24th March, 2014


The mind is everything. What you think you become. -Buddha


The Parktone Community has learnt a lot about the 7 Habits and we are learning how to apply these habits at school and in our daily lives. The ideas included here are to help your family use these habits at home.

Start up a ‘15-minute a day program’ where everyone stops what they are doing and contributes towards completing a task, such as, cleaning the kitchen, helping in the garden, washing the dishes, sweeping the floor, cleaning up the room or any other task that would completed quickly with combined effort.


The brain uses over a quarter of the oxygen used by the human body.

This Week’s Focus:

Literacy- Persuasive

Maths- Directions- Left and Right

Intergrated- Healthy living


2A – Stevie / 2B – Matthew / 2C – Cindy
For caring about other people and being nice to his friends. / For being a proactive learner in completing all set work quickly and neatly. / For working really hard on her flip, slide and turns.

7 Habits Awards


2A – / 2B – / 2C –

Begin with the end in mind

2A – / 2B – / 2C – Tara

Sharpen the saw

2A – / 2B – / 2C – Luke

Put First Things First

2A – / 2B – / 2C –


Each great synergised together to create a whole class goal that they believe they will be able to achieve.

2A- Aim to bring their homework back on time every week.

2B- We aim to each read for 5 nights a week.

2C- We aim to eat 150 pieces of fruit or vegetable each week for term 1.

If you would like to see how the children are going, each grades goal will be tracked outside the science room. So feel free to go and have a look to see how well we are going.


Home Activities will now be sent home on Friday’s and returned to school on Thursday’s. The children are complete all sections which include, reading, literacy and mathematics. The Home Activities sheet must be signed by a parent, child and teacher each week. If you have any questions please write a note in your child’s dairy.


Thank you to all the parents that have already signed up to assist in Literacy Rotations. Your time is really appreciated!

If you have not received an email please update your details at the office.


RE will be taught on a Monday at 10.00am.

A form was sent home over 2 weeks ago asking for permission for your child to participate in Religious Education, if this form has not been returned you child will not be participating in RE anymore.

If you require a new form pleases see the front office.


A notice was sent home last week asking for your updated contact details. Please ensure that this notice is sent back to school ASAP.



Please make sure that everything that comes to school is clearly labelled with your child’s name and grade.


School hats must be worn during term 1. Please ensure your child’s hat is clearly named and feel free to supply your own sunscreen as well. Sunscreen is available in the classroom and will be offered to the children before going outside

If you require a hard copy of the Home Communication please write a note in your child’s diary.

Miss Macklin, Miss Lowe and Mrs Blampied