Township of Bloomfield

Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes

Regular Meeting

February 9, 2012

The second regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Township of Bloomfield was held on Thursday, February 9, 2012 with a start time of 7:34 p.m. Chairman Michalski read the following statement:

“Notice of the time, date, location and agenda of this meeting, to the extent then known, was provided at least ten (10) days prior to the commencement of this meeting, in the following manner, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 231 of the Law of 1975 (The Open Public Meetings Act):

1.)  By posting such notice on the bulletin board of the municipal building and

2.) By mailing such notice to the office of the Independent Press, Bloomfield

Life, Herald News and the Star Ledger.”

Roll call showed the following members present:

Ms. Barucky, Mr. Sceurman, Mr. Rockwell, Mr. Bunin, Mr. Del Giudice, Mr. Prince, Mr. Balnicki, Mr. DeCarlo and Chairman Michalski. Also present was Nicole Brennan, Secretary to the Boards, Anthony Marucci, Consulting Engineer to the Boards and Michael Rubin, Consulting Attorney to the Boards.

Roll call showed no members absent.

Mr. Debold and Ms. Carroll were not reappointed yet.

Any and all discussion was recorded on audio tapes through the municipality and also through the Bloomfield Township Public Access TV Channel 35.

Resolutions were passed: 262 Essex Avenue-moved by Mr. Sceurman, seconded by Ms. Barucky.


Application of M & G Services as Applicant & Property Management Alternatives, Inc. as Owner for bulk variances and any such other relief as may be required from the Zoning Ordinance of the Township of Bloomfield to install an electronic message board on the existing ground sign and aluminum wall signs in a Community Commercial CC zone on premises known as Map 23, Block 603, Lot 16 better known as 17 Belleville Avenue.

A motion was made by Mr. Balnicki to adjourn this application, seconded

by Mr. Prince. All voting members voted yes on the motion and this application was

adjourned until March 15, 2012.


Application of Joanne Vandenbroek as Applicant and Owner for a use variance, bulk variances and any such other relief as may be required from the Zoning Ordinance of the Township of Bloomfield to construct a second floor addition and convert a one- family dwelling to a two-family dwelling in a residential one (1)-family R-1B zone on premises known as Map 33, Block 912, Lot 1 better known as 2 Stone Street.

Testimony and discussion followed.

Mark Maryanski-Attorney, Joanne Vandenbroek-Applicant/Owner and Steve Corso-Architect.

A motion was made by Ms. Barucky to approve this application, seconded

by Mr. Balnicki. All voting members voted yes on the motion and this application was



Application of Rosa Farfan as Applicant and Owner for a use variance, Bulk variances and any such other relief as may be required from the Zoning Ordinance of the Township of Bloomfield to construct an addition and expand on a non-conforming use in a General Industrial M-1 zone on premises known as Map 5, Block 63, Lot 21 better known as 41-43 LaFrance Avenue.

A motion was made by Mr. Prince to adjourn this application, seconded by

Mr. Bunin. All voting members voted yes on the motion and this application was

adjourned until April 12, 2012.


Respectfully Submitted,


Nicole Brennan

Secretary to the Boards