? Describe the characteristics of this population such as geographic region, age, ethnicity, language, and other defining attributes. Describe the need for this proposed service and explain how you determined this need exists. Estimate the percentage of people served who are defined as “Priority Populations” in this RFP (see page 3).
  2. Describe how participants are referred to the program and list the agencies or entities that will refer participants for volunteer services. Describe how participants are screened and enrolled in the program, and how they access volunteer transportation service once they are enrolled. Explain how you screen and refer participants who may be eligible for other available transportation services, e.g., Para Transit. Describe your referral procedures for participants who may need other services, e.g., Senior Information and Assistance.
  3. What information do participants receive about the program, and who provides it? How do you record and keep track of service provision to participants? Describe how you monitor participant experience with the program, and how service delivery is adjusted according to participant feedback.
  4. Describe your volunteer management plan. How are volunteers recruited, screened and oriented to the program, including orientation to the sponsoring agency, purpose of the program, role of volunteers, geographic area in which they will operate their vehicle, rights and responsibilities, reimbursement, reporting requirements and evaluation? (Refer to ALTSA Program Guidance.)
  5. Describe your initial and on-going in-service or refresher training plan for volunteers, including training topics, frequency of training sessions, and how training is documented. Include in your description training requirements for all volunteers. How and when do they receive defensive driver training and passenger assistance training, such as ADAPT or PAT. Is it within the first sixty days following the initial driving assignment? If your agency’s policy is to train volunteers in first aid, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), how and when do drivers receive this training?
  6. Describe how drivers are made aware of trip assignments, changes in the transportation program, reporting forms and new requirements? How does your agency verify that drivers have received this information?
  7. Describe how your agency ensures that personally owned vehicles (POVs)driven by volunteer drivers are adequately maintained?
  8. Describe your volunteer recognition and retention plan.
  9. Describe how you monitor volunteer driver performance, including frequency and scope of performance evaluations.
  10. Describe how you will solicit and incorporate input from the target community / population into your program and ongoing services.

II. Collaboration and Cultural Competence – 20 points
  • Describe how the proposed project will collaborate with other transportation providers, agencies/programs to deliver services. What are the benefits of this for program participants? Please identify any areas that will consolidate the provision of services across agencies.
  • If the proposal includes collaborations and/or partnerships, name the partners in this arrangement. Explain the roles / responsibilities of the various partners. Please provide signed letters of commitment from any partner providing key program elements. Partnership letters will not be counted toward the maximum page limit.
Cultural Competence
  • What are the challenges that you have experienced, or that you anticipate, in providing services to people form diverse cultural and economic backgrounds?

III. Agency Capacity – 20 points
  • Describe your organization’s success providing this or comparable services. Include your organization’s ability to address changes in funding (including inflation); staffing; changing needs in the communities, and developing and/or maintaining Board or leadership support.
  • Describe your plan for staff AND volunteer recruitment, training, supervision and retention for the proposed program.
  • Describe your organization’s experience with data management - collecting, storing, and analyzing participant information and program activities. What is your technological capacity for tracking participant information and producing reports?
  • Describe your organization’s financial management system. How do you establish and maintain general accounting principles, sound accounting system, and internal controls? Entities without such capabilities may wish to have and established agency act as fiscal agent.

Olympic Area Agency on Aging

Volunteer Transportation Program RFP, Page1