
Course Rules and Requirements

Instructor: Daniel G. Carter

Culver City High School

2016 – 2017

Course Description:

In this course the student will learn about the equipment, methods, and discoveries of astronomy from prehistoric times to the present. He/she will also learn about the principles of physics and chemistry involved in astronomy. During the course the student will make observations and records of the day and night sky using the school’s telescopes, instruments, and with the ‘naked eye.” This course fulfills the UC/CSU (D) requirement for a physical laboratory science.

Subjects covered:

  1. Measurement, investigation, experimentation; creating, analyzing using graphic representation of data to find and present astronomical conclusions.
  2. The history of Astronomy and how it demonstrates the development of the scientific method and how changing ability to observe changes scientific fact thus affecting acceptable scientific models and beliefs
  3. Newton’s laws of Motion, Gravity, types and conservation of energy and how they relate to Astronomical Motion (orbital etc.)
  4. Optics and how an understanding optics leads to an understanding of the Universe
  5. Earth the Archetype Planet
  6. The Moon and the Earth-Moon relationship
  7. The Solar System its members and origin
  8. The Sun our Archetype Star
  9. Stars and Stellar Evolution
  10. The Universe and Cosmology

Contact Information: Mr. Carter may be contacted at or by phone through the CCHS Guidance Office: (310) 842-4200.


Explorations, An introduction to Astronomy 4th edition, by Thomas T. Arny

Materials Needed:

Every Student should bring to class each day without fail:

  1. His/her Textbook
  2. At least two sharpened pencils with erasers
  3. A three-ring binder with three sections for Notes, Assignments (beginning with a list of assignments), and a section with at least 20 sheets of unused lined paper.
  4. A scientific calculator
  5. A compass (directional)...with an Azimuth Ring that moves!
  6. A theme-book

Should any student have trouble acquiring any of the above please contact Mr. Carter for assistance.

Behavior Standards and Expectations
  1. Respect your teachers, classmates and school. All forms of disrespect (including profanity) will not be tolerated
  2. Remain quietly in your seat, do not speak or leave your seat without permission.
  3. Come prepared to learn, bring your materials, focus on the task at hand, and do not distract others.


1st Offense:Verbal Warning, Parent contact

2nd Offense:Student conference with teacher, possible detention

3rd Offense (or serious offence):Suspension from the Class one day, Detention)

(Sent to Assistant Principal for remainder of period)

Attendance and Tardiness policy

It is important for students to realize that the state of California requires a certain minimum hours of instruction for a student to earn credit. Therefore the attendance and tardy policies outlined in the student handbook are in full effect. Truancies, unexcused absences and tardies will affect your Work Habits Grade.


Assignments will be given 3-5 times a week.. Time may be allowed in class but it is expected that a student will finish the assignment at home. Assignments will be due at the end of the in class time or the next school day if no other date is given.

Homework will be posted on the High School Website.

Make-up Policies

Students have the number of days that they were absent to do make up work provided that the absence is excused. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what he/she has missed. Not making up work will affect both your academic and work habits grades.

Grading Policy Academic Grade

Grades will be weighted approximately as follows:

Tests 60 %

Quizzes 10%

Labs/Sky Diary, Reports,

& Presentations 30 %

Grades will be calculated based on a percentage of possible points:

A90 – 100 %

B80 – 89 %

C70 – 79 %

D60 – 69 %

F59 % or below

Work Habits Grade

Your work habits Grade will be based on your attendance, and your effort. Tardies, truancies, unexcused absences and work not made up count against you. Effort includes Keeping a notebook and sky diary, bringing materials to class daily and completing assignments in a timely fashion

Citizenship Grade

Your Citizenship Grade is based on Participation, seeking/giving help, treating others and the school with respect, contribution to vs. disruption of the class, following class and school rules, and maintaining an appropriate demeanor.


(Please sign and return to Mr. Carter within three days of receipt)

I have read, understood and intend to abide by Mr. Carter’s Class Rules and Requirements for Advanced Astronomy

Student Name (Print):______

Student Signature: ______Date:______

Parent Signature: ______Date:______

Parent E-mail or Daytime Phone Number: ______

Last Math Class ______Grade