Selecting A Screener: Comparison Grid
This documentis based on the RtI Center document, “Selecting Tools for Screening and Progress Monitoring” [see in Action»Implementation Tools] and was designed to facilitate comparison among screeners under consideration for use in your school.
DIRECTIONS- Enter names of screeners under consideration in the boxes at right.
- Determine a scale (e.g., YES/NO; +, √, -, N/A) to use in the grid that indicates the degree to which each screener meets the specified criterion.
- Add, edit, and/or delete criteria to fit the screening needs and priorities of your team.
Strongly aligned with outcome(s)for which we are screening
Strongly aligned with outcome(s) for which are relevant to the cultural beliefs, practices, and experiences of our students
Recommended for grade level(s) of interestand need
Classification accuracy: Accurately identify and categorizes students by risk status
Generalizability: Based on results from multiple and/or large studies
Reliability: Highly consistent results when administered as intended
Validity: Accurate indicator of student learning in area of screening
Disaggregated validity: Shown to be effective in schools with demographics similar to ours
Research-based benchmarks and norms providedthat are most relevant to the cultural beliefs, practices and experiences of our students.
Efficient to administer
Qualifications needed to administer screener match qualifications of local staff responsible for screening(i.e., cultural competence)
Designed to administer multiple times per school year
Efficient to score and document results
Results available and accessible in more than one way
Available in language of instruction for area of screening
Accommodations provided for students with disabilities
Alternate forms available for progress monitoring
Affordable to purchase and maintain (initial, ongoing)
Affordable to train existing and new staff (initial, ongoing)
DELIVERABILITY (Training and Support)
Multiple modes of training available to those administering screener
Multiple modes of training available to interpret results
Train-the-trainers models and materials available to support re-training and sustainability
Product support available beyond initial purchase and training
Checklists provided to support/monitor fidelity of implementation
DELIVERABILITY (Reporting Features)
Results available in visual display format
Reports available at student, class, grade, and school levels
Results can be exported for use in data analysis programs
Student- and parent-friendly reports provided
User-friendly guidelines provided for interpreting each report type
Longitudinal reports available
Reports available in languages used by families
DELIVERABILITY (Technology Needs)
Compatible with our technology
Interfaces with our Student Information System (e.g., entering student demographics in screener, setting up student accounts)
Skills required to install, maintain, support, and/or upgrade technology components match skills of internal staff
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