Name______Period ______

Walker AP World History Ch 29Reading Study Guide #2 P. 700-718

1. What event opened the way for a decades long struggle for control of China? Pg. 700

2. What group would eventually prove victorious in this struggle? Pg. 700

3. Who planned to seize the vacant Manchu throne and start new imperial dynasty? Pg. 700

4.What was Sun Yat-sen’s Revolutionary Alliance? Pg. 701

5. Why did his “presidency” have little effective power in China? How was Chinaactually governed? Pg. 701

6. How and when did Japan attempt to make China a giant Japanese protectorate? Pg. 701

7. What was the May Fourth Movement? Pg. 701

8. Who was the first Chinese scholar to modify Marxism to “fit” China? How did he justify this? Pg. 702

9. What future leader came under the influence of this scholar during his school days in Beijing? Pg. 702

10. What is the Guomindang? What were their goals? Pg. 702

11. What was the WhampoaMilitaryAcademy? Who set it up? Pg. 703

12. Who rose to prominence in the Guomindang? How did he feel about the Communist alliance? Pg. 702-703

13. Describe Mao Zedong’s background.How did he feel about revolution? Pg. 702

14. How did Chaing Kai-shek become the nominal ruler of China after Sun Yat-sen’s death? Was he in full control of the country? Pg. 703

15. What was the Long March? Pg. 704

16. What were the causes of The Great Depression? Pg. 705

17. How was European prosperity “fragile”? Pg. 705

18. How did protectionism make matters worse? Pg. 705

19. What were the outcomes of the New York stock market crash of 1929? Pg. 705-706

20. What were some of the negative impacts of the Great Depression? Pg.706

21. In what ways was the Great Depression ‘a truly international collapse’? Pg. 706

22. What two possibilities were faced by parliamentary governments dealing with the Great Depression?Pg. 707

23.What was the Popular Front in France? Pg. 707

24. What was the New Deal in the US? Who brought it about? Did it actually solve the Great Depression? Pg. 708

25. How did the Great Depression lead directly to a fascist government for Germany? Pg. 708

26. Why did various groups support Hitler and the National Socialists? Pg. 708

27. What is a totalitarian state? Pg. 709

28. What was Hitler’s attitude toward and treatment of the Jews? Pg. 709

29. Where else did fascist and semi-fascist regimes crop up in Europe? Pg. 709

30. How did the Spanish Civil War break out? Pg. 710

31. Who led the fascist forces? Pg. 710

32. Who aided the fascist side? Pg. 710

33. Who aided or, at least, paid lip-service to aiding the republican side? Pg. 710

(Visualizing The Past:Guernica and the images of War, Pg. 711) Read it no questions

34. What was the condition of the middle class in Latin America during the 1920-30s? Pg. 710

35.What was corporatism? Pg. 711

36. Describe some of the reforms and achievements of President Lazaro Cardenas of Mexico. Pg. 711

37. How did President/Dictator Getulio Vargas reform government in Brazil? Pg. 712

38. What was Brazil’s role in WWII? Pg. 712

39. What has been Vargas’s legacy in Brazil since his death by suicide? Pg. 712

40. How did Juan Peron rise to power in Argentina? Pg. 712

41. How did Peron maintain power? Pg. 713

42. What were Peron’s reforms? Pg. 713

43. How did Japan’s government evolve into a military dictatorship in the 1930s?Pg. 713

44. What territories did the Japanese Empire control? What natural resources were they after? Pg. 714

45. Why was the Soviet Union “buffered” from the worst effects of the Great Depression? Pg. 715

46. What was the outcome of collectivized agriculture? Pg. 715

47. What happened to the kulaks? Pg. 715

48. What was the purpose of Stalin’s Five Year Plans? Were the successful? Pg. 717

49. To whom does Stearns compare Stalin? Pg. 717

50. What is Socialist Realism? Pg. 717

51. What was the purpose of the purges? Pg. 718

52. In what ways did Stalin develop a totalitarian regime in the USSR? Pg. 718

53. In what ways was the USSR threatened by Hitler’s Germany? Pg. 718

54. What do you think motivated Stalin into signing a Non-Aggression Pact with Germany in 1939? Pg. 718