Evaluation Plan
Evaluation Plan for: UNDP Ghana
Programming Cycle: 2012-2016
Date: December 24, 2010
Evaluation Title / Partners(joint evaluation) / Strategic Plan Goal / CPD or CPAP Outcome / Evaluation Completion Date / Key evaluation stakeholders / Resources for Evaluation and Sources of Funding / Mandatory Evaluation?
(Y/N) / Evaluation Status* / Reports uploaded in ERC? (Y/N)
UNDAF Evaluations
UNDAF Mid Term Evaluation / UNCT / N/A / N/A / Jun-2014 / UNCT, GoG, other partners / UN Agencies
25000USD / Y / Pending / N
UNDAF final Evaluation / UNCT / N/A / N/A / June 2016 / UNCT, GoG, other partners / Un Agencies
30000USD / Y / Pending / N
Outcome Evaluations
National systems and existing institutional arrangements for Climate Change mitigation and adaptation and for disaster risk reduction as defined in the Hyogo framework for action are reinforced at the district, regional and national level. / N/A / Environment, climate change and sustainable development / 3 / June-2016 / GoG, UNDP and partners / UNDP, cost-sharing
24000USD / Y / Pending / N
Key national institutions of democracy facilitates decentralisation and participatory governance, promoting peace, human security and justice with an equity focus on vulnerable groups by 2016 / N/A / Democratic governance and sustainable development / 10 / Jun-2016 / GoG, UNDP / UNDP, cost-sharing
24000USD / Y / Pending / N
MDAs, the national population Council, Local Government and CSOs have effectively developed, funded, coordinated and implemented national and sectoral policies, plans and programmes aimed at reducing poverty and inequalities, and promoting inclusive socio-economic growth by 2016 / N/A / Poverty eradication and achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the MDGs / 11 / Jun-2016 / GoG, private sector, UNDP / UNDP, cost-sharing
24000USD / Y / Pending / N
By 2016, GoG policy, planning and budgeting processes at both, national and sub-national level, are evidence-based, informed by functional RBM and M&E systems, with a focus on disaggregated population and development data. / N/A / Improved evidence based decision making, monitoring and evaluation / 12 / June 2016 / GoG, UNDP and Partners / UNDP cost sharing
24000USD / Y / Pending / N
Other Evaluations
Mid term evaluation of Democratic Governance and Consolidation of Peace Cluster / UNDP, GoG and Partners / Economic governance; Democratic governance, access to justice, conflicts management and / CDP / June 2014 / GoG, UNDP and Partners / Country programme budget
20000 USD / N / Pending / N
Mid term evaluation of Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Human Development cluster / UNDP GoG and Partners / Policy support for sustainable environmental management, livelihoods and economic development, / CDP / June 2014 / GoG, UNDP and Partners / Country programme budget
20,000USD / N / Pending / N
Final evaluation of Democratic Governance and Consolidation of Peace Cluster / UNDP, GoG and Partners / Economic governance; Democratic governance, access to justice, conflicts management and / CDP / June 2016 / GoG, UNDP and Partners / Country programme budget
20000USD / Y / Pending / N
Final evaluation Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Human Development cluster / UNDP GoG and Partners / Policy support for sustainable environmental management, livelihoods and economic development, / CDP / June 2016 / GoG, UNDP and Partners / Country programme budget
20000USD / Y / Pending / N