Elizabeth Martch-Harry, 84 Brickley Lane, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 3BW
Mobile: 07879 178204 Email:
To members of the Council
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Lyneham and Bradenstoke Parish Council at BradenstokeVillage Hall on Tuesday 13thFebruary 2018 at 7.00pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.
Members of the press and public are welcome.
Mrs E Martch-Harry - Clerk to the Council
Public Participation
a) To receive a report (if provided) from MoD Lyneham.
b) To receive a report (if provided) from Wiltshire Council Member for the Lyneham Division.
c) To receive comments from members of the public for consideration by the Council when discussing topics detailed on this meeting’s agenda only.*
*Please note: comments from members of the public for consideration by the Council should be made in writing, referring only to topics detailed on the agenda, and given to the Clerk either before the Parish Council meeting or during public participation time; members of the public can ask questions for consideration by the Council at any time and these questions should be directed to the Clerk of the Parish Council in writing.
Parish Council Meeting
- To receive and accept apologies for absence.
- Declaration of interests in items on the agenda.
- To confirm minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12thDecember 2017.
- To receive the Clerk’s report previously circulated to members.
- To receive an updateon the Welcome to Lyneham Signs.
- To discuss and agree on renewal of Parish notice boards for communication purposes.
- To discuss the MOD Track days and impact on local community.
- To receive an update from the Working Groups.
8.1Update on The Allotments
8.2Update on The CATG
8.3Update on the Maintenance Group
8.4Update on the Highways Group
9. Finance
9.1 To receive the bank balances of accounts to date previously circulated to members.
9.2 To agree payments in accordance with the budget as listed and previously circulated to
- Planning
a) To receive an update on Planning Applications:
18/00370/FUL Erection of agricultural storage & livestock building
The Tops, Barton Close, Bradenstoke
18/00374/FUL Erection of garage and workshop
The Tops, Barton Close, Bradenstoke
18/00424/FULDemolition of Existing Poultry Buildings and Replacement with 4 New Poultry
Buildings and Associated Infrastructure.
Lyneham Farm, Hilmarton Road, Lyneham
18/00714/FULTwo storey side extension and single storey rear extension.
34, Britannia Crescent LYNEHAM SN15 4AW
18/00777/TCAFell Sycamore Tree
The Stables 62 Bradenstoke Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 4EL
- Neighbourhood Plan - To discuss and to update on the Neighbourhood Plan.
- 1914 to 1918 WW1 and 100 Years of the Royal Air Force
a) 1914 to 1918 WW1 Commemoration, memorial update.
b) 100 years of the Royal Air Force Celebrations update.
- Emergency Plans update.
- Cross Keys Public House closure. Impact on community.
- Street naming on the new development at 97 Chippenham Road.
16. Exchange of Information - To receive and discuss items from Councillors for consideration on the
next Agenda.
17. Date of the Next Meeting.
The next meeting of Lyneham and Bradenstoke Parish Council is to be held on Tuesday 13thMarch2018 in the Lyneham Village Hall starting at 7.00pm.