First 5 Del Norte
Children and Families Commission
494 Pacific Avenue
Crescent City, CA 95531
REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, January 10th, 2017 3:00 p.m.
*Any person wishing to speak on any agenda item will be granted five minutes at the time the item appears on the agenda, or, in the case of a non-agenda item, may do so under the Public Comment Period. Please state your first and last name for the official record. The Commission is not permitted to act on non-agenda items.
Chair Athena Csutoras will call the meeting to order and will entertain requests for any corrections, deletions, or additions to the agenda. Chair will ask for introduction of all guests.
Regular Business
1. Consent Agenda: **
a. Review and approve the Minutes from the Regular Meeting of the First 5 Del Norte Children & Families Commission held on November 15th, 2016, and the Special Meeting held on December 13th, 2016.
b. Approve quarterly payment to the Family Resource Center of the Redwoods in the amount of $36,108.75, as specified in Grant Agreement #2016-17-06.
c. Approve semi-annual payment to FRC of the Redwoods for Food Council payroll services in the amount of $58,002, as specified in Agreement #2106-2017-01.
2. Review and discuss mid-year budget report. Direct staff as appropriate. **
3. Review and approve mini-grant applications: **
a. Del Norte Child Care Council for $500 to purchase children’s books to provide to home day care providers as incentives for participation in training opportunities.
b. Open Door Community Health Center for $510 to purchase children’s books for the Little Free Library located in the Community Garden and Playground.
c. Mountain School PTO for the Early Learning Center.
d. Howonquet Early Learning Program for $500 to create a Tolowa-language book with student art.
4. Review and approve the Lease Agreement between First 5 Children and Families Commission and the FRC of the Redwoods for three cubicles for the Community Food Council for DNATL for the period of July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2017. **
5. Review and approve a contract between GreenScapes and First 5 Del Norte Children and Families Commission for the garden expansion project.**
6. Authorize Executive Director to release a Request for Qualifications for a new outside auditor. **
7. Discussion and possible action on recruitment of alternate commissioners for the First 5 Del Norte Children and Families Commission. **
8. Discussion and possible action on Master Lease clarifications. **
9. Literacy and Ready4K Presentations/Updates.
10. Public Comment Period: Any member of the public may address the Commission on matters which are within its jurisdiction. If you are addressing the Commission regarding a matter on this agenda, you may be asked to hold your comments until the Commission takes up that matter.
Reports and Announcements
11. Commissioner and Commission Committee Reports:
· Child Development and School Readiness (Athena Csutoras and Jeff Harris)
· Legislation/Advocacy (David Finigan and Jeff Harris)
· Strategic Planning (Alicia McKellar and Warren Rehwaldt)
· Wonder Bus (Heather Snow)
12. Wonder Bus Report, Del Norte Childcare Council
13. VISTA Report: End of service report from Jasmine Thompson
14. Executive Director’s Report
15. Adjourn Meeting.
** Take Action as Necessary and Appropriate
Posted by: Angela Glore Dated: January 4, 2017