
Webster Elementary School PTA Minutes

November 8, 2012

The meeting was called to order by Donna Visscher at 6:58 p.m.

In attendance

Sally Birkmeier, Lora Boka, Debby Curley, Janice Erickson, Julie Hill, Jim Kidd, Terry Macek, Natalie Melnyczuk, Suzy Migrin, Melanie Sobas, Beckie VanHollebeke, Donna Visscher, and Kelly Walder

Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the October 11 meeting were distributed by Debby Curley, PTA Recording Secretary, and reviewed by the board and PTA members. Janice Erickson made a motion to approve as presented which was seconded by Beckie VanHollebeke. All present voted in favor of approving the minutes.

Report of Officers

a.  Beckie VanHollebeke, Treasurer

·  The 2012-2013 Working Budget and Treasurer’s Report were distributed by Beckie VanHollebeke, PTA Treasurer, and reviewed by the board and PTA members. Julie Hill made a motion to approve the budget including the $480 carryover from 2011, which was seconded by Janice Erickson. All present voted in favor of approving the working budget as presented.

·  Discussion occurred regarding updating the bank account to have online access to save the monthly fee for the paper statement.

·  IRS Form 990-N was filed.

b.  Debby Curley, Recording Secretary: None

c.  Melanie Sobas, Corresponding Secretary

·  What do we want to do for a 2006 ACAT student who recently passed away? Mrs. Macek will select a book title, potentially science-related, that the PTA can purchase in his honor.

·  All thank you notes are up to date.

d.  First Vice President: Position is vacant

e.  Janice Erickson, Second Vice President

·  Dine Out at On the Border made $125.

·  There is a Dine Out at Applebee’s November 29, the night of the Barnes and Noble library fundraiser.

·  Janice is actively working on two more dine outs.

·  An email blast, a bi-weekly reminder and a note home in the backpacks will all be sent reminding people that they can purchase scrip for both Applebee’s and Barnes and Noble to increase the donation to Webster.

·  Scrip orders have been occurring every two weeks as there has been enough volume to cover the shipping. Orders will be every three weeks after January. PrestoPay is being rolled out soon so people will be allowed to deduct the order from a checking account for $0.15. People will be able to purchase gift cards that can immediately be used online.

f.  Donna Visscher, President: None

Principal’s Report

Principal Lora Boka reported that positive feedback was received regarding the autism presentation. Future presentations will feature Down Syndrome and gifted children.

Staff Report

Terry Macek reported on the following:

·  The staff received training for Discovery Education, which included a lot of content and suggestions for how to incorporate the material into lessons.

·  Thank you to the PTA for paying the parking fees for the Youth Engineering and Science Expo field trip.

Committee Reports

a.  Walkathon

·  Receipts equal 97% of the $10,600 goal, so there will be an ice cream celebration.

b.  Fall Festival

·  Julie Hill, Fall Festival Chair, reported. The receipts were greater than expected. A suggestion has been received to have fewer prize choices, such as just offering eyeballs and pencils. The take home pumpkins were appreciated.

c.  December Movie Night

·  The movie night will be held December 7. It is a drop off event and siblings Kindergarten age or older are welcome.

d.  Holiday Shop

·  Holiday shop will be held the first week of December, Tuesday through Thursday.

e.  Membership

·  Suzy Migrin, Membership Chair, reported. 198 memberships so far. She is issuing a challenge: the first classroom from each program that gets 100% family and staff participation wins a prize worth $25 or less.

f.  Green School

·  Julie Hill reported. The Green Club is washing and sanding the bookends.

g.  Science Fair

·  Julie Hill, Science Fair Chair, reported. The first meeting was held today.

h.  Market Day

·  46 desserts were ordered, some by new customers. Since the goal was not reached, there will be no pajama day celebration.

Old Business


New Business

a.  2011/2012 outstanding invoices.

·  See Treasurer’s report above.

b.  Classroom Allowances

·  Janice Erickson made a motion to approve adding $250 to the Classroom Allowance budget, $50 each for the Art teacher, each Music teacher and each Physical Education teacher, which was seconded by Suzy Migrin. All present voted in favor of approving the increase to the Classroom Allowance budget.

c.  1st Vice President

·  The 1st Vice President, Thom Walters, has resigned.

d.  Trees

·  Natalie Melnyczuk reported that a nursery that is liquidating its inventory of 10-12 year old indigenous trees is making some of those trees available to Webster.

·  Planting will occur November 20. Trees are dormant so now is the perfect time to plant.

·  Volunteers are needed to help with the planting.

·  Students who wish to participate in the planting must sign up in advance.

·  MISS DIG will identify the best route for the trailer to use.

Open Discussion

The bylaws, which need to be reapproved every three years, will be revised and approved this year.

Next Meeting

December 13, 2012, at 7:00 p.m., LMC

Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

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